Well Mickdo... I don't personally (as a member) think it is/was that big a deal? It seems to be tied up in the actions of the incumbent Directors and Tingha proprietor, if there is something to be investigated.
Investigate it yes, but it made no difference to the result and imo is not as big a deal as the media made out. Do you need to stand down the CEO to investigate how 300 flyers came about? Or would you (normally) put the CEO in charge of the investigation, and it would be over in say one working day?
But if this is the grand plan for how they get rid of Fitzy, then I guess we just have to sit back and watch it unfold. Though I think that this issue and the other two Robert Sassen AGM motions (that weren't motions, as reported by Fishy) all fall into the continued bitch-fighting category, rather than initiatives raised in the club's best interests. At least he had the sense to say that he/they would now let the 7-0 pipedream go, so that's one thing.
I just want the new board - all 5+2=7 of them - to get on with the job now... election and AGM are over.