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Danny Buderus's shorts are wet


voltron said:
well murray doesnt know how to use either of them.
they should have brough gidley on like QLD brought berrigan on in game I
replace a 2nd rower or something

so keep buderus on the park, but give gidley good game time.

and the reason why farah was brought up is cuz ur a tigers fan
and have complained about buderus being there instead of farah
so while trying to make innocent statements about buderus being crap
everyone knows u have a 2nd agenda going there

I'm sick and tired of people making excuses for piss-poor performances by saying that a coach doesn't know how to "use" a player correctly. Great players adapt.

Big Pete

Farah is the style of hooker NSWs need. Buderus while good and his defence plying a crucial part in the NSWs line up isn't the answer. IMO Farah should've played ahead of Kidley tonight but it wasn't to be.

Farah > Buderus


well if a player is told to play in a certain way
and he does that, then i dont know why he is criticized for it
he adds no creativity.
well if his job is to just pass from the play the ball, its difficult to do those kinds of things.


First Grade
If Buderus was half as good as what Johns, Rabs and Sterlo make out he'd be working for the United Nations, bringing peace to Afghanistan.

Buderus lack of a kicking game really showed up this series without Andrew Johns.


Live Update Team
And NSW lack of attacking prowess really showed up this series without Andrew Johns ;-)


How about for next year,

6. Mullen
7. Farah

9. Buderus

The more I look at it the more I think it would work.


I saw him make a run from dummy half in the first half, apart from that all I saw him do was tackle and pass.

You do know don't you that the 'pass from dummy half' stupid tactic, was one of Murrays "brilliant" ideas. It just shows you how little QLD fans know about the game, if they think Murray did an outstanding job as coach, and it wasn't his fault.

Big Pete

So Buderus is a robot is he? Having to take Murrays orders the entire game. Surely he could've ran the ball more being captain and all but no lets blame it on Murray it's all his fault.


Staff member
mongoose said:
I think people are getting sick and tired of the knights love in at channel nein.

The Knights themselves aren't encouraging that though, Nein is. Not our fault.

Dummy half runs really aren't that effective from slow play the balls, by the time we played the damn ball 90% of the time Queensland were back and a dummy half run would do as much as a regular run.


o Buderus is a robot is he? Having to take Murrays orders the entire game. Surely he could've ran the ball more being captain and all but no lets blame it on Murray it's all his fault.

A coach is appointed to give directions. No matter who the player is, if the coach tells him to do something, the player does it. There isn't a player in the world who does(except those that don't get picked).

They don't pay coaches hundreds of thousands a year to be ignored.

It's not exactly a secret. It's well known that Buderus was told not to run from dummy half. Murray doesn't have a brain - he shows that by taking Buderus off and putting a player who isn't a hooker into hooker(Gidley).

Big Pete

I'm pretty sure Razor Danny ran once and made good ground from it.

Also is their a link to your theory? Or is it another lie you made up?


Also is their a link to your theory? Or is it another lie you made up?

Use your brain. He always runs a lot at club level, always for Australia, and prior to Murray taking over NSW, always ran a lot from dummy half for NSW. You don't seriously think, Danny just decided to start passing from dummy half for the sake of it, once Graham took over? And if he did, and went against the coaches gameplan, why didn't Murray get up him?

It's clear as day, it was Murray's tactics.

I'm pretty sure Razor Danny ran once and made good ground from it.

Exactly, and Murray showed himself up once more(which since 1994 he has done a lot) to be a moron who has no idea.

Big Pete


No proof once again and seriously if Danny was smart he would've kept doing it, instead he threw stupid passes to prop forwards on the fifth tackle.

Whats Doing

Looking at his career, he is without doubt the greatest hooker seen. There may be better in the future and Smith and Farrah are gaining ground, but he is the best seen over a long period of time.



No proof once again

I gave you the proof. In every match he's ever played, except the 6 in his career he's been coached by Murray he has run a lot from dummy half.

Also take a look at the tactics Murray has used at club level in the past.

Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out

and seriously if Danny was smart he would've kept doing it, instead he threw stupid passes to prop forwards on the fifth tackle.

He is a player; if the coach tells him to do something he needs to do it.

That's what they pay coaches to do. To develop a gameplan, who then gives it to his players to execute. Murray's gameplan was his stupid no running from dummy half tactic. Then taking off a player who plays 80-minutes week-in, week-out and putting an outside back, who is not a hooker and has no idea at hooker, into hooker.

Why don't you take off your biased glasses and see that your favourite coach is clueless. You're as bad as the Courier Mail, which keeps crapping on how good Murray is and how he shouldn't be sacked. Of course you and the CM don't want him to be sacked. If he stays QLD is guaranteed victory every year. If NSW had Gould or Belamy as coach it'd be 3-0 to NSW.

Big Pete

Bahahaha, I don't even like Grahem Murray, another lie from Razor.

Honestly you have no proof Razor that Murray told him too, you just keep sprouting sh*t.

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