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Daily Telegraph Article Today - Gallop For Expansion

Perth Red

Post Whore

South Sydney hosts the Storm in Perth on Saturday night and Gallop said it was the perfect opportunity for WA to prove they had an adequate rugby league fan base to support a team of their own if the NRL expanded in 2013.
"In about 12 months' time when we've got a clearer picture of our media rights deal going forward we'll certainly be seriously looking at expansion and the bottom line is Perth's got a lot going for it," Gallop said.
"I guess Saturday night is an opportunity for people to vote with their feet and show us that they have got an interest in rugby league.
"Obviously the (NSW) Central Coast has a lot going for it as well.
"We've got a potential bid from Rockhampton but they don't have a ground at the moment.
"We've even got some enthusiastic people up in Port Moresby but if you line them all up at the moment you'd have to say the Central Coast and Perth are the lead contenders."


Yeah but the population is growing and growing. The advantage for the Central Coast is that it is rugby league heartland. .

And RL heartland that already gets about 6-7 NRL games a year at the stadium.

Someone said earlier that by putting a team on CC it would stop the AFL expanding there.

The AFL would be laughing at the NRL if it chose the CC as it's next "expansion" team.

In saying that, I do have a soft spot for Norths and if a CC team could also re-connect Sydney's lost North Shore area to RL then that would be a plus for them.


First Grade
good article on nrl.com today

gallop quoted as saying:

South Sydney hosts the Storm in Perth on Saturday night and Gallop said it was the perfect opportunity for WA to prove they had an adequate rugby league fan base to support a team of their own if the NRL expanded in 2013.

"In about 12 months' time when we've got a clearer picture of our media rights deal going forward we'll certainly be seriously looking at expansion and the bottom line is Perth's got a lot going for it," Gallop said.

"I guess Saturday night is an opportunity for people to vote with their feet and show us that they have got an interest in rugby league.
"Obviously the (NSW) Central Coast has a lot going for it as well.
"We've got a potential bid from Rockhampton but they don't have a ground at the moment.

"We've even got some enthusiastic people up in Port Moresby but if you line them all up at the moment you'd have to say the Central Coast and Perth are the lead contenders.""


Gallop's leadership in the wake of the Storm scandal has been first class.

He obviously really cares for the game in Victoria.

Should chopping the Storm and adding Perth be considered expansion?
the 4 key cities have to be:

1. Perth
2. Wellington
3. Brisbane 2nd team
4. CC

This would be my order but I'd be happy to see 2 or 3 get the second spot. Perth has put the hard yards in, crossing the country to field a team in the lower tiers and keeping a good junior base.

Wellington would, if run properly, add to the potential for Polynesians to play top level footy and stay at home which would, in the long term, be better for NZ on the international stage.

Brisbane is ripe for a second team and there's plenty of room in Qld for a fourth team. Would be great for rivalry to see two fully Qld games on one weekend.

CC isn't expansion. I don't see the merit in placing another team an hour's drive from Sydney.


Bring in Perth & CC. Some pressure needs to be put on the weakest link in Sydney to shift to QLD. Teams spending under the cap cannot be left to continue, we need to grow and move forward!
Equal first - Perth & CC(prefer a relocated Sydney team though by a length and a straight, too me the Sharks idea of sharking games there was very, very good, maybe even a merger a Central Coast Sutherland Sharks?)

Equal second - 2nd Brisbane team and a 2nd NZ team.

Distant 3rd - Central QLD team.

Besides that I really dont see any decent opportunities.


I reckon one side for NZ is enough at the moment. It's not like the Warrior's form is demanding another NZ side.

What does the Warriors form have to do with a Wellington entity?

That'd be like if Parramatta didn't already have a club, arguing their merits based on how good Canberra are going. Wellington is like at the other end of the North Island, not even within cooey of Auckland.


Curious, why hasnt there been the slightest peep out of Wellington? No bid? No mention of taking games there at all.

I would say that the slow moving centipede that is the NRL growth machine, I would say they missed the boat in Wellington to be honest. The missing ingredient is now a benefactor, like a Terry Serepisos type character. The Phoenix may have captured the fringe union fans in Wellington by now. What a massive missed opportunity that would be if that is th ecase :(

Perth Red

Post Whore
Rusty says make it so!


Academy Award winner and South Sydney co-owner Russell Crowe says Western Australia is ready for its own NRL franchise.
Crowe is in Perth to watch the Rabbitohs' clash with the Melbourne Storm on Saturday night.
Souths has played a number of home games in Perth, and Crowe says there is enough support for the league to return to Western Australia, 13 years on from the axing of the Western/Perth Reds expansion team.
"From what I know of Western Australia, there's a lot of people here that want to go out and see exciting sport," he said.

Kurt Angle

First Grade
I have to say, WA wasn't ready for an NRL side even 3 years ago, despite the optimists saying they were.

They are now.

if the ARL/NRl committed to some more games as well, test Vs NZ mid year would go well here, to build up some momentum, it'd be a flying start in 2013.


CC isn't expansion. I don't see the merit in placing another team an hour's drive from Sydney.
B*llsh*t. Giving a team to a ready made population of around 600k sounds like expansion to me.

Put it this way, I bet the CC Bears membership, merchandise and crowds would DOUBLE the GWS nuffies. Guaran-f*cking-teed!

Or put it another way. KFC want to build a new store. They have 2 choices: 1) a place with 600 000 typical KFC eaters, or 2) A place with 1.3 million vegetarians. Where do you think they would build?


Bring in Perth & CC. Some pressure needs to be put on the weakest link in Sydney to shift to QLD. Teams spending under the cap cannot be left to continue, we need to grow and move forward!


bringing in the CC would help heal some wounds still festering from SL at a time where the game is moving towards independance... Would help the game reconnect with disillusioned fans at a time where it seems the bad old days of Ribbot and conservative QRL are being relived.

Perth is the 4th largest city in Australia... no brainer.

QLD 4 is a good spot for a relocation...Sunny coast or West Brisbane most likelies and the sides most likely are Manly and Cronulla. The NRL just needs to make it worth while for a Sydney side. Or wait and see if Cronulla fold outright.

Wellington should be high on the agenda too.


B*llsh*t. Giving a team to a ready made population of around 600k sounds like expansion to me.

Put it this way, I bet the CC Bears membership, merchandise and crowds would DOUBLE the GWS nuffies. Guaran-f*cking-teed!

Or put it another way. KFC want to build a new store. They have 2 choices: 1) a place with 600 000 typical KFC eaters, or 2) A place with 1.3 million vegetarians. Where do you think they would build?

Using this argument, perhaps we should bypass the Central Coast and expand the NRL by putting a brand new "expansion" club into Blacktown.... since it has the most populous Local Government area in NSW. Addtionally it is under some threat from GWS and the potential to connect Parramatta with Penrith must surely be the final piece in the Sydney jigsaw.

I reckon the new "Blacktown" teams membership, merchandise and crowds would also double the GWS nuff nuffs, especially since they would be in direct combat, plus the government has declared it will build a state of the art 40k stadium in the local council zone. But I don't think at this early stage it needs a "Guaran-f*cking-tee".

What I will add in all seriousness however is how surprised I am by what some on this forum regard as "expansion". The Central Coast is more "consolidation" than serious expansion. Smart consolidation would be to strategically move current Sydney clubs to area identified for consolidation, but we all have our loyalties and I can't see this being acheived in my lifetime. Actually in hindsight, I'm amazed teams ever merged at all.

El Diablo

Post Whore

NRL chiefs poised to strike back

* Stuart Honeysett
* From: The Australian
* June 26, 2010 12:00AM

THE AFL is poised to strike on the Gold Coast and is now pushing into rugby league heartland in western Sydney.

The ARU is getting ready to challenge rugby league's fragile hold in Melbourne.

And the NRL? Well, if expansion was a race it would be running a conspicuous last - in desperate need of a compass and a map to find its way to the finish line.

Former rugby league hardman Gorden Tallis recently said on Fox Sports that in all his time as an NRL director, he never once saw a long-term plan for the expansion of the game.

But don't mistake inactivity for apathy. The NRL has an expansion plan in mind and part of it will be revealed when South Sydney hosts Melbourne at Members Equity Stadium in Perth tonight.

"The AFL hadn't expanded for a long time before (Gold Coast and western Sydney)," NRL chief executive David Gallop explained to The Weekend Australian after a whirlwind trip to Perth this week.

"In 12 months' time when the media rights position is clearer we will look seriously at expansion.

"The potential targets include Central Coast and Perth. Both have terrific facilities and a lot going for them."

The fact that Gallop has identified Perth and the Central Coast specifically speaks volumes for their chances and spells doom for other hopefuls like central Queensland or a second team in Brisbane. The game learned valuable lessons during the 1990s when franchises were established in the game's outposts like Perth and Adelaide with little regard to infrastructure and financial viability.

It is one of the reasons the code took so long to include another team and Gold Coast was made to jump through several hoops before it was admitted in 2007.

Unlike the AFL and rugby union, the NRL does not have a massive war chest to rely on to pump up a fledgling team in a hostile environment.

Putting aside the Central Coast for a moment, Perth appears to be an obvious and attractive option for the NRL when it looks to expand its borders.

The government is on board, the corporate support is strong, the city has a membership mentality and there is a purpose-built stadium.

Also working in its favour is the fact the time difference between it and the eastern states gives it a perfect late night timeslot for television games on Friday or Saturday nights. That fact won't be lost on Gallop when he sits down to negotiate the next television contracts, which expire at the end of 2012 and are expected to provide the game with a financial windfall.

Rabbitohs chief executive Shane Richardson said Perth had plenty of things going for it but would need to prove it could come up with $10 million a season to sustain a NRL team.

He added the push for expansion hadn't been helped by the QRL's stubborn resistance over the formation of an independent commission.

A commission is expected to inject more revenue into the game, possibly up to $20 million a year, which would help negate any argument a new team could have on the revenue for existing clubs.

"Of all the opportunities, Perth is a great one for rugby league and whatever we can do to support it we should do," Richardson said.

"We've got to have a view on expanding the game and what I'm saying commercially, television-wise and everything else-wise, the game would expand with having Perth markets.

"You've got to have 10,000 members minimum and you've got to have that corporate market where you know you're going to get support from major people.

"The money here with the mining companies and everything else is huge and I've got no doubt that they can corporately do around that $8m-$10m mark which is huge."

Richardson's blessing would be welcomed by WARL chief executive John Sackson who said they had been waiting patiently for a team since the Western Reds were culled as part of the peace process to end the Super League war.

"At the end of the day it is the NRL - the National Rugby League - and we believe it would be a very positive thing to see the game move out of its heartland and comfort zone and get on the front foot and take the game further afield," Sackson said.

"Certainly when you see the AFL aggressively attacking greater western Sydney and the Gold Coast, from a competitive point of view I would love to see the NRL get on the front foot and take the game outside the east coast."

Perth Red

Post Whore

NRL chiefs poised to strike back

But don't mistake inactivity for apathy. The NRL has an expansion plan in mind and part of it will be revealed when South Sydney hosts Melbourne at Members Equity Stadium in Perth tonight.
"The AFL hadn't expanded for a long time before (Gold Coast and western Sydney)," NRL chief executive David Gallop explained to The Weekend Australian after a whirlwind trip to Perth this week.

In 12 months' time when the media rights position is clearer we will look seriously at expansion.
"The potential targets include Central Coast and Perth. Both have terrific facilities and a lot going for them."
The fact that Gallop has identified Perth and the Central Coast specifically speaks volumes for their chances and spells doom for other hopefuls like central Queensland or a second team in Brisbane. The game learned valuable lessons during the 1990s when franchises were established in the game's outposts like Perth and Adelaide with little regard to infrastructure and financial viability

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