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CYA Hookesy


sharknows said:
Willow, you should see what has been written in the SMH - you've got no problems. Any way you have to call it as you see it but I'm sure other readers would have been interested.
I know sharknow but we dont have the resources to take the calls. Once again sorry, but its happening in other forums as well.


There was a similar incident in Sydney where a bloke was king hit and hit the pavment hard. I spoke to a couple of D's at work and they told me the the forensic guys told them that if a person has been drinking alcohole and recives a large blow to the head the brain will shut down all the vital organs and funtions eg; how to breath, heart stops ect. Apparently the alcohole and the sudden shock triggers it and theres nothing anyone can do, this may explain why Hooksy was brain dead after the incident happened.


Well to say i'm deeply saddened is an understatement. David Hookes was a true Aussie Hero. There was no BS with him, he attacked everytime at the wicket and told us what he thought. RIP mate, you're a deadset legend
I hope this triggers a big rethink of how bouncers operate in pubs and clubs. The idea of bouncers was to firmly escourt patrons who were becoming a problem in an establishment and to keep undesireables out before they started problems.

In many places the wrong type of people have been gaining employment. All too often people are getting employed who have very short fuses, more concerned in showing off to mates and girls how macho they are, bait people for a confrontation when they didn't like the look of them or jealous because they were getting the attention from chicks, usually been in trouble with the law for assault on and off the job and the mentality of an ant.

Many bouncers take on the job because they want action. They want to tell their mates how they beat a guy to a pulp or how they threw someone down the stairs. There should be strict rules on what they can and can't do. I think owners of these establishments have to have greater responsibilities placed on them on any incidents of over aggression shown by a bouncer and found partly responsible for incidents that have just happened to a now deceased David Hookes. You can't tell me that the owner didn't know this guy had a mental problem? I mean these guys don't hide their attitude. Their got bigger egos than Julius Ceasar!

If I lived near that pub I would boycott it big time! Then the owner might rethink who he hires to hang from the ceiling and eat bannanas.

I wasn't exactly David Hookes biggest fan but the thought that he was walking to his car a good 50 metres from the pub and getting on with going home with his wife and friends to be king hit from behind (Like a coward would :evil: ) in such a senseless attack sickens me deeply!

It is so un Australian.......maybe thats the problem? :(
I agree 1000% per cent Dragon Slayer. I f**kING HATE BOUNCERS. 99% of them are the ABSOLUTE SCUM OF THE EARTH.

If I lived near that pub I would boycott it big time!
That's half the problem! They'd hardly care! In clubs they act like they're doing you a favour by just letting you in the door! No other business (except maybe the banks) act like they're doing you a favour by taking your money.

What about the f**kwits at *edit*? They are a deadset embarrassment to the Shire. A couple of them *edit* have turned beetroot red. If it's one in, it's all in. They hunt in packs. They do it to be macho men and to impress the girls. The chicks couldnt give a shit about them, a girl I know flutters her eyelashes at them to skip the line and get in free - then tells me how they are lower than dogs and how hideously ugly they are.


They do it for kicks and to feel tough. It's despicable. I've wanted change for a long time but felt so helpless about it. I think Peter Costello was talking about changes to the code...about time, hopefully Hookesy's death will be the catalyst for massive change in the industry!
SS, that was too close to direct allegations for me.

Whatever you've seen happen, it's this site that would get it if they decided to take it further.
Personally I think they should blood test bouncers & private security guards for drugs, inparticular roids. Anyone found to have used roids is automatically refused their ticket.

Mind you, this would probably reduce the industry by 99% overnight.

It will only be a matter of time before one of these scumbags uses "roid rage" as a defence of diminished responsibility.
Oh for f**k's sake. I'll edit out the name of the joint. Otherwise they can sue me if they have a problem with it. IT IS direct allegations because I've seen it with my own eyes. If those dumb shit no hope bouncers get their shit together and decide to take me to court, subpoena me via PM.

I agree 1000% per cent Dragon Slayer. I f***ing HATE BOUNCERS. 99% of them are the ABSOLUTE SCUM OF THE EARTH.


If I lived near that pub I would boycott it big time!

That's half the problem! They'd hardly care! In clubs they act like they're doing you a favour by just letting you in the door! No other business (except maybe the banks) act like they're doing you a favour by taking your money.

What about the f***wits at [a certain high profile Shire nightclub]? They are a deadset embarrassment to the Shire. A couple of them are so hopped up on roids that their skin has gone all wrinkly and their heads have turned beetroot red. If it's one in, it's all in. They hunt in packs. They do it to be macho men and to impress the girls. The chicks couldnt give a sh*t about them, a girl I know flutters her eyelashes at them to skip the line and get in free - then tells me how they are lower than dogs and how hideously ugly they are.

They throw people out the back and get on their radios and have a group beating. I didnt know this was part of 'security'. I didnt know it was part of the law either. More than once I've seen blokes get kicked out, then have their arms held behind their heads or backs while another one of those beetroot-faced animals smashes the victim repeatedly in the face. They hold the bloke's mates back while they do a number on the victim. If someone tries to stick up for the hapless victim, they get similar treatment. A few weeks ago I even saw a bouncer confiscate a guy's shoe that fell off during a fight on the pavement and walk off with it! He wouldnt give it back! YOU CANT DO THAT!!!!

They do it for kicks and to feel tough. It's despicable. I've wanted change for a long time but felt so helpless about it. I think Peter Costello was talking about changes to the code...about time, hopefully Hookesy's death will be the catalyst for massive change in the industry!


Draon Slayer, thank you. That is the best summary of the bouncer problem I have read.

I would really encourage all the young blokes on this sharks chat to take this as a lesson, please !

One punch, one punch killed this fine man. a night out, a beer or two, killed by one punch .

If you or your mates are ever thrown out of a club/pub by one of these gorillas, walk away and keep enoying your night somewere else, is it worth the ultimate cost that Hooksy paid ?


ShireShark said:
Oh for f**k's sake. I'll edit out the name of the joint. Otherwise they can sue me if they have a problem with it. IT IS direct allegations because I've seen it with my own eyes. If those dumb sh*t no hope bouncers get their sh*t together and decide to take me to court, subpoena me via PM.
It shows you know nothing about how this works.
If you mention a public organisation or person and make accusations, they wont be chasing 'Shire Shark'. The site owners get the phone calls and emails and faxes.

Very courageous of you to accept responsibility and challenge them to "subpoena you" but I think we both know that this isnt the greatest of offers when it comes to unbridled support.
Send me your address, phone, photo id, a $10,000 holding deposit to cover initial legal fees... and then you can say what you like.
And yes, I was being sarcastic.
So what youre saying is, some meathead bouncer is going to SUE YOU because some anonymous punter has said they treat people like shit.

1. They wouldnt challenge it because they know they do it. Theyre proud of it.
2. Theyve never gone through the legal processes before - why start now? They take the law into their own hands.
3. You think those idiots know how to operate a computer, or the internet for that matter?

Go mods go!!!


No. I'm saying that you have made a defamatory post. Dont mention the venue or people and you can say quite a lot.

Its pretty simple. Have you read the members guidelines about this? I'm not being a smart arse... a lot of people dont read them:

Members are asked to pay particular attention to any post which defames or vilifies a public person or organisation.
Implicating a person or persons by way of naming names is forbidden.
By defamation, we mean accusations of corruption or any other illegal activity.
Under such circumstances, the immediate deletion of such posts will be warranted.
Members who persist in posting defamatory material will have their membership suspended indefinitely.

You're not going to get shoved SS. But I do think you need to understand the guidelines and the reasons why we apply them. We may seem heavy sometimes but I know these forums are open because we have a reputation for having 24/7 attention to detail.
Its dead easy to shut down a forum which has little resources to speak of.


ShireShark said:
So what youre saying is, some meathead bouncer is going to SUE YOU because some anonymous punter has said they treat people like sh*t.

1. They wouldnt challenge it because they know they do it. Theyre proud of it.
2. Theyve never gone through the legal processes before - why start now? They take the law into their own hands.
3. You think those idiots know how to operate a computer, or the internet for that matter?

Go mods go!!!

The law is that they are not aloud to handle ANY patron!! (there is a defence clause in here though)If a patron becomes violent it becomes a POLICE matter.....also any assault is to be reported immediately.


The security company is a SEPERATE entity from the premisis in which they are employed!! It would be to easy to slap a suit on anybody that slanders that particular premisis (being that it is probably owned by a BIGGER company with alot more legal stouch!!! They might even own supermarkets if ya get my drift)


If you attack the security companies that are directly responsable(condone) this type of behaviour then I'm sure you wouldnt here a peep out of them as they KNOW...................they dont have a leg to stand on!


What worries me is that this dope that decked Hookesy is going to come up with a defence that he only punched him - That there was no other intent other than to land one on his chin and 'teach him a lesson' because he wanted to 'play smart mouth' some time earlier in the pub.

His lowlife Defence lawyer will say that it was not the punch that was the cause of death. That there was 'no intent' to cause death, therefore charges of murder or manslaughter are not warranted. Assault yes, but that's the best we'll see.

Well, we all know it was the footpath. Blame the footpath. It should have been made out of recycled tyres like the playpens at McDonalds, Your Honour! My client, your Honour, only punched him once. How was he to know Mr Hookes would be knocked out, rendering him unconcious and therefore unable to prevent his head from slamming into a dangerous footpath? Your Honour, my client is clearly unable to think that far ahead, he is not capable of associating one punch with a severe blow to the head from a nasty footpath causing massive head injuries and therefore death!

This jerk will be out in 5 years tops.

I'm angry.


he won't get out.

Some guys just cant make it through the system alive.

He will be one of them because he has infuriated too many camps here.

There will be plenty that will take it upon themselves to finish this guy off.

There are lifers who's only job is doing just this. Their families on the outside get the rewards.

Would anyone like to donate to this worthy charity?


Ok, now I know emotions are running a bit high, but let's chill on the bounty talk eh lads?

Thanks guys. Try and keep it positive, and less chat on the offing people. There are probably other forums around if that's your thing. Condolences, constructive talk about penalties and what-not, even veiled attacks implicating no person or establishment will be tolerated.

And hey, I think I'm being lenient. After all, this is a Cronulla forum...


Wasn't actually a collection as such.
It was more to illustrate that there will be no shortage of entities out to set the record straight.
This guys life will be in danger.

Danger of being upgraded to dead scum.

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