Ben Stokes unloading on pommy media after they celebrated his heroics by detailing how hs mums former partner killed her kids.
Feel sorry for the bugger.,
This is his reward for winning the world cup and keeping england in the ashes
Ben Stokes attacks 'despicable' Sun story about family tragedy
England cricketer says front-page article about family trauma in 1980s is immoral
The England cricket player Ben Stokes has described a front-page article by the Sun newspaper about a family tragedy 31 years ago as “disgusting” and “immoral”.
In a statement on Twitter on Tuesday, Stokes said the paper’s decision to publish the story would have “grave and lifelong consequences” for his mother in particular. He claimed the story, which was also picked up by Mail Online, contained a series of serious inaccuracies.
“Today the Sun has seen fit to publish extremely painful, sensitive and personal details concerning events in the private lives of my family, going back more than 31 years,” he wrote.
“It is hard to find words that adequately describe such low and despicable behaviour, disguised as journalism. I cannot conceive of anything more immoral, heartless or contemptuous to the feelings and circumstances of my family.”
Ben Stokes
7:37 PM - Sep 17, 2019
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Stokes criticised the article as “the lowest form of journalism, focused only on chasing sales”, and asked people to respect his family’s privacy and right to home life.
“To use my name as an excuse to shatter the privacy and private lives of – in particular – my parents, is utterly disgusting,” he wrote.
Hacked Off, the campaign for media accountability, said: “This is an appalling invasion of privacy with no public interest justification. We have been told repeatedly by newspaper editors that ‘everything has changed’ since the
Leveson report seven years ago. It is abundantly clear that nothing has changed. Some newspapers are just as incapable of abiding by principles of human decency and basic journalistic ethics as they were during the
phone-hacking scandal.”
“The fundamental problem is the total absence of regulation across most of our newspaper industry. The self-regulator, IPSO, has the power to issue large fines and launch serious investigations into breaches of the editors’ code, but it has never done so. This is because IPSO is run by the same newspapers it is supposed to regulate. There is no deterrent from newspapers acting in this way time and again.”
A spokeswoman for the Sun said: “The Sun has the utmost sympathy for Ben Stokes and his mother but it is only right to point out the story was told with the cooperation of a family member who supplied details, provided photographs and posed for pictures.
“The tragedy is also a matter of public record and was the subject of extensive front-page publicity in New Zealand at the time.
“The Sun has huge admiration for Ben Stokes and we were delighted to celebrate his sporting heroics this summer. He was contacted prior to publication and at no stage did he or his representatives ask us not to publish the story.”