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News Coronavirus and NRL


First Grade
I dislike ScoMo but he is right not to overreact.

If we were rational about this only the people at high risk of complications would quarantine everybody else would go on with their levels.

A lot of those people who are of high risk warrant care from someone, multiple people even. How do we quarantine them?

What about people with currently undetected heart conditions? They're high risk, they just don't know it. Perfectly healthy people with respiratory problems?

To most people it is like a flu but to approx 1 in 50, it's critical.



When covid-19 is killing 1,000 people a day ( lower estimates of the flu ) let me know.

When it is killing 1000 people a day, this means there are about (1000/4%) 25000 new cases per day.

As it is highly contagious, and each new case is currently infecting about 2.5 more people, this means we are potentially only a week or two off 10 000 deaths a day. And then so many a day that the rate will drop off since so many will be infected or dead. If we get to 1000 deaths a day with this and we don't have severe social distancing measures world wide, we are f***ed.

And there is no vaccine. And there are possibly two strains, so we may have to deal with it twice. And flu, and all other causes of death are also increasing drastically as medical resources are stretched beyond breaking point.

If this gets to 20% of the world (flu sometimes does this in some populations, despite being less contagious and having vaccines for many parts of the world after it rips through China), and we are looking at 4% death rate, we are talking about 7 800 000 000 x 20% x 4% = 62 400 000 deaths (that's 62 million, 400 thousand). This is a bad case, but not even close to a worst case scenario.

And this is also not counting deaths from stretched medical resources or economic disaster.

That makes the 500 000 deaths from flu each year (on a bad year) pretty minor in comparison.


It would protect the segment of the population that makes up the vast majority of deaths.

For young and healthy people this is basically just a regular flu. To drive the economy off a cliff for that is madness.

For young and healthy people this is not a regular flu.

It is much more infectious. The overall mortality of flu is similar to the estimated mortality for young people from coronavirus. Flu also kills young people at a lower rate than average though, so they are not comparable.

Coronavirus kills young people at a low rate compared to older people, but still at 25 times the rate as flu.


And flu won't spread to young people's more vulnerable family members and kill them at the same rate. Most young people I know are rather fond of their family members and would rather not give them a deadly dose of coronavirus.

Again, 0.2% might sound like a low mortality, but that is still one otherwise healthy young person with a full life to live, in every 2500 if we get to a 20% infection rate. That would be one young student from the local high school population near me. At 40% or 60% of the population infected, with stretched medical resources, most high schools could lose a student, on average, to coronavirus this year.


You do realise that is an oxymoron?

Surely you get what he/she is saying though. It was made clear in that paragraph.

Perfectly healthy is purely metaphorical. No one is perfectly healthy.

Seemingly healthy though actually vulnerable is entirely normal.


Surely you get what he/she is saying though. It was made clear in that paragraph.

Perfectly healthy is purely metaphorical. No one is perfectly healthy.

Seemingly healthy though actually vulnerable is entirely normal.
Doesn't matter though as all anyone can do is follow the advice of the authorities and hope for the best! That is what I am doing and I will continue to enjoy my life without panicking in the mean time!


First Grade
But they are not perfectly healthy are they? They have a medical condition that makes them more vunerable to this illness!

If you want to be pedantic about it, anyone who isn't immune to the disease has an element of vulnerability to it and are also at risk of death.

The mortality rate is low but it still exists so it needs to be taken seriously.

Suspending the NRL season amongst other events won't stop the spread but it will help to slow it which in turn will ease the strain on medical facilities and hopefully allow them to identify and treat those who are at risk.


You see, this is the kind of stupid you just cant argue against. Prime example of willful ignorance. But I'll give it a shot.

So by your rules, if a real killer virus breaks out and slowly spreads it's way through populations, it isnt serious until its killing 1000 a day.

If the world waited for that milestone before they treated it seriously it would be all over.

You just cant argue against the rationale used by this poster and others. They refuse to engage their brains beyond this level of critical thinking.

Q. If covid19 infected as many people in a year as flu, and the mortality rate predicted for covid19 is even half accurate, even 1/3 accurate, how many body bags are we going to need?

You seeing any problem with your idiotic example yet?

If the mortality rate predicted (10-15x worse than flu) is '1/3 accurate' (which would be 3.3 - 5x worse) then we'd need about 11500 - 17500 body bags. Flu kills about 3500 people a year here.


If you want to be pedantic about it, anyone who isn't immune to the disease has an element of vulnerability to it and are also at risk of death.

The mortality rate is low but it still exists so it needs to be taken seriously.

Suspending the NRL season amongst other events won't stop the spread but it will help to slow it which in turn will ease the strain on medical facilities and hopefully allow them to identify and treat those who are at risk.
Mate I know the strategy probably better than most, I have actually researched this and not just listened to sensationalised headline.

The aim is to slow the spread and increase the peak so we flatten out the curve of infections.

Our health system is going to placed under massive pressure, that is why slowing the spread, increasing the length of the peak and keeping our health care workers healthy is going to be crucial. At some point private hospitals may have to be used to fight this as well. For the majority of the population that gets infected treatment will be rest at home, others will be hospitalised but they real worry are our aged care facilities which for a large number of people will be little more than palliative care.

There have been very little reports of this having a large impact on children and even in my age group (I’m 41) the death rate is 0.4%.

I’m not downplaying this at all, but we are in a much better position than most countries to deal with this. The USA is not very well resourced for what is coming!

Perth Red

Post Whore
If the mortality rate predicted (10-15x worse than flu) is '1/3 accurate' (which would be 3.3 - 5x worse) then we'd need about 11500 - 17500 body bags. Flu kills about 3500 people a year here.

it’s not, it’s tracking at between 0.16-3.4% depending on area, quality of treatment and age groups most affected. your run of the mill annual Flu death rate is round the 0.8-1%
There is still not enough evidence to suggest morality rates in a country like Australia will be significantly higher that the general annual flu deaths, hopefully we won’t find out!


Word on farcebook is xerri test came back negative
Bloody brilliant news if so.

I know it's selfish but I really hope no player tests positive just so games can go ahead, even if we can't go to games ourselves.

I don't know if good hygiene & protocols are enough though, it just seems inevitable a player is going to get infected and then the whole comp is off.

Knight Vision

First Grade
You see, this is the kind of stupid you just cant argue against. Prime example of willful ignorance. But I'll give it a shot.

So by your rules, if a real killer virus breaks out and slowly spreads it's way through populations, it isnt serious until its killing 1000 a day. that's the low end of the flu fatalities , 20,000 a day from starvation....oh but that's right fat rich people can't catch starvation.

If the world waited for that milestone before they treated it seriously it would be all over. if you are old, morbidly obese with diabetes and or cardiovascular disease most likely yes.

You just cant argue against the rationale used by this poster and others. They refuse to engage their brains beyond this level of critical thinking. :cool:

Q. If covid19 infected as many old or sick people in a year as flu, and the mortality rate predicted for covid19 is even half accurate, even 1/3 accurate, how many body bags are we going to need? quite a few.

You seeing any problem with your idiotic example yet?no, you're failing to grasp this with objective clarity.

Text book Dunning- Kruger trapped inside the Rupert Murdoch echo chamber. Not a good look buddy. When debating the intellectually vacuous slander often becomes the tool of the loser rendering it farcical, however I'll give it a shot. :rolleyes:

For most healthy people this is of no great concern, unless you have underlying health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes - facts as they are known thus far. Some people may not even show symptoms at all.

If you are old this is a very serious concern for you.- facts as they are known thus far. Overall fatality numbers are skewed somewhat due to age factors and other circumstances.

To put this virus in perspective it is not something to panic over, it is not an existential threat to humanity. Life will go on and you'll be able to continue to watch your intellectually stimulating nightly reality TV program, so calm down.

Covid -19 is like singing under the dappled light of a gum tree at the church BBQ compared to what's just around the corner. Retreating glaciers and thawing permafrost are not only releasing vast deposits of methane but also pathogens beyond your level of critical thinking....Covid -19 will barely rate a mention.

Scientific evidence suggests that within 30 years the real shit hits the proverbial. ....and here you are pontificating over a flu? ....pass me the kleenex.

If you think plebs panic over bog roll just wait until crops fail and the world fish stocks completely collapse ( est 30 yrs ) .....then ya gonna see some panic.....then ya gonna see some fatalities on a biblical scale.

This is nothing more than a dry run for the very serious shit to come. So sit back, grab the popcorn ( after you've washed your hands of course ) and enjoy the freak show. You've got a front row seat. https://www.academia.edu/37620051/What_Lies_Beneath_The_understatement_of_existential_climate_risk


Bloody brilliant news if so.

I know it's selfish but I really hope no player tests positive just so games can go ahead, even if we can't go to games ourselves.

I don't know if good hygiene & protocols are enough though, it just seems inevitable a player is going to get infected and then the whole comp is off.
They've had one already in SuperLeague, its only a matter of time.


First Grade
This is the most crazy thing that I’ve ever seen since I’ve been alive. This shit is unprecedented. Almost biblical.

This is bigger than biblical as the earths population has increased 1 million fold since then

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