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Favourite Movie Quotes

“Rosebud” - Citizen Kane

“Get away from her you Bitch” - Aliens

“If it bleeds, we can kill it” - Predator

“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” - The Godfather

“the Royal penis is clean, your highness” - Coming to America

“WIPERS! (Clap-clap)” - Coming to America

Jim Rockford

"Food on a chain gang is scarce and not very nourishing. The men get one hot meal a day: a bowl of steam." Narrator - Take The Money and Run (1969)


Total Recall

Lori Quaid: Doug, honey... you wouldn't hurt me, would you, sweetheart? Sweetheart, be reasonable. After all, we're married!
Doug Quaid: Consider that a divorce!


“Rosebud” - Citizen Kane

“Get away from her you Bitch” - Aliens

“If it bleeds, we can kill it” - Predator

“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” - The Godfather

“the Royal penis is clean, your highness” - Coming to America

“WIPERS! (Clap-clap)” - Coming to America
Private Frost : I guess she don't like the cornbread either


Godfather part 3

“You know, Michael, now that you're so respectable I think you're more dangerous than you ever were. In fact, I preferred you when you were just a common Mafia hood.”


Jim Rockford

"A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that." Shane (1953)


“You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, He hates you.” Fight Club
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti”
- Silence of the lambs

They may take our lives, but they’ll never take...OUR FREEDOM!”
- Braveheart

Merry Christmas!! Shitter’s full!!”
- Christmas Vacation

that’s not a knife”
- Crocodile Dundee

I am the night rider!! Im a fuel injected suicide machine”
Mad Max

Run Forrest, run..”
Forrest Gump

“it’s not a tumour”
- Kindergarten Cop

“Maaa, where’s the meatloaf?!?!”
- Wedding Crashers

and a personal favourite that many mightn’t know (but if you know, “you know”).

My wound is lower”
- Grace Jones, Conan the Destroyer
So many great lines in Chopper
  • “Look, all I can tell you is what I've already told Mister Beasley: none of us saw anything. It was just one of those things: Bluey Barnes was reading a magazine; Ambrose Hatcheson was taking a piss; Johnny Price was washing his hands; Jimmy Loughnan was watching a bullant crawl across the table, and I was watching Jimmy watching the bullant.”

Look at what you've done! You're mum's upset.

Keithy seems to have done himself a mischief.

“Why would I shoot a bloke, then drive him to the bloody car and wizz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place.”
“Neville F***ing Bartos!!!”


I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti”
- Silence of the lambs

They may take our lives, but they’ll never take...OUR FREEDOM!”
- Braveheart

Merry Christmas!! Shitter’s full!!”
- Christmas Vacation

that’s not a knife”
- Crocodile Dundee

I am the night rider!! Im a fuel injected suicide machine”
Mad Max

Run Forrest, run..”
Forrest Gump

“it’s not a tumour”
- Kindergarten Cop

“Maaa, where’s the meatloaf?!?!”
- Wedding Crashers

and a personal favourite that many mightn’t know (but if you know, “you know”).

My wound is lower”
- Grace Jones, Conan the Destroyer
I almost numchucked you. You didn't even realise!
You would've been a good sort.... before electricity.
Rodney Dangerfield - Caddyshack.

Ahh that reminds me of so many caddyshack quotes... but a favourite... the poem from Judge Smails..

It's easy to grin..
When your ship comes in..
And you've got the stock market beat.
But the man worthwhile,
Is the man who can smile,
When his shorts are too tight in the seat.

Jim Rockford

"Man, you got a curse on you - as sure as the moon rolls around the world." - Screamin' Jay Hawkins ,Mystery Train
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Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Two scenes but my quotes in bold:

Also, I think knives are a good idea. Big, f***-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro.

  • Winston : Charles, why have we got that cage?
    Charles : Uh, security.
    Winston : That's right, that's right, security. So what's the point in having it if we're not goin' f**king use it?
    Charles : Well, I would've used it but this is Willie and Willie lives here.
    Winston : Yes, but you didn't know it was Willie until you opened the door, did you?
    Willie : Chill, Winston, it's me. Charlie knows it's me. What's the problem?
    Winston : The problem, Willie, is that Charles and yourself are not the quickest of cats at the best of times. So just do as I say and keep *the f**king cage locked!* What is that?
    Willie : That's Gloria.
    Winston : Yes I know that's Gloria, what's that?
    Willie : Fertilizer.
    Winston : You went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a bag of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing, Willie.
    Willie : We need fertilizer Winston.
    Winston : Mmmhmm. We also need a money counter. This money's got to be out by Thursday, I'm buggered if I'm gonna count it. Just make sure if you do need to buy sodding fertilizer you could be a bit more subtle.
    Willie : What do you mean?
    Winston : We grow copious amounts of ganja, yah? And you're carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertilizer. You don't look like your average horti-f**king- culturalist! That's what I mean Willie.