There was no other option other than price after bellamy, plain and simple.
If there was, Price would not be the coach for next year.
Doust made that clear by going so hard for bellamy in the off-season and Price still could claim the benefit of the doubt then because it was only his first year etc... He wanted Price gone.
Man, last night was the clincher for me with Price. I have been sitting on the fence with him but the team is just a frigging rabble, and as far as I'm concerned it comes back to the coach because the players have no confidence or belief. They have tried his "structure" for 18 months now and it's just not catching, it just isn't.
I'm not com[aring him to Bennett, but I will compare him to brown as they were rookie coaches at the time. At least in Brown's 2nd year there was an improvement, this year IMO is worse than last year both statistically (if you look at the ladder) and just in general. The players are not responding to the coach, there is no fear or intensity about them.
The team just doesn't like they are enjoying themselves, they look lifeless.
Was watching the game with my old man last night and the Dragons were attacking the panthers line in the 2nd half, he just threw his hands in there and said "what the f**k am I watching??? I can't watch this any more because it's so bloody painfull, this is not st george!!!"