LOL indeed
Fail post of the week!
In the lower grades he would often make it up as he went along, and was very good at coming up with plays. It was actually the Walsh/Dureau show - and they often did stuff that looked fantastic right off the top of their heads.Must have been a slow week for you hey serc?;-)
Fair enough guys i made a typo, i must be an idiot if i accidently bump the key next to the one i was trying to press..... but im sure you guys can wrap your head around what i was asking? as nobody that seems to rate scotty as a smart player bothered to justify their thoughts. Im not necessarily saying he isnt, but in fg i havent seen anything to suggest he is smarter than the next bloke.
Must have been a slow week for you hey serc?;-)
Fair enough guys i made a typo, i must be an idiot if i accidently bump the key next to the one i was trying to press..... but im sure you guys can wrap your head around what i was asking? as nobody that seems to rate scotty as a smart player bothered to justify their thoughts. Im not necessarily saying he isnt, but in fg i havent seen anything to suggest he is smarter than the next bloke.
I was wrong. Dureau is below average. Worse is, he's a f**king dope. Seriously, that last kick sums him up concisely.
I like how those defending the potential re-signing of Dureau are guilty of having some kind of pro local agenda.What a surprise...Roopy, Perverse and Serc all happy Scotty is being re-signed. As long as we are loyal to the locals who gives a rats arse whether we win a premiership or not.
Rogers knows his limitations and at least tries to stick within those. He can't kick however he really doesn't try - he leaves that to Mullen and Gidley
We should have held onto Walsh in hindsight.
IMO, Rogers is the only one who does what is says on the box. The other two would have been taken back for a refund by now.