As a long time voting member of the Football Club, let me start by saying that I am yet to decide on my preferred candidates.
IN MY OPINION, the "campaigns" that have been run from both "parties" have been nothing short of atrocious.
As for the incumbents, their campaign has been conspicuous by its absence. We can only assume that no news is good news? Perhaps they figure they have the numbers already? Either way their campaign has been so poor that I am loathe calling it a campaign. I think over estimating the value of status quo may give them all a little surprise.
The information given from the P3 campaign on the other hand, has been all head and no beer. Not a schooner glass mind you. Not a "Bondi schmiddy" or even a middy glass. It's an unwashed shot glass' worth. You could drink it, but you would have to fight it down.
All I read in the letter sent (at least it was sent) was political propaganda. I first laugh at the "we will fill Parra stadium" and the "we will win a premiership" comments. Just how do they plan to do this? That is the information that I need.
I commend the P3 ticket's desire to be more transparent and accountable. Transparency, or perhaps member knowledge, is a major issue, particularly so for the new generation of members to the club. It would be great to be, as they say, "in the loop". However, how do they plan to become more accountable? Hold elections more frequently? Forced removal of underperforming board members? How will they be more accountable for their actions and/or performance? What changes will they make to ensure this?
As for their promise of increased revenue through increased sponsorship and other revenue sources. A bold statement to make considering the current economic environment (man I hate that phrase). Worldwide, sports sponsorship has been massively affected already. Strike any car manufacturer etc off the potentials list for a start. Once again, how do they plan to do this? New sales and marketing budget? New sales and marketing team? Out-source such departments?
As for the "list" of guarantees. It's just baseless propaganda. We won't repeat their mistake is a pretty poor guarantee for such an "important" election. The instigation for the ticket was June 20. Surely they could have come up with something more tangible than that in such a time period.
They then go on to list the candidates and their credentials. 3 of the 7 candidates, thats about 43% of the tickets, can only list their credentials as former Parramatta greats. I would have preferred to know exactly what they can bring to the table. What did Brett Kenny discover whilst labouring for a builder down the road a few years ago? What were the footy shorts (circa 1984) that he wore EVERY day telling him? Perhaps he discovered it waiting in traffic now that he has returned to sales?
Same of Eric Grothe. Although he has stated he just wants to do his little bit, whatever that means. It doesn't sound too convincing. As for Ray Price, please correct me if I am wrong (don't sue) but did he not go broke and/or bankrupt?
I'm sorry if that sounded like all out attack on P3, but unfortunately they are the only party giving anything worthy of discussion, however baseless it is. After all, it is a comment on the campaigns and if the incumbents don't have one I can hardly comment on it.
Unfortunately, the fact that most of the campaigning (from either party) has been done in this thread, on this relatively little known chat forum is absolutely laughable. I know that there is a link to this forum doing the rounds via email already ridiculing the club for the current situation.