Yeah, I'm feeling a bit silly, and mixed up about all this.
Getting mad and wound up doesn't really help anyone, certainly not David's family.
This sports forum is a good way to share your memories of a sporting bloke at a time like this. And in a way I guess that's the most important thing.
But by F*CK I hope Reefy is right. Come to think of it, I have heard all the stories about what really goes on inside prisons. I'll bet there are plenty of 'lifers' inside who would have watched Hookesy at games in his heyday. I'll bet these blokes also hate cowardly thugs...I hope they treat them the same way they treat the child molesters. Basically I hope that before they split his head open on the concrete in the excercise yard, they butt-f&ck him stupid 10 times a day for a few years first.
So I'm angry. So what? These blokes, the whole 'crowd control' industry, they're all poor excuses of human beings. Actually, human is not a fit word to describe them.
And before anyone tells me not to 'tar them all with the same brush', I will say that I have NEVER met a bouncer/crowd controller/security guard/whatever who has made me feel safe. Every single one of them that I have ever dealt with has been a poor excuse, a wannabe copper. They've all applied to the cops. Rejected. The Army. No, sorry. The Correctional Service. Why, so they can beat up on people whenever they like? No, sorry, we know your game. Nick off, loser.
So they end up on the door of a nightclub. Playing up to the girls and muscling up on the blokes. Or at a footy game, looking tough in their hi-vis vests, talking into their sleeves like they are some important CIA presidential bodyguard.
The best security I have EVER arranged was a few years back at the Mt Panorama races. I was working for the race promoter, and we needed to ensure a trouble-free area where families could camp without fear of being run over in the middle of the night, or being hassled by blokes full of ink.
We got the Motorcycle Council of Australia to run the campground. Sure, we had the odd administrative problem, but there was no bloody trouble, and the families loved it. A new promoter came along and ceased that arrangement. Put a whole bunch of green-vested blokes in there. There's been nothing BUT trouble ever since.
The ledger WILL be squared, Hookesy.