I don`t know why you persist in arguing about something you know very little about. Or do I? (In the industry we have a name for it, don`t we?)
See, Bob Fulton`s game was never based on speed and strength. But you wouldn`t know, because you probably never saw him play. You just make things up. Bobby Fulton based his game on acceleration off the mark and dazzling footwork, coupled with a great kicking and passing game. He was, in effect, the Benji Marshall of his day. A real athlete. But if you don`t know that, then chances are you haven`t got the vaguest clue about the quality of the players he played against. Nevertheless, you have your strong opinions.
As for Polynesian players - if what we are led to believe is correct (I don`t know) - they have less stamina than other players, so any advantage they have in the strength department should be quickly nullified. And for every polynesian player we have now, we had a Mick Vievers, John Sattler, Arthur Beetson, John O`Neil, Ray Branigan, Peter Diamond, Bill Mullins, Mark Harris, Jim Morgan, Ron Coote, Johnny Raper, Ron Lynch, Bob McCarthy, etc, etc, etc. Not polynesians, but big, strong, mobile and athetic men.
Going by your 'argument', Don Bradman could never be considered a true great of the game because the training methods and level of professionalism were not the same then as they are now.
In any discussion about the relative merits of players from different eras, it has to be taken as read that the training and physical fitness levels are relatively equal. Otherwise we would have the ludicrous situation of having to say that Todd Lowrie (for example) is a better player than Johnny Raper. But you know that. It`s a pity that you have to turn every conversation into a challenge that you have to win. I was hoping - in a thread about Mick Cronin`s son - that it would be nice to talk about how great Mick Cronin and others from his era were. But no, you have to win an 'argument'. So, despite the fact that you weren`t around at the time, and you`re only privy to half the information, I`m going to declare you the winner. You can trot off now and sleep easy tonight in the knowledge that you have been declared the winner of another 'argument'.
You mentioned in another thread that it isn`t every day that you learn something new. Little wonder.