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Crowd Watch 2013 - Part Deux

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Yeah, we are as clean as we can be.

Calling for 20k? So please tell me how many time the Raiders have played in front of that size crowd in Sydney?

A few times actually.

Even against Souths once upon a time. Way back in 87.
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Yes, we are the number 1 code in Sydney. You average all the NRL average home games in Sydney, compared to the AFL's, and we'll win. Remember the GWS Giants? The forgotten AFL team? I think their highest crowd may be our lowest crowd?

But do agree that the Swans numbers tonight are way better than the Rabbitohs numbers. Easier access from those working in the city to get to after work than Homebush? Maybe?

Red Bear

Regardless of excuses, when in RL heartland the fumbleball get more than double to watch their game.

The NRL declared they wanted average crowds of 20K by 2017 and except for the odd game I haven't seen many promotions or increases in crowds. The commission have a bit of work ahead in the off season
Our crowds were pretty damn good first 10 rounds or so (well above last year IIRC). But Origin takes precedence for 8 rounds or so, which just puts the main competition on the back burner, with rounds of weakened, tired teams, a lower standard throughout that period and people committed to the one big game rather than the smaller ones.

Whilst these two are in competition we'll always struggle through that period.

The best I guess is minimising the damage, but on weekends like this one where it's rained almost constantly for a week it's difficult


Tbh in broncos current form I'd love to see how "big" their crowd is after a week straight of almost non-stop rain. Not to mention souths play a half hour good drive from home territory, while suncorp is in the middle of Brisbane. So sick of everyone bagging Sydney crowds tbh. We pulled 51.6k on a good day in march. Suncorp can barely hold that. I agree souths advertise too many members for the crowds they pull but in similar circumstances I doubt Brisbane would have done much better. In fact I cannot remember the last Brisbane home game i seen in similar conditions to tonight's game...


We can't keep sugar coating this shit
Are we the number 1 code in Sydney. ?
The afl can make an argument based on tonight

Yes we f**king are and only a dimwit would suggest otherwise.

11000 is not great, in fact it's probably 9000 short of what it should be. Forget the rain, the issue is the ground. f**k Richo and the deal they made with ANZ, tye rabbletohs should be playing at sfs for regular games and only playing at ANZ for big drawing games.

ANZ is a mongrel of a ground and is not suitable for regular league matches be it pissing down or 25 degrees.

the dude

Yes we f**king are and only a dimwit would suggest otherwise.

11000 is not great, in fact it's probably 9000 short of what it should be. Forget the rain, the issue is the ground. f**k Richo and the deal they made with ANZ, tye rabbletohs should be playing at sfs for regular games and only playing at ANZ for big drawing games.

ANZ is a mongrel of a ground and is not suitable for regular league matches be it pissing down or 25 degrees.

Basically this.

I try and make it to all home games, generally about 80% - but it's hard to really get into it when there are 15,000 at the ground. It's only enjoyable with 30+

Best thing about ANZ is that it's easier to get there than the SFS from most locations. Apart from that give me the SFS any day


First Grade
Maybe fans are sick of getting pissed about like West Tiger's fan's having 4 home ground's or South's Sydney not playing in South Sydney or Central Coast fan's not wanting to watch other people's team's alongside of having etc etc the list is just too long for what is wrong with the NRL and some people want the big hit's of shoulder charge's and Biff.


Yes we f**king are and only a dimwit would suggest otherwise.

11000 is not great, in fact it's probably 9000 short of what it should be. Forget the rain, the issue is the ground. f**k Richo and the deal they made with ANZ, tye rabbletohs should be playing at sfs for regular games and only playing at ANZ for big drawing games.

ANZ is a mongrel of a ground and is not suitable for regular league matches be it pissing down or 25 degrees.

What do you mean "should be" mate?

Honestly what are we talking about here? Can you remember the last time the Raiders drew 20,000 in a rain drenched and dismal Sydney day? Never mind 20K what about 12K. When did they last draw 12K in those conditions?

Everyone has to get a bit of realism about what is potentially possible. Sydney clubs do not attract big crowds against the Raiders. Everyone accepts the Dogs are probably the biggest draw in Sydney....they have played the Raiders seven times at ANZ since 2006. Biggest crowd was 16,000 and average across the seven was 12,600 and that is the biggest drawing club in the city.

No Sydney club has drawn more than 16,000 V the Raiders in the past decade and possibly ever. What on earth makes us suppose that on a teemingly wet wintry day in the Origin window we could draw anything like 20K? On a beautiful day perfect for footy that game woud have struggled to 15K. Why? Not because the Souths lie about fanbase but because that represents a great home attendance V the Raiders and in the conditions the turnout was what would be expected.

By all means aspire to 20K but be real as well
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Can we put this down to another case of bad weather for the poor turnout?


The rain would have deterred some fans, especially families from attending. But I was disappointed with the crowd. I got to the stadium about 7pm and was shocked to see how small the crowd was. My worry was that it would not top 10,000. Yes it was wet, in was on TV and we were playing an out of Sydney team but that should not ment such a small crowd.

I ask that all NRL fans forget the rain, just rug up a bit, carry an umbrella and attend games this weekend.

Big Sam

First Grade
Good weather for MNF. If Easts don't get over 17k for 3rd v 4th, it'll show what a bunch of pea-hearted bandwagoners their fans really are.


The weather was bad but still a poor crowd. I see ANZ stadium has invested in a new and improved set of number stencils. Well done guys. There's just one problem.......the 3's are upside down.
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Would storm ever get twice the crowd of richmond going head to head. Appears about 100k people support the nrl in sydney.


First Grade
crap crowd

11K :sarcasm:
that's the modern Raiders pulling power, it being a Friday ... live TV & last nights weather & i don't think it would have got much more then 15K on a fine night either.
Sun arvo in good conditions & it would have got 20K though

this is the difference between the 2 days
it can be stark at times


crap crowd

11K :sarcasm:
that's the modern Raiders pulling power, it being a Friday ... live TV & last nights weather & i don't think it would have got much more then 15K on a fine night either.
Sun arvo in good conditions & it would have got 20K though

this is the difference between the 2 days
it can be stark at times

I agree that 15K would be a par crowd in the circumstances on a good night. 20K Sun arvo? Probably not. Nearer 17K. Raiders simply do not attract 20K in Sydney except in absolutely exceptional circumstances.
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