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DT - Calls to axe Prince


gregstar said:
if you keep benji, you don't need an outstanding half - just a competent one.

Benjis locked up, thats the only reason Im quite calm with all this Prince sh*t....if it was Benji that we were trying to keep and Prince was secured, Id be fithy......Benji is the key player here.
Tommy Blocker Boyd and Benny should all just STFU!
Tommy and Boyd partiuclarly, as much as i loved em at Wests, they didnt show much loyalty when they pissed off.

Darth Bobo

Do Tommy and Boyd have any official affiliation with the club? Did the DT need to ring several former players before they got a couple to make a comment to suit the story they had in mind?

These sort of stories (no real content or news, just selected comments to suit the writer's need) I could do w/o but am expecting to see throughout the season as the DT is just a sh*t stirring rag.


kia ora storm said:
Why make him captain if he is talking to other clubs...at least give it to a player who is going to stay with the club for a few years.

Ummm..... because they feel he is the best leader they have?

If he wants to talk to other clubs, let the kid, he has to look at life after footy anyway.

simon says

First Grade
I wonder how Knights fans would have felt if Johns was shopping around after winning the comp in 97......????

Believe me,this does hurt.
What the hell am I missing here? All you Tigers fans that keep saying that Benji is the key man.....he doesnt offer any organisational skills or a kicking game, for that matter. The man is a gun player, no doubt, but to say that the Tigers will be fine as long as he's there is ridiculous. Scott Prince is the one who allows Benji to be brilliant by guiding the side around the park and almost exclusively handling the kicking game. Benji can't be a line-breaking, attacking dynamo and an organiser at the same time. Besides, I strongly doubt he has the capacity to be an organiser anyway. People who are expecting him to take over as New Zealand halfback are dreaming....he just isnt that kind of player. IMO, the pendulum swings both ways.....Benji needs Prince as much as Prince needs Benji.


I wonder how Knights fans would have felt if Johns was shopping around after winning the comp in 97......????

Believe me,this does hurt.

Think the tigers are the only team to have lost a key player? FFS grow up.

Tigers have to use the best of what they can to retain the premiership... and if that means prince is captain for one year then leaving IMO, so be it...


First Grade
Prince owes the tigers nothing, I do expect a certain amount of loyalty from certain players but not someone who has only been with the club a few years and more than paid us back for the money we have spent on him.

I hope he stays, but if he does decide to leave its not going to be the end of the world, he's a good halfback but he's not the only halfback in the game.

He should stay as captain no matter what happens. The qualities that made him a good captain last year will still be there this season and given that they were prepared to publically humiliate one of our most dedicated players in order to give him the captaincy in the first place I would hate for them to make it seem like that was just a bargining chip to keep him at the club.

parra pete

IMO Prince is not what he is cracked up to be. Definitely NOT an elite player.
Let him go..who cares. If he has no loyalty - and is just a mercenary - the Tigers would be better off without him.
Why don't players concentrate on honouring contracts. He is signed for 2006, and should worry about 2007 when it comes.


First Grade
Lets not stuff up 2006,because he is going in 2007
If he the best man for job,he gets the captains gig for 2006 even if he is leaving.Its now a buissness.Lets not carry on like kids.What do the tigers do,strip him of the captains roll,he has a dummy spit and way pay him 250 g for 12 months to play reggies,while we try and develope a replacment--i think not

Misty Bee

First Grade
Dakink said:
And all of that media attention has been brought about by old Tigers legends ..

Don'y you mean MAGPIE legends?

It does have a Souths ring to it. Gun player wanting out, old stalwharts giving him a serve because of it.

I think the Tigers have a right to be frustrated. This thing has been dragging on longer than Charlie Saab's knuckles! What more does Prince want?

Would be intresting if they landed Gower amid Princes negs.


First Grade
Estoboy said:
God I hate the Telegraph

its not the telegraph u should hate.... its these 'legends' who speak out about the game and try to relate it all back to how it 'used' to be. But the thing these 'legends' dont realise is that the game has changed, as has the modern day world. Its now a business and a person job. Scott Prince has not done anything wrong in my eyes. I just guess its just another outspoken 'legend' doing what they do best, disgracing the modern game and players alike

Misty Bee

First Grade
I think Tommy Raudonikis has done plenty for the game, and deserves top have is say if he wishes. 'Legend' is definitely an acurate word to describe Tommy.

As for the other fat nice person who slunk off to Manly.....:arrow:


No-one in the Tigers seems to care that Scott's family are in Queensland, and living away from home isn't easy. Scott's a top player and owes alot to Wests for taking him on even though he suffered about 2000 injuries at the Broncs but he helped them win a premiership so I say the debt is repaid and his thinking about his family now. He might let some people down but it's his life he doesn't owe Wests anything.

I think no matter what he did the media would have put it in a bad light somehow. These 'legends' should just shut their traps and let the poor bloke be, opening their mouths is just going to make him wanna go even more. Family comes before footy.


First Grade
Love all these Newcaslte fans talking.

Wasn't their club the ones that didn't care about family when they let Matty Johns go?

Benji and Scott are like peanut butter and toast. Benji is the toast, nice and crispy on it own, but with Prince there (the peanut butter) it just makes it so much better.

Together they terrorise, Benji's a freak on his own, however Prince don't cut it when Benji ain't there.

simon says

First Grade
Front-Rower said:
Love all these Newcaslte fans talking.

Wasn't their club the ones that didn't care about family when they let Matty Johns go?

Hahahahahha......Id forgotten about that,nioce one.


Originally Posted by Front-Rower
Love all these Newcaslte fans talking.

Wasn't their club the ones that didn't care about family when they let Matty Johns go?
Do you know why M Johns didn't re-sign? I bet you dont. What does that have to do with it anyway?

If Prince wants to move teams, so be it. If tigers want the team to work the best they can, Prince will be captain. End of Story.

parra pete

KniGhTs BaTTLeR said:
No-one in the Tigers seems to care that Scott's family are in Queensland, and living away from home isn't easy. Scott's a top player and owes alot to Wests for taking him on even though he suffered about 2000 injuries at the Broncs but he helped them win a premiership so I say the debt is repaid and his thinking about his family now. He might let some people down but it's his life he doesn't owe Wests anything.

I think no matter what he did the media would have put it in a bad light somehow. These 'legends' should just shut their traps and let the poor bloke be, opening their mouths is just going to make him wanna go even more. Family comes before footy.

He owes Wests plenty..they got him off the scrap heap and gave him another chance.
Let the poor bloke be!!!!
If Wests came last in 2005, and he broke his leg again, do you think he would be looking towards moving in 2007 NOW.
Make the imposter fulfil his 2006 contract before letting him look at where he is going in 2007.
He is a footballer on a cushy wicket and good dough. If he doesn't like it he should get a real job.
Wests have been too nice to him. Imagine if the boot was on the other foot.
Why do Clubs pander to the softies ? Fulfil your contract goose, or retire.


First Grade
Front-Rower said:
Love all these Newcaslte fans talking.

Wasn't their club the ones that didn't care about family when they let Matty Johns go?

And I'm sure it was Mark O'Neil's choice to leave the Tigers?