True EEL is like our own little Bunniesman, he never fails to make himself look like a f**king idiot.
True EEL is like our own little Bunniesman, he never fails to make himself look like a f**king idiot.
what's really funny is you still don't get it bahahahahahahahahahahahha - but look you don't really want to know what i think of you, so maybe we just call it quits ok then champ, aaaallrighty then ;-)
nicely worded, you have a strong grasp of the Englash langwidge :? :lol:
appreciate the comments. i agree that Lock may be another option for Roberts - if he were to be shuffled around from 5/8. i only suggested centre as the main option as we have such a weakness there at left centre currently AND because i think Reni Maitua is going great at Lock AND because we need more size in the forwards overall and by playing both Roberts and Maitua in the backrow (because you're not going to drop Maitua obviously) only makes our pack that much smaller overall....
i like your thought process though for analysing the options and do understand what you're saying. i just personally believe that moving Hayne to 6 would improve our team (no surprises there), but i know this is a long shot to happen anyway.....unless perhaps he does kill it at 5/8 for City on the weekend, which even though I'm a Country boy, I'm hoping he does ;-)
Fair enough. It all gets back to the old debate of Hayne at five-eight. I don`t like him there and would prefer him at fullback. But plenty of good judges disagree with me. IF Hayne played five-eight for the Eels, Roberts might be a good fullback. We`re still left with the centre problem, but I think we need to buy one. (And another coach.) Seems some people here don`t appreciate that you apparently don`t like Ben Roberts. Well, I reckon they`re going to hate me soon, because I can`t stand this bloody coach of ours. Wish we could f**kin` stick him in the centres!
I definitely considered that possibility.
I only have a 62 IQ - so intelligence isn't my strong point. But even a dolt like me can see that the author lacks very strongly in the making of intelligent threads.
Maybe HJ can sort this out. are joking right?? you can't seriously believe that is correct English?? :?
and if you're not and you think its ok.....well, then, good luck i guess ;-) are joking right?? you can't seriously believe that is correct English?? :?
and if you're not and you think its ok.....well, then, good luck i guess ;-)
What the heck, can't be bothered checking later to see what flummox you put forth:
For starters, your sentences are inept. Failure to use capitals, lack and incorrect usage of punctuation.
My sentence worked perfectly well - it was a trap for a moron, and you bit hard and fell far.
But even a dolt like me can see that the author lacks very strongly in the making of intelligent threads.
Object is the author (you).
Verb is lacks
Adverb is strongly (heightened by very)
Subject is the making of threads (notable, intelligent ones).
The observer is a 'dolt like me' who can see the above.
Thanks for playing. Done by a 62 IQ fool. Good job.
What the heck, can't be bothered checking later to see what flummox you put forth:
For starters, your sentences are inept. Failure to use capitals, lack and incorrect usage of punctuation.
My sentence worked perfectly well - it was a trap for a moron, and you bit hard and fell far.
But even a dolt like me can see that the author lacks very strongly in the making of intelligent threads.
Object is the author (you).
Verb is lacks
Adverb is strongly (heightened by very)
Subject is the making of threads (notable, intelligent ones).
The observer is a 'dolt like me' who can see the above.
Thanks for playing. Done by a 62 IQ fool. Good job.
yeah i totally knew you were posing that sentence just to fool me
as for capitalisation, punctuation, grammar, etc (see i'm doing it again, just to prove i don't know how too) - i have said this time and again, an internet forum that is staked out by numerous moronic, cave-dwelling oxygen thieves is not a platform where i bother to waste any further precious time making my posts functionally or aesthetically correct - simply for the benefit of the afore-mentioned 'people'.....have a nice day though, ciao ;-)
But mocking me to try and make yourself feel better seems to have worked.
What the heck, can't be bothered checking later to see what flummox you put forth:
For starters, your sentences are inept. Failure to use capitals, lack and incorrect usage of punctuation.
My sentence worked perfectly well - it was a trap for a moron, and you bit hard and fell far.
But even a dolt like me can see that the author lacks very strongly in the making of intelligent threads.
Object is the author (you).
Verb is lacks
Adverb is strongly (heightened by very)
Subject is the making of threads (notable, intelligent ones).
The observer is a 'dolt like me' who can see the above.
Thanks for playing. Done by a 62 IQ fool. Good job.
OK, so this comment above = EPIC FAIL.
THIS is obviously the creed by which many people on this site seemingly live by, including, but not limited to: Suitman, Pou Pou, Parra Pride, Mickdo, SDM, The Parra Boy, OMC and a few others intermittently. That is all.