Well a try you save is worth just as much as one that you score. Gutho saved plenty and players like French saved probably none.
If you think it's OK to have arm grabbers as your last line of D, then maybe I am just old fashioned.
Fullbacks being your last line of defence is a shit way to look at it. Or a good way. Last line of defence is only called on because your front line failed, the cover failed and the scramble by everyone else has failed, so now it’s desperation and doesn’t really matter how well it is done as long as it is effective.
Speaking of arm grabbers, I suggest you actually go back and watch some of Gutho’s efforts last year because they were ordinary. Whether injured or poor season, if you want to base who plays fullback around tackling then Gutho would’ve been in reserves.
And how many tries did he actually save? I mean they were great and all but what actual impact did they have on games/season and where do you think that ranks compared to everything else he does during game/season.
Obviously we want them to be at least competent of making a tackle but suggesting they may struggle because maybe they aren’t superstar tackling machines is a weird death ride.
You worry about the tackles, I’ll worry about the twice as many each kick defusal and run they’ll have to do