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Farah and thoughts on him...


I think you are trolling for the sake of it. Most of what you have said is heresay or bullshit as you & most of don't know what is going on with most things in the NRL.

To come on to the WT's forum & start bagging the club captain is just plain stupid.

What happened did the Souths forum tell you to f**k off too?

So goodbye & thanks for coming, just watch you don't chip a nail on your keyboard as you hit the exit button.

I'm not 'trolling'! Everything I've said has been constructive! I've not simply 'bagged' the club captain! I've made a valid points regarding his off field persona, offered my thoughts on him and joined in discussion. I've never at any stage bagged his ability or being disrespectful towards the club or its fans! If you can't handle that then maybe your the one that shouldn't be here!


First Grade
Tallis has an agenda & you deluded twats can't see that.

Madunit - you are really impressing me. Seriously - keep up the good work.

Tallis is obviously a dickhead. Its that simple. Its a shame the Tigers have so many followers (I can't call them supporters) who are so f**ken stupid.

Farah is our captain and a legend. Tallis is a piece of shit.

Eddie Lab

I'm not 'trolling'! Everything I've said has been constructive!

What have you got against Gorden Tallis? Don't give me that rubbish that he is a Queenslander! Origin is over! He is respected! To say otherwise is stupid! If you don't like him that fine but to say he is not respect is ridiculous! I think given his career and what he has achieved in the game I think he has earnt his right to speak in the media about the game! How many first grade games did you play? How many State of Origins did you play? How many tests did you play? How many teams have you captained? I think you should take that into account before you make ridiculous claims!

I've never seen something so constructive troll. when you go down the path of "how many games have you played" you have lost the argument.


I've never seen something so constructive troll. when you go down the path of "how many games have you played" you have lost the argument.

When you make ridiculous statements that Gorden Tallis is not respected you were never in the argument to begin with! You don't have to like the bloke but to say he is not respected is stupid!
I like listening to his comments on MMM and have no idea if he is a 'piece of shit' or if he is 'respected or not'.

I do know that both John Gibbs and Andrew Voss both said on Sports Today on 2UE last night that he, Tallis, was wrong to come out and say what he did.
Andrew Moore on 2UE this morning said the same thing. The 3 of them said that he had no right to say publicly what Farah told him privately last year.


First Grade
The 3 of them said that he had no right to say publicly what Farah told him privately last year.

I don't need anyone to tell me that what Tallis said was wrong. Its obviously complete and utter horse shit and he has shown himself to be a complete and utter piece of shit.

You cannot respect Tallis after this if you have half a brain.

Radical Rat

When you make ridiculous statements that Gorden Tallis is not respected you were never in the argument to begin with! You don't have to like the bloke but to say he is not respected is stupid!

Souths pride, the bottom line is your arguments/opinions carry absolutely zero weight in our forum. It really doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, no one gives a shit about the thoughts of some random blow-in Souths bogan.

Farah is f*cken legend with more ticker than 99% of NRL players. I'd follow him to hell and back and I dare say most Tigers fans feel the same.


Souths pride, the bottom line is your arguments/opinions carry absolutely zero weight in our forum. It really doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, no one gives a shit about the thoughts of some random blow-in Souths bogan.

Farah is f*cken legend with more ticker than 99% of NRL players. I'd follow him to hell and back and I dare say most Tigers fans feel the same.

Thats fine! I've got no problems if you don't agree with what I say - I've got no problems with that! What I think is stupid is how people just start throwing abuse around and all constructive discussion goes out the window!

As I've said before I've never questioned Robbie Farah's ability or commitment as a player and your right he always gives 100% on the field! It was his off-field stuff that I was critiquing!


First Grade
It was his off-field stuff that I was critiquing!

Fair enough but your criticism is based on bullshit. I hope you get this.

He might be a little prickly at times but I think its fair enough. The BS that has been stated by the media and Tallis and posters on here including yourself is heaps worse than anything Robbie has done. Robbie may not have handled situations as well as some other people would have however even that is a tough call. He hasn't outright lied like posters on here and people like Tallis.

If you are going to hang shit on people maybe you should hang shit on the easy targets prior to judging someone like Farah extremely harshly.

Radical Rat

Thats fine! I've got no problems if you don't agree with what I say - I've got no problems with that! What I think is stupid is how people just start throwing abuse around and all constructive discussion goes out the window!

As I've said before I've never questioned Robbie Farah's ability or commitment as a player and your right he always gives 100% on the field! It was his off-field stuff that I was critiquing!

Yes but if you're going to come into a Tigers forum and start criticising the club captain then you are going to cop some abuse, some rational and some not. You know that.


Fair enough but your criticism is based on bullshit. I hope you get this.

He might be a little prickly at times but I think its fair enough. The BS that has been stated by the media and Tallis and posters on here including yourself is heaps worse than anything Robbie has done. Robbie may not have handled situations as well as some other people would have however even that is a tough call. He hasn't outright lied like posters on here and people like Tallis.

If you are going to hang shit on people maybe you should hang shit on the easy targets prior to judging someone like Farah extremely harshly.

The posters on this forum aren't captains of an NRL team so I don't think you can judge them in the same light. I don't know about others on here but I'm not trying 'hang shit on Farah'. All I'm trying to do is offer some constructive criticism of the way he handles the media. Put the Tallis issue asside for one minute. Do you not think that Robbie Farah's confrontations with the media and alot of the things he has said have resulted in unwarranted media attention being brought upon himself and the club? You can't deny that he has had his fair share of confrontations with the press. Yeah alot of rugby league journalists are idiots! No doubting that! But why stoop to their level? Your not going to beat them. I compared him to someone like Cameron Smith. The media try and get under Cameron Smith's skin as well but he always remains relative cool and calm and defuses the situation. I just think that is an area where Farah could improve!

Farah is not the only person involved in the game who handles the media badly (please don't think I'm singling him out in that regards...its only because this thread is on Robbie Farah that I've focused on him) - I wouldn't even say he is the worst. Ricky Stuart is far worse than Farah could ever be! Has anyone else copped more $10k fines than him? And he is supposed to be the coach - its part of the reason why he is such a failure I believe! Darius Boyd is another - although I think he has only had a couple of incidents. Wayne Bennett certainly has his moments as well and so has Willie Mason in years gone by but I think he has improved.


Yes but if you're going to come into a Tigers forum and start criticising the club captain then you are going to cop some abuse, some rational and some not. You know that.
I agree with you! Most supporters of any club (including my own) would defend their captain! I've got no problem with that! But if you (or anyone else) going to throw abuse at me or anyone else, Id rather you abuse and criticise my opinions rather than just make stupid comments like "your a f****** idiot" and not offer something to do with Robbie Farah or what the discussion is about in return.


Super Moderator
Staff member
We don't want nor care about your opinion, because it is not based on anything concrete.

Tallis is not respectable. I don't need to have lived the same life as him to have that opinion. To suggest such a thing is again hypocritical by you.

You've criticised Farah, how many tests & origins have you played.

You're a troll and a f**king idiot who demands people look at your side of the argument only, and ignore the contradictions you regularly make.

You, like Tallis, have zero credibility.

Your opinion is not sought or wanted.

Get the f**king hint!


First Grade
The posters on this forum aren't captains of an NRL team so I don't think you can judge them in the same light.

Why not ? People are people. Just because you play first grade rugby league doesn't in my opinion lead to you being placed under ridiculous standards. I think people should be judged fairly based on how they act. Some of the posters on here knocking Farah with no proof are f**ken idiots.

All I'm trying to do is offer some constructive criticism of the way he handles the media. Put the Tallis issue asside for one minute. Do you not think that Robbie Farah's confrontations with the media and alot of the things he has said have resulted in unwarranted media attention being brought upon himself and the club? You can't deny that he has had his fair share of confrontations with the press. Yeah alot of rugby league journalists are idiots! No doubting that! But why stoop to their level?

I can sort of get this but at the same time you are in my opinion being way too harsh. I don't have a problem with this though if your comments remain factual. Its when the crap that Robbie is leading a player revolt or some other BS that some dickheads state that I think the line should be drawn.

When you compare him to Ricky Stuart there is a huge difference.

I just don't think Robbie should be judged too harshly and in the latest blow-up I think he has handled himself exceptionally well.


Why not ? People are people. Just because you play first grade rugby league doesn't in my opinion lead to you being placed under ridiculous standards. I think people should be judged fairly based on how they act. Some of the posters on here knocking Farah with no proof are f**ken idiots.

I can sort of get this but at the same time you are in my opinion being way too harsh. I don't have a problem with this though if your comments remain factual. Its when the crap that Robbie is leading a player revolt or some other BS that some dickheads state that I think the line should be drawn.

When you compare him to Ricky Stuart there is a huge difference.

I just don't think Robbie should be judged too harshly and in the latest blow-up I think he has handled himself exceptionally well.

When your a first grade footballer and the captain of your team, your every move is going to be scrutinized by the media. Its just the way the game is...posters on this forum arent going to attract media attention. I agree people should be judged fairly on how they act..but the media doesn't see it that way. The media like controversy and interesting stories! So when Robbie Farah gets angry it makes for alot more interesting news than say Cameron Smith giving an insipid response at a press conference.

As for my comments being factual...I've never stated that what I'm saying is fact. Its just my criticism of Robbie Farah. I've also never stated that Robbie Farah is behind a revolt or gotten into that debate..I don't think anyone can comment on that unless they work within the club or no whats going on. But I agree with you in that regard - to say that he is leading a player revolt is stupid!

I also didn't directly compare him to Ricky Stuart. I said there are far worse figures in the game when it comes to handling the media and Ricky Stuart is one of them. I only used him as a reference to convey that Robbie Farah is not the only figure involved in the game that handles the media badly and I'm not just picking on him. Unfortunately for Robbie he has had quite a few incidents involving the media - If you'd like I'll happily name a few. That's not me being a smart ass I'm just trying to avoid being accused of making stuff up!

With regards to his latest blow up, I think we will have to agree to disagree on that one. I think there are some things he could have done differently. For instance, after the game against the Dragons when he unloaded on Tallis and had to be pulled away by Aaron Woods, I thought that was not the best way to handle that situation. I think it would have been better just to walk away if you didn't want to talk to Tallis; its not as if Tallis was holding a gun to his head and forcing him to speak. Also in the post match press conference, I don't think he did himself any favors by going along the lines of "I'm not happy about it etc. etc." I would have just said something along of the lines of "I'm not going to get involved in any innuendo, I don't buy into any of that" and left it at that.

In saying all this, like I've said before, I think the club could have put this whole situation to bed by saying that Mick Potter has the club's support for the immediate future. If you say that you defuse the whole thing. To be fair to the Tigers and Robbie Farah, I don't think Matthew Johns is helping the situation when he makes stupid comments like "Mick Potter owes Gorden Tallis a beer because he has kept him in a job". That is just aggravating the situation.
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We don't want nor care about your opinion, because it is not based on anything concrete.

Tallis is not respectable. I don't need to have lived the same life as him to have that opinion. To suggest such a thing is again hypocritical by you.

You've criticised Farah, how many tests & origins have you played.

You're a troll and a f**king idiot who demands people look at your side of the argument only, and ignore the contradictions you regularly make.

You, like Tallis, have zero credibility.

Your opinion is not sought or wanted.

Get the f**king hint!

How am I a hypocrite? What contradictions have I made? I have not suggested that Robbie Farah is not a respected figure in the game! I'd say he is the complete opposite and that he is one of the most inspirational players going around. My criticism of him was the way he handles the media, not just in regards to the Tallis feud but in other instances as well. As for my comment about how many tests, origins and first grade games you've played - was in response to another poster suggesting that Tallis was not a respected figure! Yes Gorden Tallis is no angel and your allowed to hate him, but to say he is not respect after achieving what he did in his career is defies belief. There is a difference between disliking someone and not respecting them.


How am I a hypocrite? What contradictions have I made? I have not suggested that Robbie Farah is not a respected figure in the game! I'd say he is the complete opposite and that he is one of the most inspirational players going around. My criticism of him was the way he handles the media, not just in regards to the Tallis feud but in other instances as well. As for my comment about how many tests, origins and first grade games you've played - was in response to another poster suggesting that Tallis was not a respected figure! Yes Gorden Tallis is no angel and your allowed to hate him, but to say he is not respect after achieving what he did in his career is defies belief. There is a difference between disliking someone and not respecting them.

Tallis threw Farah under a bus and then approached him after the game for comments???. This was a media hit carried out by a FOG. What a Fn disgrace. Tallis has lost the respect of many out of this and he has likely done the same to Farah. His views on Bennet are laughable and biased. Tallis if he had any respect would publicly apologise for what he did and thats being a snitch.

He is currently nothing more than a tosser looking for a headline and causing grief. Now that Bennet is back at the Broncs he now thinks its a good idea.



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