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Darren Senter Retires


Mighty Tiger said:
No never achieved anything except for playing in the top grade for over 10yrs in the modern game as a Hooker/back rower not to mention remaining loyal throughout that period of time - something it is clear you have no idea about :roll:

LOL. Thank you for proving my point. Senter did NOTHING except for turn up and make up the numbers. Was he an Origin player? Did he play for Australia?

No and no. He is not a Balmain great like Pearce, Sirro, Roach or Elias so dont put him there.

"Darren Senter - I turned up for 10 years." Thanks for coming.

Senter does meet all the above so of course he is apart of the Tigers Spirit perfect example was when his dad had a heart attack but still remained to play the rest of the match after he found about this - not to mention the numerous times he has played with broken bones many of which numerous players including Buckets failed to do :roll:

Big bloody deal. O'Neill is 10 times the player senter is because he plays it tough and FAIR. He is not a dirty player or a cheap shot merchant. And guess what - everyone recognises this!

And like Sattler is any different, and its good to see that Sheens agrees with you :roll:

You're a deadset halfwit if you care comparing Sattler as captain to Senter. Sattler is inspirational - he knows when to calm things down and when to fire up. He knows how to talk to refs - he is respected by everyone. All Senter knows is to act infantile, give away stupid penalties and alienate the ref.

Key word is "were" isn't he club and on field captain at the moment ??? and how is the side fairing at the moment :roll: Did it ever occur to you that maybe instead of blaming the captain the coach should be blamed for the sides lack of discipline - but hey that would require logical thinking something you do not posses :roll:

Snip BS. So the fact that senter was a mediocre, ill disciplined cheap shot merchant we should blame on the COACH? Turn it up. Senter's actions are his alone.

Well going by the great Geoff Gerard’s comments he would disagree with you - especially considering he was on the verge at being selected for NSW :oops:

Number of Origin jumpers: 0
Number of Aus jumpers: 0

He would never of made the cut at any other side ??? Yeah that’s why the Bulldogs always wanted him to go back to the club and for allot more than what we offered him but hey nothing wrong with being targeted by one of the top line clubs in the NRL :roll:

If only he had gone.

Stupid penalties how many has he given away this year ???? Your the one who asks people to think and post facts well where are they ??? I guess they aren’t posted for the simple reason you don't have any proof - Incidentally he isn't even in the top 5 of our current WTS side in regards to giving penalties away ;-)

Yeah that's this year when Sheens has obviously been in his face telling him to shut the F*** up. In previous years, he has cost us SO MUCH. The whole game comes down to the little things - and it was the little things senter did that cost penalties and lost us matches.

If Senter is such a nothing player then how does such a nothing player end up in the modern game playing over 10yrs ???

Why is it that such coaches like Sheens picks him week in week out let alone select him as captain each week ???

Well its safe to say one thing is clear you really have no clue what so ever about rugby league, about heart, about passion and about a loyal club man ending his career!

Again you prove my point. He just turns up. He is not a Balmain great - so dont put himn in that league.

Mighty Tiger

goangod said:
Seems like the uppity Balmain supporters here can't bear it when one of their golden boys is criticised. It's hard for some people to be objective.

I wouldn't call him a "golden boy" but he is a loyal player who has offered both Balmain and the Wests Tigers some good years of service, he always played with heart, passion and always gave his best.

Sure he wasn't the best player to have played the game - but he was no where near the bottom of the list of players who have played the game.

goangod said:
If Senter played for any other club and carried on the way he did, everyone here would despise him. Just because he pulls on a tigers jumper doesnt make him a saint. He isnt some balmain legend retiring like Sirro, roach, Elias or Pearce - he shouldnt even be mentioned in the same sentence as those guys.

Did we say he was a saint ????

And for your information if he was playing for anothe club and I saw a topic on his retirement I wouldn't be saying he was a filthy player but instead like anydecent bloke I would be wishing him all the best - something it is clear your not!!!

Since your always right please enlighten us as to where it has been mentioned by anyone that he is in the same class as Sirro, Roach, Elias or Pearce ????


menacer said:
As far as I know, the "Dogs scum" you speak of played many more years for the Tigers than the Dogs.

Unfortunately, you can take a player out of the Dogs, but you cant take the Dogs out of a player

And judging by the majority of opinion here from Tigers fans, and what Ive heard from administrators and coaches, he is well respected for the service he offered as a Tiger in those years. Good on him.

People are going on as if he was some great all time player - BS. He will be forgotten the minute he walks out.

I could assess Darren Senter on that vast majority opinion of die-hard fans, or I could go by your opinion, which seems to come from some personal issue you have with him.

Did he deny you an autograph as a kid or something?[/quote]

Perhaps if you had been following the Tigers for the past 10 years (instead of the salary cap rorting, (allegedly) gang raping, police assaulting, Oasis corrupt Dogs) - you would understand how much senter has cost us over the years.


First Grade
He would never of made the cut at any other side ??? Yeah that’s why the Bulldogs always wanted him to go back to the club and for allot more than what we offered him but hey nothing wrong with being targeted by one of the top line clubs in the NRL :roll:

A few years ago Penrith made him a substantial offer as well before they picked up Priddis. I think that was towards the end of 2001.


goangod said:
menacer said:
I just cant understand it, thats all. Imagine being a player, putting all your sweat and effort in for your team week-in week-out, knowing that theres a "fan" out there that spits on that effort and committment... all because of some petty personality issues.

Menacer I'm quite surprised you have time to post here about 'personality issues' - I thought you'd be too busy tracking the court appearances of the dogs players this year.

How's the Reni Matua court case going?

Touche' goan.

Yes I am spending a bit of time following the Maitua case.
He's a good young player, and its dissapointing what he seems to have got involved in - but I am waiting to hear the outcome and hope it works out.

Contrast this with you're approach to support. A long-term club player retires, and pour scorn on him and kick him on his way out.
You attack apparently "uppity" Tigers fans for having the gall to thanks one one of their long-term players for his service, and wish him the best in the future.
You say things like "Stop carrying on as if Senter was some legendary Tigers player". I havent read anyone suggest Senter is the greatest player ever to play for your club.
In fact, once the post announcing Senter's retirement was made, it was you that jumped in, as a "loyal fan", and said something like "good riddance to bad rubbish"

Man, jumping in like that to attack the guy suggests you have some sort of ill-founded grudge against him.


goangod said:
Perhaps if you had been following the Tigers for the past 10 years (instead of the salary cap rorting, (allegedly) gang raping, police assaulting, Oasis corrupt Dogs) - you would understand how much senter has cost us over the years.

Right you are goan (with another reference that has nothing to do with what we are talking about).

But anyway, since I have been so pre-occupied with all that you mention, I would like to "understand" how much senter has cost you over the years..

Where should I start?

I'd say a tigers fan site would be a good place to start. Seems to me they might know a bit. But all I'm getting is all these people thanking Senter for being a good club man, and wishing him well. Hmm..not the hallmarks of a player that should be booted from the club.
Hang on..there is ONE bloke...he seems to speak the truth. Talks of Senter cutting deals with the devil and all.
Sure he is just ONE who believes that, but as an opposition supporter, Id probably HAVE to ignore the uneducated masses and go with his singular, lonely, unsupported opinion.

Mighty Tiger

goangod said:
LOL. Thank you for proving my point. Senter did NOTHING except for turn up and make up the numbers. Was he an Origin player? Did he play for Australia?No and no. He is not a Balmain great like Pearce, Sirro, Roach or Elias so dont put him there."Darren Senter - I turned up for 10 years." Thanks for coming.

So going by what you posted above any player who dosn't play for Australia or SOO is a nothing player :roll:

And you call me the halfwitt :lol: Give yourself a triple!!!

Has anyone mentioned he is a Balmain great or put him into that class ???? Please show us where it has been noted that anyone was mentioned him in the same class as Junior, Sirro, Blocker or Benny !!!!

goangod said:
Big bloody deal. O'Neill is 10 times the player senter is because he plays it tough and FAIR. He is not a dirty player or a cheap shot merchant. And guess what - everyone recognises this!

So the high shot he did on Williams wasn't a cheap shot :lol: Funny that after the game all the other players where talking about was the fact that Buckets got his revenge back on Williams to some degree :roll:

goangod said:
You're a deadset halfwit if you care comparing Sattler as captain to Senter. Sattler is inspirational - he knows when to calm things down and when to fire up. He knows how to talk to refs - he is respected by everyone. All Senter knows is to act infantile, give away stupid penalties and alienate the ref.

You still havn't explained as to why Sattler is such a good role model to the juniors - I mean he is always in the refs face - he does conceed more penalties than anyone else in the squad but hey your right he is such a discplined and well oiled machine not to mention above average :roll:

goangod said:
Snip BS. So the fact that senter was a mediocre, ill disciplined cheap shot merchant we should blame on the COACH? Turn it up. Senter's actions are his alone.

Where did I say that ??? you couldn't even get your words right after using the quote option how about you read it again since your thicker than a brick

"Key word is "were" isn't he club and on field captain at the moment ??? and how is the side fairing at the moment Did it ever occur to you that maybe instead of blaming the captain the coach should be blamed for the sides lack of discipline - but hey that would require logical thinking something you do not posses"

Ok for the thick as the brick goangod please note no mention on blaming the coach for Senters attitude but instead blaming not the CAPTAIN but the COACH for the SIDES lack of DISCIPLINE something you clearly disagreed with hence the above comment idiot :roll:

Yeah its the captains fault for the sides ill discipline but yet your willing to say its senters fault for his own so why wouldn't it be each players fault for there own ill discipline going by your wounderful logic :roll:

goangod said:
Number of Origin jumpers: 0
Number of Aus jumpers: 0

Big Whoop just because he dosn't play for Australia does that make him any less of a club man than some that do ???

goangod said:
Yeah that's this year when Sheens has obviously been in his face telling him to shut the F*** up. In previous years, he has cost us SO MUCH. The whole game comes down to the little things - and it was the little things senter did that cost penalties and lost us matches.

Ok to prove your point please show us where Senter compared on the Penalty count to the rest of his fellow team members - but hey I would hate for you to be wrong so no doubt you won't post them :roll:

goangod said:
Again you prove my point. He just turns up. He is not a Balmain great - so dont put himn in that league.

Once again has anyone put him in the league of a Balmain legend/great ???? Yet again as your never wrong and assume so much please show us where this has been stated :roll:


For f**k's sake goangod just piss off. Don't type here, don't read here just piss right right off.

Everyone is tired of your crap. You come into your own club's board and post negative tripe. Constantly. Its almost as if you are trying to get everyone annoyed.

Do us a favour and piss off.


And to Hollywood Daz, good on yer mate. A true legend and clubman. Senter was a rock for the club when we were doing it toughest, for Balmain and Wests. He's a champion bloke who shows that tenacity and courage are more important than size and ego.

Another great reason to get down to Leichhardt and send him off!


Goangod you ask for facts, well lets look at facts

Who has given away MUCH more penalties this season, Sattler or Senter?????????

Who is the captain that whinges after every penalty this season, Sattler or Senter?????????

Facts please mate???


goangod said:
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Was never a fan of his dirty tactics, constant niggling, underhanded playing style and conceding stupid penalties.

Please go and join the bulldogs in some capacity with Terry lamb.

An eye for an eye , and a gutless cheap shot for a gutless cheapshot so here we go -

For someone who professes to a christian, you've got the compassion of a turd, the generosity of my sphincter to gays (apologies to gays), the knowledge of an amoeba, and the vindictiveness of a harpy.

Go away and give yourself 1 zillion Hail Mary's, then hit confession so the priest can tell you to do a zillion more.

Maybe then we'll get some logic out you.


Thanks for ten years, Daz. I, for one of many, will miss you.


From a Balmain/West Tigers supporters point of view, we haven't had a great lot to be happy about since 1990, we have had many mediocre players, suffered many defeats, had numerous scandals surround the club etc etc

But in that time we have had a few players that have stuck with the club through the bad times and then more bad times. Yet during all this time Darren has managed to rack up 10 years with the club. He has played the game hard and may have caused some stupid penalties (as alot of players do), but he has always held the interest of the club as his number one priority.

99% of the Tigers supporters would be very happy with the performance of Darren Senter and I dare say 99% of that 1% who weren't happy with the performance of Darren would at least have something good to say about the bloke. He has just announced his retirement, the least any decent person would do is come one here and something nice about the bloke instead of bagging his career out.....

Best Darren Senter game, round 1 versus the Bulldogs in 2002. Against all odds the Tigers beat the dogs, Darren bagged a double and had a whale of a game.........

All the best Darren, it will be sad to see you go.....


I didn't bother reading most of this thread because it was just crap.

Darren will get a great send off this Sunday and I hope the team really lifts for him.

He has just as much club spirit in him as Mark O'Neill and that is saying something. He is not earning much this year but wanted to rack up 10 years with the Tigers.

Anyone who bags Senter obviously has no concept of club spirit. The bloke played through hypothermia in Balmain's last game at Leichhardt and has given his all for both Balmain and Wests Tigers. He may not be remembered as a great of the game, but I'll never forget his TIger spirit.

He has always had the respect and friendship of his teammates and coaches. Tim Sheens fought to keep him at the club for another year at the start of this year and I trust his judgment. He's always been one of the fittest and strongest at the club so obviously sets the standards at training.

When we started STR he was one of the first to commit to help out.

I won't be arguing about this because I really don't think its necessary.

Go Daz! Hope we sell out the ground to send him off.

tigpie cam

goangod said:
Yada yada yada.

No one can dispute what I said apart from making petty insults.

Senter is a crap player.

He never acheived anything - and would not make the cut at any other first grade team.

People say he has heart - big bloody deal. Mark O'Neill has heart, tenacity and courage. THAT is the kind of player that epitomises the Balmain spirit.

Senter was a cheap shot merchant. He is always doing dirty things and trying to get away with them. He is always in the refs face and pushing the boundaries. It is a disgrace that he was ever made captian - and the proof of this is that we were the most undisciplined side in the NRL when this was so. He always ranks highly on the "who would you least like to play with" poll as well. A terrible example to younger players.

Senter was a mediocre player.
Senter was a cheap and dirty player
Senter would never have made the cut at any other team
Senter gave away stupid penalties
Opposition players and refs hated him
Senter set a terrible example for younger players

Go on - instead of making your petty little insults - try and prove me wrong. Oh hang on, that would take intelligence, something many people here lack.
agreed , agreed , agreed.....the only one with the balls to say it. all you do gooders should go suck a fat 1.............oh darren your the greatest,oh we gonna miss you,oh what an inspiration..........gentleman please. the only reason he is loyal is cause no one else wants him.


Thank you Darren. I am 21 years old but only really got interested in footy in 1996 and since then you have been at the club. Its been great to watch you play and know you will go out every match and give 100%. I know the club will miss you next year.

goangod, I think deep down your a bulldogs supporter who wish Senter never left your club. He has been a loyal tigers player and played his guts out everyweek. Any tigers supporter who says otherwise isn't a true supporter.

tigpie cam

#4 said:
Thank you Darren. I am 21 years old but only really got interested in footy in 1996 and since then you have been at the club. Its been great to watch you play and know you will go out every match and give 100%. I know the club will miss you next year.

goangod, I think deep down your a bulldogs supporter who wish Senter never left your club. He has been a loyal tigers player and played his guts out everyweek. Any tigers supporter who says otherwise isn't a true supporter.
what r u on about clown......no one said he didnt try his guts out,its just that he aint or never will be good enough......oh thats rite, IMO.........and just cos someone has wrote this does not mean they are not a true supporter.....some of you love to tell others thier opinion. if you dont like it,tough......go grab 20cents,go down to the local phone box and ring someone who GIVES A FU(K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tigpie cam

#4 said:
Thank you Darren. I am 21 years old but only really got interested in footy in 1996 and since then you have been at the club. Its been great to watch you play and know you will go out every match and give 100%. I know the club will miss you next year.

goangod, I think deep down your a bulldogs supporter who wish Senter never left your club. He has been a loyal tigers player and played his guts out everyweek. Any tigers supporter who says otherwise isn't a true supporter.
what r u on about clown......no one said he didnt try his guts out,its just that he aint or never will be good enough......oh thats rite, IMO.........and just cos someone has wrote this does not mean they are not a true supporter.....some of you love to tell others thier opinion. if you dont like it,tough......go grab 20cents,go down to the local phone box and ring someone who GIVES A FU(K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No one is saying he was the greatest player. But people are saying thank you for his great service to the club for 10 years. H

If you want to bag a player who has played for us for 10 years and done his best then so be it. But I am glad Darren was at our club and will memory him as a player who always gave 100% for the black and gold (and then white also).

I am sure you were happy when he scored the winning try in round one against the Sharks and won the match and scored many trys with his dummy half runs over the years.


Godango you are the most negative person on this board. You only EVER come in here after a loss and bag the shit out of everybody @ the club. I have said you are not a true Wests Togers fan and now I stand by it. If Chris Paterson announced his retirement tomorrow I would say 'Best of luck to him' even though he has done sweet fa for the club.

Out of the top 25 players in our club, talent wise Daz would probably be in the bottom five. Heartwise noone would get near him. I have seen too many inspirational moments from him to list. Round 1 2002 when he scored two tries in our massive upset over the dogs. Leading a second half comeback V Parra in 2000 after seeing his Dad have a heart attack and get wheeled into an ambulance @ halftime. Once playing for Balmain V Newcastle with the game in the balance, he beat Mark Hughes, Robbie O'Davis and Timana Tahu in a 30m foot race to clean a chip kick up over the line.

The man may not be liked on the field by opposition players, OH NO CAUSE WHEN YOUR ON THE FIELD THATS WHAT YOUR MEANT TO DO, MAKE FRIENDS!! I can tell you EVERY player who played with Daz would rather no other man in the trenches with them. I have met him myself and can tell you he is one of the nicest fellows you will ever meet.

Mark O'Neil is a top player and an important part of our side, however if our whole team had O'Neils temprament you know how many games we would have won? NONE! A team needs players like Daz who is passionate and isn't scared to raffle a few feathers.

Well done Daz, thanks for the memories mate and all the best in the future.


^ I concur.

He was a player with heart and spirit. Some tries he's scored like the one against the Sharks this year or the Bulldogs in 2002 etc. no one else in our team could have scored. He had the most guts and determination, and I don't care if he wasn;t the most athletic or talented player to play the game, he is still a champion.

Great career Darren! Thank you and good luck!

Be there at Leichhardt