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Eels drunk again at 4am - including Paulo and Tim Smith


mickdo said:
As I said before, cows get electric shock therapy. Are you advocating that for footballers just because they have the audacity to stay out late? I mean please... :crazy:

I mean for footballers the embarrasment, media scrutiny, risk of fine/suspension ( and in these guys cases its already happened before ), risk of losing their contract among other things is supposedly the electric shock therapy that would make you think they'd just have a good bloody time elsewhere that isn't in the media glare :lol:

Maybe electric shock therapy is what is needed for some of these blokes :lol: If normal human steps aren't working, then we might as well treat blokes with the intelligence of cows like their animal counterparts. ;-)

The Colonel

Monday 10 March 2008

The Parramatta NRL club has confirmed that a number of its players were in attendance at a Parramatta hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Club management moved to investigate the matter after allegations regarding player conduct were raised on Sydney radio this morning.

Parramatta CEO Denis Fitzgerald, along with head coach Michael Hagan and senior management met with members of the full time squad at Parramatta Stadium following this morning’s training session.

Discussions were also held with management of the venue in question.

As a result of these investigations the club has decided not to take any further action at this time.

“I’m disappointed that a number of players were out late however we are satisfied that they were not misbehaving and they’ve been warned again about their responsibilities as professional athletes and public figures,” Parramatta CEO Denis Fitzgerald said.

“Management and the player leadership group have once again impressed upon all players that they conduct themselves in such a manner that will reduce the opportunity for this kind of attention in the future.”


fish eel

The Colonel said:
Monday 10 March 2008

The Parramatta NRL club has confirmed that a number of its players were in attendance at a Parramatta hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Club management moved to investigate the matter after allegations regarding player conduct were raised on Sydney radio this morning.

Parramatta CEO Denis Fitzgerald, along with head coach Michael Hagan and senior management met with members of the full time squad at Parramatta Stadium following this morning’s training session.

Discussions were also held with management of the venue in question.

As a result of these investigations the club has decided not to take any further action at this time.

“I’m disappointed that a number of players were out late however we are satisfied that they were not misbehaving and they’ve been warned again about their responsibilities as professional athletes and public figures,” Parramatta CEO Denis Fitzgerald said.

“Management and the player leadership group have once again impressed upon all players that they conduct themselves in such a manner that will reduce the opportunity for this kind of attention in the future.”


Would have been good if the club perhaps expressed disappointment with allegations of this nature being given free air time on radio....

Eels Dude

The guy that called into to Hadley and 'reported' this should really be ashamed of himself. What right does he have to be dobbing on the players for being out late on a saturday night, let them live their live's for effings sake.

This arrogant idiot just wants to draw attention to himself, well I hope you're happy mate. Forget the threat of the ESL, how about the threat of the media. If any little movement by players is scrutinised more players like Craig Gower are just going to play elsewhere just to escape the limelight.

I think the Parra guys need our support, who gives a toss what the media says, let's give them something to cheer about and play for for a change.
just listened to hardley on livenews website, it sounded like he was blowing it all out of proportion then said they weren't doing any illlegal? so what the hell was he reporting it on his program then?
Must be a slow news day in sydney.


Man this is starting to piss me off !

I was all excited with the forth coming season thinking we will give it a good shake this year when it is all deflated by the negative press.

Firstly with regards to the media:

• How inebriated was this “John” when he witnessed these events? I mean I’ve been out at 4am in a nightclub dancing with what I thought was glamour only to be told the next day that my recollection of what I saw & did was quite different to that of other “witnesses”
• Did he leave of his own accord or was he “asked” to leave? Does he have an axe to grind that he was turfed but the “star” NRL players weren’t? (Hey, why should Hadley be the only one allowed to speculate)
• I would have thought the media would have learnt to substantiate things a little better after they completed f**ked things up last week

With regards to the players:

• Sadly despite how wrong it is these guys should know they only have to sneeze & the media will report that they have influenza. I find it hard to believe that they thought being out a 4am was a good thing.
• Being the last weekend before the start of the comp I can see them having a last “big one” I just think that they may have put some thought into it and either gone home earlier or somewhere a little more private.
• On a good note other than “drinking” there doesn’t seem to be too much else made of Tim’s behaviour.

Anyway the club have investigated and “As a result of these investigations the club has decided not to take any further action at this time”

So it all appears to be a storm in a teacup but unfortunately for us, damage is done to the team’s reputation just by being in the headlines again


muznik said:
• I would have thought the media would have learnt to substantiate things a little better after they completed f**ked things up last week
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jodeci said:
This is the stage it's going to get to.

Why was Mateo and co there till 4am, simply it's none of our business what these guys do on their weekends.

Why dont we all start reporting when we see players drinking... Give me a break

Tell me about it... and while we are at it, let's not play them in the next game. FMD :roll:
There better be more to the Hayne story that we don't know about....


I cant beleive i just wasted 15 minutes of my life reading this crap
does anyone know what pub it was ??


Karmawave said:
1. Tim Smith is not 20 years old.

2. Tim Smith has already had how many problems out on the drink in the past?

3. If Tim Smith has been in the headlines and been snitched out in the past for doing similar things in similar places, why would he keep going back to the same thing? Cows stop bumping the electric fence mate.

4. If Tim Smith is already walking a fine line, it will be highly unusual to be out drinking water at 4am, and why would he even put himself at RISK of being caught up in something like this again?!

5. Not every 20 year old signs an agreement to uphold the NRL Code Of Conduct 365 days a year, on and off the park.

We don't even know if Smith did anything wrong, but thats not even the point. If he is out at 4am, he could be drinking mineral water and trouble will follow. Why even risk it!?

Mate if just defies belief why he would even put himself in that position to get burnt again by some d*ckhead snitch like John who rang the radio station.

I wish footballers could have a good time and live it up , and do whatever it is they want to do - but reality is they cannot anymore. Thats an entirely different debate altogether.

Mate...Why the F**k not? for Pete's sake. Who the hell are we or the media to say they can't do what they like as long as they don't hurt anyone.

Just for your information, it does not matter what officials think or even if there was an insane law against it. People are people. Especially YOUNG people, and to try and stop someone from doing what is socially acceptable and part of society for thousands of years is as dumb as a cow or a horse...or even an old GOAT continually nudging that electrical fence expecting no pain to come of it.

Alcohol is legal, pubs are legal, clubs are legal, and going out at anytime is LEGAL!!!

We are not under marshal law the last time I checked. Common sense is not so common in many young people in all of society, and clearly not so common in some old goats either.

Long live Liberty and the freedom to make your own mistakes, as we all do without narks like you who try to set such ridiculous double standards!!!


Post Whore
If this dickhead "John" had any balls, he would have given his full name and not gone under an alias.
What a knob.

I'm with tollgate.
What a waste of 15 minutes this was.



Post Whore
FMD what a piece of sh*t this John is, he wanted to stress nothing illegal happend but i'll ring a piece of sh*t like Hadley up :roll: why did he wait to ring up on a monday morning???

It's getting that bad the players will have to ask the club when they can take a dump.


First Grade
Wasn't "John" the one who had a problem with the behaviour of Tim Smith, when he was reported as being intoxicated and harassing a child and his father??
Hmmm something smells fishy. :-k