All points valid.
What I'm saying is that Fifita could insist on the Tigers honouring his contract, if he wanted to. The Tigers could ask Fifita to look around, but they couldn't just release him without paying him out - unless he agreed to that. The only reason he would agree to that is if he could get more money from somewhere else.
Similarly, the Tigers could have insisted that he stay. If they have released him, it means they're having trouble keeping under the cap... They could have asked to release him, but he'd surely have said no unless he already had a good offer in the bag.
If it is well known amongst us Daily Tele readers that the Tigers were shopping players around, then you can bet Cronulla knew very well that we have/had salary cap issues.
Instead of taking the players we were prepared to release (perhaps even based on their "inquiries") they make a huge play for one of our better up-and-coming props... They know we're not in a position to keep all our players, and they already know we've been shopping some good talent around as well as the hacks they initally asked about (ie Moltzen).
Fifita says "no, I don't want to go, I love the Tigers. The only reason you're prepared to flog these bastards is so you can hang on to me".
Humphries sweats profusely and says "hang on a minute, kid. Think about this. We can't guarantee your future beyond next year at this stage. That's a lot of money they're offering you, and no-one seems to be buying our surplus. We're in no position to stand in your way".
Fifita's manager gets a boner and says "I'll take 6% of that, thanks, sign here..."
... and before you know it, the lad's been released from the club, and the club's been released from the lad.