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Do Something

ruthless dragon

Enough is enough of this mediocrity.
The only way to get this sorted is a bombardment campaign using email and phone calls.
Think about it if every member here called the

Kogarah Football Office (02) 9587-1966

Wollongong Football Office (02) 4225-8299

St. George Leagues Club (02) 9587-1022 constantly 2-3 calls a week drive them nuts it will reach the media.

Emails hothothot@dragons.com.au any other emails that can be used please post.

I want to respect my football team I have had enough of this $hit.


Thanks lads,

I have sent my email to above address expressing my concerns. Suggest that other forum members be civil and explain their thoughts without going overboard.

Join in lads ,time to arrest the downslide now.



In people's opinion is it membership numbers or something else which will hurt the club the most?
Just sent my email

Here it is for the record:

To: The Board
St.George Illawara

I am writing to you as a supporter of the club who has attended games since 1963.

Over the past 4-5 years the administration of the club has failed its supporters miserably in terms of running the football franchise.

It has hired rookie coaches with zero NRL experience, generally former players.

In relation to the appointment of Paul McGregor as coach, Paul had very poor credentials.

He was a poor Cutters coach who enjoyed zero success. He was a poor attacking coach for Steve Price. He is along with Steve Price the worst coach to have ever been given the honour of coaching the red V.

Paul has set a record for achieving the worst results possible and maintains the mediocre approach of blaming everyone other than himself.

You are in danger of destroying a once proud club.

Act now.

Before it is too late.

If the board truly cares about this club they should:

1) Terminate Paul McGregor effective immediately
2) Call an extraordinary general meeting offering themselves up for re-election. Those with any dignity would not seek re-election.

I await your early response.


First Grade
Just sent my email

Here it is for the record:

To: The Board
St.George Illawara

I am writing to you as a supporter of the club who has attended games since 1963.

Over the past 4-5 years the administration of the club has failed its supporters miserably in terms of running the football franchise.

It has hired rookie coaches with zero NRL experience, generally former players.

In relation to the appointment of Paul McGregor as coach, Paul had very poor credentials.

He was a poor Cutters coach who enjoyed zero success. He was a poor attacking coach for Steve Price. He is along with Steve Price the worst coach to have ever been given the honour of coaching the red V.

Paul has set a record for achieving the worst results possible and maintains the mediocre approach of blaming everyone other than himself.

You are in danger of destroying a once proud club.

Act now.

Before it is too late.

If the board truly cares about this club they should:

1) Terminate Paul McGregor effective immediately
2) Call an extraordinary general meeting offering themselves up for re-election. Those with any dignity would not seek re-election.

I await your early response.

Don't hold your breath.

I also sent an email last night outlining similar to yours as well as mentioning recruitment,RGRV,boring style etc


Assistant Moderator
I have sent my email to above address expressing my concerns. Suggest that other forum members be civil and explain their thoughts without going overboard.
That's the key Lancelot and well said.

By all means express your views but do so in a civil and reasonable manner.

Remember that any email or phone call that is rude or aggressive will not resolve anything.


Assistant Moderator
Just sent my email

Here it is for the record:

To: The Board
St.George Illawara

I am writing to you as a supporter of the club who has attended games since 1963.

Over the past 4-5 years the administration of the club has failed its supporters miserably in terms of running the football franchise.

It has hired rookie coaches with zero NRL experience, generally former players.

In relation to the appointment of Paul McGregor as coach, Paul had very poor credentials.

He was a poor Cutters coach who enjoyed zero success. He was a poor attacking coach for Steve Price. He is along with Steve Price the worst coach to have ever been given the honour of coaching the red V.

Paul has set a record for achieving the worst results possible and maintains the mediocre approach of blaming everyone other than himself.

You are in danger of destroying a once proud club.

Act now.

Before it is too late.

If the board truly cares about this club they should:

1) Terminate Paul McGregor effective immediately
2) Call an extraordinary general meeting offering themselves up for re-election. Those with any dignity would not seek re-election.

I await your early response.
Thanks for posting that Saints Forever. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if others used that as a template for their own emails, customising it to suit their own stance.


Nice to see some momentum building....

Mine was short & sweet:

To whom it may concern,

As an avid Dragons supporter since the year of 1977, I am writing to advise you that the club will not see another cent from myself or my family either through game attendance or merchandise or membership until changes are made to the NRL sides coaching staff.

I know I am not alone among the fan base (the people who fund your club) in adopting this stance - it is sad that perhaps the only thing that may motivate the St George Illawarra board to change is a decline in membership and income, rather than the last 5 years of unsatisfactory team performance.

Coffs dragon

Thanks for the tips and have sent a civil email expressing my disappointment in the club. Must have gone into overload as my email bounced back undelivered by server. Will re try again tomorrow and keep the momentum going!
I won't even try as i see no point.

The board surely see what is going on yet say nothing and for good reason they want yes men who will never question the decisions they make.

They sure as hell don't want a Bennett who did things his own way which we all know made the club great once again even for a short time.

The Dragons are a relic who are fading into obscurity yet the board again don't seem to care they just roll out the Red V is great its the greatest brand in rugby league speel.

To think i thought the Steelers where bad the Dragons are far far worse and everyone one in the know knows it as fact.

I applaud everyone who is sending in emails and the like but imo it won't make a difference.


Why should a board of experienced and successful men listen to us? lol.

Despite how bad they are, when writing the emails we shouldn't assume that we know how to run a club better than them, because we don't.

Express your concerns, call for the sacking of McGregor. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Demand that we do.

Forster Dragon

My email sent today
I have no idea if this is the correct site to email but I do trust you will pass it on to the area that may address my concerns.
I have been a RED V country member for some years and currently have serious concerns regarding the performance and future of our once great club.Particularly the Red V side of the merged entity.
We as a Club have well documented problems with Playing Performance,Coaching,Recruitment and perceived poor management generally.The Club has a perceived "wishy washy"management structure in place, and quite frankly our Business Plan would seem to lack any real substance.
The lack of any concrete remedial action,planning and communication as to matters being addressed is causing Profound damage to our once impeccable brand, and this is being evidenced by adverse comments across our supporter base, forums,and media outlets generally.
It is time for Management to act in a positive manner to address the member concerns as the time is getting close where we will just not attend games or alternatively cease to pay memberships going forward.
We have serious issues as a club and the supporters look to our management to act accordingly.
Thank you


My email sent today
I have no idea if this is the correct site to email but I do trust you will pass it on to the area that may address my concerns.
I have been a RED V country member for some years and currently have serious concerns regarding the performance and future of our once great club.Particularly the Red V side of the merged entity.
We as a Club have well documented problems with Playing Performance,Coaching,Recruitment and perceived poor management generally.The Club has a perceived "wishy washy"management structure in place, and quite frankly our Business Plan would seem to lack any real substance.
The lack of any concrete remedial action,planning and communication as to matters being addressed is causing Profound damage to our once impeccable brand, and this is being evidenced by adverse comments across our supporter base, forums,and media outlets generally.
It is time for Management to act in a positive manner to address the member concerns as the time is getting close where we will just not attend games or alternatively cease to pay memberships going forward.
We have serious issues as a club and the supporters look to our management to act accordingly.
Thank you

Well said

Old Timer

My email to the board.

I will let you know if a response is forthcoming

Chairman of the Board
St George Illawarra Dragons

Dear Sir,

No doubt over the next few days and weeks the club will receive many emails from the supporter base.
Many of them will have the classic rant and many will be the well thought out expressions of loyal followers.

To that end it is incumbent on the board to sift through the material, evaluate what it is the fans are saying and then you have to work out what, if anything you do with that information.

Much of the content will centre around the results the club has achieved post 2011, the coaching staff, the playing roster, the development and pathways for juniors, the running of the club.

Many fans consider the board to be arrogant, the coaching staff to be inept, the roster to be ordinary and the inability to get TPA’s and lure high quality players intolerable.

It will be incredibly easy for the board to sit back and say it is merely the opinions of a few disgruntled fans or in fact just ignore it all together.

The tragedy is that it is not just a few and no longer is it the silent majority as the noise is getting louder day by day.

No doubt someone within the clubs media team look at all the various information highways including The Front Row Forum but the questions is “do the board read it” and do they agree with any of it?

It is fair to say that not everything we the fans say or do is correct, but we are passionate about our club and we want our voices to be heard and we want to know that our concerns are legitimately looked at and something will be done about them.

We go to work all week and look forward to the footy on the weekend and then spend our hard earned $$ taking our family to the games and buying merchandise etc and we are getting very little enjoyment from it.

Without wishing to sound rude maybe you guys should stick your hand in your pockets and pay what we have pay to go to the game and then you might truly understand why so many are so abjectly disappointed.

I have followed this great club for over 55 years and at given times had 4 generations of my family at different games but the current position of the club and the lifeless style of football we are playing and the constant excuses offered for the poor results are even too much for my 86 year old mother and my 11 year old grandson.

A sad, sad day indeed when my family can’t be excited by a St George Illawarra Dragons game.

There is no doubt the club is facing many issues but if it loses its fan base everything else will pale into insignificance.

If the board and the club fail to ignore the obvious warning signs of a disgruntled supporter base then do so at your own peril because although you may still be on the board of this once great club it will ultimately become a lifeless corpse as the fans are the heart and soul of the club and without them there is nothing.

This email is sent in good faith and I sincerely hope that you give its contents due consideration.

Yours truly,


I sent my email last night also.
Probably wont do any good but i basically said that my family and i were members for 10 years prior to the Steve Price debacle when we stopped. Now we are memebers again but will not renew next year if Paul Mcgregor is kept on as coach and the teams squad isn't overhauled in some way to give us some confidence back, ie a new half and hooker for starters. One can only dream,hey.