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Cut salary cap or we'll perish: Denis Fitzgerald

El Diablo

Post Whore

Cut salary cap or we'll perish: Denis Fitzgerald

By Dean Ritchie | May 28, 2008 12:00am

PARRAMATTA boss Denis Fitzgerald last night claimed overpaid NRL players must take dramatic pay cuts to ensure all clubs survive.

Amid talk that NSW-based clubs, particularly Souths, are facing extinction, Fitzgerald told The Daily Telegraph the NRL should reduce the salary cap from $4 million back to $3.5 million.

Fitzgerald said the cap should be decreased by $100,000 a season over five years to ensure reduced player payments and boosting each club's coffers.

But Fitzgerald's plan was met with opposition from rival CEOs, NRL boss David Gallop, RPLA chief Matthew Rodwell and leading player manager Steve Gillis. They claim such a move would lead to more stars turning to rugby or joining the English Super League.

Rodwell said the paycuts would also lead to a "player revolt".

But Fitzgerald, aware how licensed clubs are battling to overcome the State Government poker machine tax, said: "The salary cap can't go up - it should, in fact, come down. NSW clubs simply don't have as much money available as they used to in the past. Something has to give and one thing that should be cut back are player payments.

"It's better to have a reduced cap and pay the players in full rather than leave them in the lurch if clubs have to default on payments like what happened at the Northern Eagles, North Sydney and Auckland Warriors."

Fitzgerald said the reduction should start after the 2010 season.

"Obviously clubs would have to be given plenty of notice," he said.

"Most clubs would have their salary cap spent for 2009 and half of it for 2010.

"There will be arguments around rugby union and English Super League.

"But by 2010, it could drop by $100,000 and keep dropping by that amount for the next five years."

Manly chief executive Grant Mayer, though, said too many star players would leave rugby league if offered reduced contracts.

"We have made a rod for our own back," Mayer said. "What it may do is force our elite players overseas prematurely to either England or rugby union.

"Once you have given someone something, it's hard to take it back." Gallop said any cut in salary cap would be an "extreme measure".

"We need to be paying our players a salary that makes our sport attractive for the elite athlete," he said.

"But it's certainly a reminder that cap increases have to be considered carefully before they are introduced."

Rodwell added: "We wouldn't tolerate that. He (Fitzgerald) could have a revolt within his own playing group."

Player Managers Executive president Gillis said the players were entitled to healthy contracts.

"The players would be horrified (at cutbacks)," he said. "They earn every cent and are only in the game a short time."

wonder if he'll cut our spending regardless of what the NRL say

be hard to compete if we had to do that to guarantee payments


Thank goodness someone in the game is speaking out against the greed and spirally demands of post-super league players and their 10%er managers!

While other commentators have been towing the "raise the salary cap" line in recent years, finally people are starting to see through the dream that our game can afford to play players ever increasing amounts of money for their 80 minutes a week.

The leeches have almost squeezed it dry, now it's time to return to the sustainable professionalism we had before everyone involved got too greedy. I don't care how many shallow buck chasers leave for England or Union, instead of being happy earning a simple above average wage for plying their trade on field and entertaining the fans.

Then we'll see which of the players we like to put on a pedestal are really interested in league as a sport and way of life, compared to those who'll cry because they can't make extra money from making a shampoo commercial...


Not gonna happen, no way.
This would only increase the drain to rugby, and our best players will definatly go to ESL.
RL needs to go forwards not backwards.


If the salary cap gets reduceds then players must be allowed unrestricted access to acquiring their own sponsorship deals.
Other than that the league is going to lose the best players and the downward spiral isn't going to end.

Stagger eel

Staff member
I wish this guy would just shut up and start earning the fortune that the members are paying him to keep us afloat and competative..

no wonder why no one wants to play for us..


Staff member
players must be allowed unrestricted access to acquiring their own sponsorship deals.

I thought they already can. It just can't be deal organised by the club or a club sponsor to bump up his contract outside the salary cap. ATM Hindy could get a paid gig on 2MMM if he wanted to and it wouldn't be part of the cap.

PARRAMATTA boss Denis Fitzgerald last night claimed overpaid NRL players must take dramatic pay cuts to ensure all clubs survive.

Amid talk that NSW-based clubs, particularly Souths, are facing extinction, Fitzgerald told The Daily Telegraph the NRL should reduce the salary cap from $4 million back to $3.5 million.

Fitzgerald said the cap should be decreased by $100,000 a season over five years to ensure reduced player payments and boosting each club's coffers.
Double edged sword here. What he is saying is quite correct. At the same time it makes it hard to be active in the player market when we are proposing reductions in contracts.


NSW clubs simply don't have as much money available as they used to in the past. Something has to give and one thing that should be cut back are player payments.

Here is a crazy idea... now just here me out Denis

Go and get some more Sponsors!

You and those plebs that work for you, peel your lard as#es off your leather seats, rub your eyes and step out of the Leagues Club for five minutes and you will realise there is a whole wide world out there!

Stagger eel

Staff member
Here is a crazy idea... now just here me out Denis

Go and get some more Sponsors!

You and those plebs that work for you, peel your lard as#es off your leather seats, rub your eyes and step out of the Leagues Club for five minutes and you will realise there is a whole wide world out there!

FMD!!!!...stop talking sense son

fish eel

Here is a crazy idea... now just here me out Denis

Go and get some more Sponsors!

You and those plebs that work for you, peel your lard as#es off your leather seats, rub your eyes and step out of the Leagues Club for five minutes and you will realise there is a whole wide world out there!

you think running the game down like this saying we cant afford what we pap the players, talking down the financial situation the club is in would make us appealing to prospective sponsors?


Staff member
you think running the game down like this saying we cant afford what we pap the players, talking down the financial situation the club is in would make us appealing to prospective sponsors?

Becoming appealing to sponsors is a chicken before the egg scenario. Unfortunately sponsors want to be part of a successful and popular club.

Like Fitzy or not, its the current players, who are playing way over their handicap, who need to get the act together and play for what they get paid to do. On paper, we have the team to beat any side.


Maybe Fitzy needs to review not own his own salary but the people around him also who do nothing

The Colonel

That's the way Denis, drop the salary cap and use that as another excuse for signing Todd Lowrie to a three year deal and not Tony Williams.

Stagger eel

Staff member
I'd like to know if Dennis can take the lead and give himself a pay cut...

come on emperor, lead the way...


No Denis,

The cap should be raised.

If clubs can't survive and they fold then so be it. There are too many teams in the league as it is. If league wants to survive it needs strong clubs who are able to match the money on offer from Union and the ESL.

I think a 12 team comp would be ideal. Each team plays each twice. The total 16 team salary cap now could be spread among the remaining clubs. I'm sure it would stop players going to union or the ESL. We have to get rid of the deadwood clubs holding league back to make the game stronger.

I've been a Parra supporter all my life but if they can't survive a raised salary cap then they should just dropout. The survival of league is more important than any one club.


if the nrl and it's member clubs want more sponsorship revenue they need to put in place initiatives to increase club membership, put more bums on seats and need to stop being jipped by tv rights.

the afl i think have done it right. not sure if it has changed but the last time i was in melbourne people who were members of their clubs were given free (or cheap) general admission entry to the mcg and telstra dome. there are a lot of fans of the nrl that would watch games but don't want to sell a kidney for a ticket (another problem the nrl has).

i think playing 1/3 of all sydney club games from homebush with this type of arrangement would increase crowds, increase club revenue from the $$$ that homebush are paying clubs to play there, would lead to an increase in sponsor $$$ because of more bums on seats.

the nrl should also look at a local live tv blackout for games that aren't close to sold out at suburban grounds to try attract bigger crowds.

btw i think stagger may be onto something in the other thread re: his theory that we aren't spending up to the cap.
The problem is the only companies making money from rugby league aren't putting enough back into it. (Ch9 and Foxsports)

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