I don't think so.. You have to consider people like Voss have far more expensive lifestyles than the average punter... He probably has a million dollar plus mortgage rather than the average $300K.. Multiple cars, kids in expensive private schools.. People like that need $300K a year minimum to sustain their current lifestyle..
Given that he's a Souffs supporter, he probably lives in a run-down crapshack in Redfern for all you know:lol::lol: (maybe someone on this forum knows where he lives) What makes you think he is living in somewhere extravagant like Point Piper? He's only 46
Also, I highly doubt Voss, although was well paid at Ch9, is living the high-flying Warrick Capper-type lifestyle that you are intimating. I met him at a match back in 2000 and in the five minute convo I had with him before kickoff (he was sideline commentator that day), he came across as a very friendly and plain person who didn't appear to be fazed by life's riches.
P.S. OT, Fox was recently showing the 1995 Knights/Sharks Semi-Final (the one where Matty Johns kicked the winning FG) and Voss was doing some sideline duties that day(he did the post-game interviews). Man, his voice was very high-pitched back then . At least he's developed a lot of bass in his voice since then, unlike the grating level 10 treble voice Raaaaaaaaaaay has.