Hi inns,
Isn't it funny how one show can reignite the festering hate for a grub like Hartley.
Some of us still carry those memories. My hatred for Manly and Hartley have never subsided.
"They" can make all the excuses they like but there were some very interesting facts mentioned in the doc. i.e. six mistaken counts in the Parra game. 3 x7 tackles for Manly and 3 x 5 tackles for Parra.
I could whinge and carryon in here but we have had a real big bitch in the Sharks room too.
Hartley........ farkkkkkkk him.
'ullo quigley....
My old man didnt know who he hated more, Arko, Hartley, Big Mal or John Laws.
Lived with mum and she hated fraser, had to put up with her moaning about the ''arrogant upstart' all week, then would stay at the old mans on the w/end and it was always, that ''frking crnt hartley and his old c**k sock Arko''...
Was great to get into it though, we were the baddies, wore black, were ugly, mean, ruthless, outside the law...I found it easy to relate to. :lol: