I agree..and it is probably due for some of the Board to be voted off.
But Who? Mick Johnno? Chris Jurd? Geoff Gerard? Ron Hilditch? Alan Overton? Don Ritchie?
Anyone who thinks that Denis Fitzgerald should remain CEO without his performance being questioned. Anyone that hasn't made any meaningful contributions recently.
Would Pricey, Guru and Bert have the business intelligence to do an effective job in running a multi million dollar business????
A board should be made up of a variety of people. To be honest, the idea of voting for some people from one team and some from another is flawed. You need to vote for a TEAM. Unfortunately it doesn't normally work that way and the system is a little flawed, but it is the best one we have at the moment.
This seems to be a personal bid to oust Fitzy
No, it seems like a professional bid to oust Fitzy. Or at least the board.
- and he still has his job until he quits or is sacked..and I would like to know on what grounds he can be sacked?
Why is that? Does he not have a fixed term contract? If he is on some kind of contract that is open-ended that doesn't include performance indicators then the first people that should be voted off the board are ANYONE that agreed to that.
I am sure there are some lawyers that may be able to go into this in more detail than I can but if, for some reason, it is impossible to get him out of his contract, then it is the Board's responsibility to set the direction that it wants the business to go and it is the CEO's responsibility to then see that direction carried out. If Fitzy stays as CEO with a new board he would have to run the business how they wanted it to be run and if he didn't do that he could quite easily be sacked for performance related issues.
BTW ...I agree with Hindy's blog and what he said about Denis....
Hindy is a player who said he appreciated that Denis didn't get involved in football operations. Hindy may be God to us but his voice is worth no more than you or I - probably less given the angle he is coming from compared to us.
Give me an emperor to a yes man ANYDAY....
The problem is that Denis is the Emperor because the men that are supposed to be telling him what to do are the YES men.
In my opinion, the two best things said on here by PF are 1) that the Board should lead the CEO, and 2) that the members won't get a huge say in day to day matters.
That is how it should be. Members elect the board, the board sets the agenda, the CEO carries it out. If the CEO is not doing what the Board expect, then the board need to get rid of him or face being got rid of. At the moment the current board is keeping the CEO, so they need to go.