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Discussion with Pete Nolan

Stagger eel

Staff member
Oh dear.

The people who want to believe what they want to believe wont care about what is being done that they won't or can't acknowledge.

I guess they don't like hearing about how f**ked things were when these guys came in, or how long it might take to fix.

The quick fix, sack everyone, I-liked-the-last-guy-brigade should seriously just f**k off and find a new club let the rest of us go through the rebuilding process.

FMD!! steady on.......let me get the popcorn first!

ok fire away.....;-)


Post Whore
Why would you want a call from Nolan when you can get all the goss from IFreaks cousin?????

Good to see the club interact with the fans, and every time i hear Nolan speak i can't help but be impressed. Hopefully as a club we can jag a few wins and have some good news in the signing department quite soon.


Post Whore
I had a similar discussion with Peter Nolan after the Manly game. He actually walked up to me and introduced himself. I'd never met him, didn't know what he looked like and didn't actively seek him out.
He came across as a very confident forthright person.
He told me a lot of the things that MJC heard yesterday, and that is why I have kept the faith so to speak and have not been calling for further destabilisation of the club.
I can see what these guys are trying to do and believe in time, they will succeed.

Well done Matt for actively seeking answers, and in the most part, getting them. I'm curious to know why Bob Bentley couldn't have answered you himself, but that's a minor issue.



Oh dear.

The people who want to believe what they want to believe wont care about what is being done that they won't or can't acknowledge.

I guess they don't like hearing about how f**ked things were when these guys came in, or how long it might take to fix.

The quick fix, sack everyone, I-liked-the-last-guy-brigade should seriously just f**k off and find a new club let the rest of us go through the rebuilding process.

Are you f***ing kidding?????

These are the facts;

- We were in a battle for the wooden spoon last year and avoided it and came 14th

- We bought new halves because we identified we needed to win close games which we are still losing and we are now clearly cemented in the wooden spoon spot mid way through the year

- We have signed no-one for next year and by the sounds of it they are only "hopeful" we will

- We will be announcing re-signings.........so our current squad is shit but we are going to re-sign them.......Cool

- People within the club seem to be hell bent on letting anyone who'll listen that the previous coach was the issue and f***ed up so badly that even our 2013 salary cap is gone, seriously? That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard! There may be a couple who have something strange but considering the rest have either been re-signed by the master coach or are off contract I would love to know how or why we can be in serious trouble, adding to that we were after T-Rex for big money? I suspect it is just deflection, they seem very good at it

The clean out needed to happen (although we are re-signing a fair few), a structure and systems in place needed to be re-established, no doubt. The issue is that the guy in charge doesn't seem to be the guy that can execute this whole thing.

He needs to be given his 3 years but fmd when next year, we are the same as this year, maybe you blind faith people will see what a now majority of us see and realise Kearney was never the man for this job at this club, where the board are fans, not astute football operations people!

I could could give less of a f*** about the previous board or coaches and I don't want anyone sacked but it doesn't mean I can't see the current admistration and coach's deficiencies..........the leagues club may be running well, which is great but the part that I actually care about has fallen to complete and utter shit and all I hear about is how great this rebuilding stuff is going, without any proof!

I buy my 2 season tickets for myself every year, I buy merchandise, I go to away games, I go to trials........am I not allowed to have an opinion?

We are a laughing stock and for good reason and I don't see any evidence, other than coaching staff talking to complete strangers (Elementary, Delboy, Stagger & emjaycee) about how f***ing great the new bunch are and how f***ked the old bunch were.........here's a tip for them WE ARE DEAD LAST AND THE LAST COACH LEFT AT THE END OF 2010, IT IS NOW 2012!!!!!!!!!!

They should keep their mouths shut and fix the problems before big noting themselves!


Post Whore

There are so many assumptions in your post you blow you're own argument away. This is the kind of over emotional cry baby post that makes me laugh.

Sorry, MJC, but I don't get much from that post, either:

1) They won't tell the fans anything but they'll ring individuals and have 45 minute conversations? Sorry, but that's crap;

2) We will announce some retentions in 2 weeks. Retention of players in a squad that is running last;

3) Round 13 will come and go, with contracts then set in stone (you can back out until Rd 13) but we still don't seem to have signed anyone. After Rd. 13 there shouldn't be a need to keep signings secret;

4) Heavy focus on U20s and the system (which got some nice detail, thankyou).

So, in essence, what you seem to be saying is the 5-year plan consists largely of losing and trying desperately to avoid the wooden spoon, all in the hope that in 5 years we might have some U20s come through to make a decent squad.

It was real nice for you to get this call and I'm sure you're all chuffed about it. I don't see much good news coming out of it for our immediate future, though.


If anyone else gets the chance to have a convo like this, I'd like to ask if you put forward a simple question and get a real answer: Why are we coming last by a country mile?

Tony Bongo

Thanks Matt.
It's refreshing to hear that Bob Bentley passed on your email and that there was an attempt to have your concerns addressed. I am assuming that the fact that you sent an intelligent email outlining your professional background and the fact that you were an active member on the forums and could pass the word on, had something to do with you getting a call. At least it demonstrates that the club isn't currently using an ostrich approach and just ignoring the concerns of the fans.
It's great to hear that there will be news on retention (as has already been mentioned on the site) and MAYBE (???) recruitment. I assume that the maybe regarding recruitment means maybe they will be announced within 2 weeks or maybe later but we will definitely be signing on some new players for next year.
I find the comments on the salary cap imbalance interesting. I understand how they may have inherited what could be considered imbalanced, with regards to the systems they are trying to implement and the types of players they are looking for, but surely next year the majority of the balance will be restored after letting so many players go. Nolan and Kearney are responsible for the negotiations of every player on our roster for 2013 other than Hayne and Horo. I can see how things may have been beyond their control last year but recruitment now should hardly be effected. I find it hard to accept that Hayne and Horo could be putting our cap out of tilt as much as is being alluded to.



There are so many assumptions in your post you blow you're own argument away. This is the kind of over emotional cry baby post that makes me laugh.


What assumptions? Are we worse then last year? Have we made any new re-signings? Did emjaycee say Nolan was very unconfident about new signing? Did we not buy halves to solve the "close" loses and score more points, and are we scoring more points?

It's great that Nolan seeked you out and gave you what appears is the company speel, seriously, it obviously gave you confidence in the club and it's direction, I understand your stance and I wish I could take it, but I can't, I just can't see it, especially when we appear to be going backwards (also not an assumption, we are stone motherless last).

I meet great sales people all the time in my job (I'm not in sales though) who make you believe what ever they are selling but I need to work with the facts in my job and see for myself........most of these systems that I have been told about that are flawless have so many bugs that you spend all the money you were to save on fixing the issues and support........at the moment our club are just sales people, I need to see the proof that what they are selling me isn't buggy and will actually do what I need it to!


I find the comments on the salary cap imbalance interesting. I understand how they may have inherited what could be considered imbalanced, with regards to the systems they are trying to implement and the types of players they are looking for, but surely next year the majority of the balance will be restored after letting so many players go. Nolan and Kearney are responsible for the negotiations of every player on our roster for 2013 other than Hayne and Horo. I can see how things may have been beyond their control last year but recruitment now should hardly be effected. I find it hard to accept that Hayne and Horo could be putting our cap out of tilt as much as is being alluded to.

Let me clarify a little bit more if I can... there was NO discussion at length about individuals who are currently with the club and who are leaving and hence freeing up cap space or who specifically is being targeted for next year and beyond. The 'imbalance' comment was more in reference to when they arrived and what they could do for the 2012 roster, not what it meant for 2013 and beyond. A brief part of the conversation was about the need for squad balance with various levels of payments for players (eg. some highly paid, some middle of the scale and some at the bottom end). Sorry, that's all I really have on this matter.

So, in essence, what you seem to be saying is the 5-year plan consists largely of losing and trying desperately to avoid the wooden spoon, all in the hope that in 5 years we might have some U20s come through to make a decent squad.

One thing that was qualified is that the "5 year plan" label is NOT from Kearney or Nolan, but a media label. They expect results before that.


Sorry, MJC, but I don't get much from that post, either:

1) They won't tell the fans anything but they'll ring individuals and have 45 minute conversations? Sorry, but that's crap;

2) We will announce some retentions in 2 weeks. Retention of players in a squad that is running last;

3) Round 13 will come and go, with contracts then set in stone (you can back out until Rd 13) but we still don't seem to have signed anyone. After Rd. 13 there shouldn't be a need to keep signings secret;

4) Heavy focus on U20s and the system (which got some nice detail, thankyou).

So, in essence, what you seem to be saying is the 5-year plan consists largely of losing and trying desperately to avoid the wooden spoon, all in the hope that in 5 years we might have some U20s come through to make a decent squad.U

It was real nice for you to get this call and I'm sure you're all chuffed about it. I don't see much good news coming out of it for our immediate future, though.


If anyone else gets the chance to have a convo like this, I'd like to ask if you put forward a simple question and get a real answer: Why are we coming last by a country mile?



Post Whore
I'll make 2 posts - cos there are 2 different things I want to say ... firstly,

Thanks emjaycee for posting this ... I reckon its great that you sent the email and love how you said feel free to tell me to piss off (cos I don't really like ppl who just demand to be told stuff like they are entitled to know) ... and its fantastic that they got Nolan to give you a call and have a talk.

I really hope there's good news to come soon (maybe at least resigning sio or something) ..... and I really hope they take on board what you said about the need to communicate something positive - its cool to stop unnecessary leaks, but saying nothing is another thing.

I still have some faith that our situation can be turned around - obviously there'll be no '09-like event this year, but I hope they can improve towards the end of this season and start next season well .... we have better quality players than our results are showing, not saying we can win the comp, but we should be doing better - its the mental/attitude side of things that needs to lift

anyway - thanks again for sharing what happened with us :thumn


Further window dressing to hide the fact that we are stone motherless last with a coach with zero ability. Nolan can stay but Kearney needs to go.

I however thank emjaycee for the post. I admire his passion.


1. I still don't know why they rung some unknown and told him a bunch of garbage, some of which he is allowed to relay to other eels fans through Internet forums. What really pisses me off is that about a month ago the club held an AGM and by all reports, nothing like this was mentioned.

2. I reckon this forum will get some mileage out of "the pyramid".

Tony Bongo

I had a similar discussion with Peter Nolan after the Manly game. He actually walked up to me and introduced himself. I'd never met him, didn't know what he looked like and didn't actively seek him out.
He came across as a very confident forthright person.
He told me a lot of the things that MJC heard yesterday, and that is why I have kept the faith so to speak and have not been calling for further destabilisation of the club.
I can see what these guys are trying to do and believe in time, they will succeed.

Well done Matt for actively seeking answers, and in the most part, getting them. I'm curious to know why Bob Bentley couldn't have answered you himself, but that's a minor issue.


I'm curious too. For all his faults this was at least something that Osbourne was good at - keeping an open line of communication with the fans. He participated in Fanlink, turned up at PESC meetings to answer questions, sent emails to the members etc. It's time for Bob to step up to the plate in this regard.
Like MJC said in a previous post, the club has flattened the executive structure and IMO it's at the expense of the fans and much needed experience in running the football side of things. I wonder if this is making things tough for our recruitment endeavors at the moment? Maybe Osbourne played a bigger hand in that process than most of us are aware of? To me it's looking like we really need someone experienced in this area. Maybe Nolan could do the job if he delegated some of his current duties? Just a thought if they can't find someone else like Graham Lowe, who I think would be ideal.


Here is the Parramatta Pyramid


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