Mango said:
Poor old Roopy. Since when did the old ladies you pretend to know dispute the facts outlined in the original post. You are supposed to be a moderator on this site but you try to turn this thresd into a US vs Them thread. You are too transparent old boy.
You implied in your thread that Union has picked up a large number of fans by putting on the WC, and I actually hope that is true, especially in the AFL states, because all sports will benefit from the bias of AFL fans being finally broken down a bit (if they find they like Union they are also likely to have a look at a League game now as well.)
I'm trying to think of a really simple way to put over the point I tried to make in my first post, since the point seems to have elluded you.
Let me try again. The only person I know who has attended a game is someone who attends 'events'. She spent thousands on the Olympics, she sees every show going. She is about 70 and always says it is her last chance to see things like this, so she jumps in for tickets very early.
The point of the post is that she isn't a Union fan, and will probably never even think about the sport again.
Union has probably gained a number of fans from this WC, but even the ones you have picked up will be bandwagon jumpers in the main who will take the first chance to jump over to soccer if we make the next soccer wc, or go to whichever sport puts on the next big event.