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Fitzgibbon warns Knights must get investors on board



Fitzgibbon warns Knights must get investors on board


15 Apr, 2010 04:00 AM

FORMER Newcastle Knights director Mark Fitzgibbon says the club has the potential to become a perennial NRL heavyweight - but only if it is privatised.
In an exclusive column he has written for The Herald today, Fitzgibbon urges members to seek answers at next month's annual general meeting for the club's surprising backflip on privatisation plans.

Knights chairman Rob Tew said last month that he hoped to be in a position to unveil a blueprint for private investment to members at the May 19 AGM. But last week those plans were postponed indefinitely.

Club CEO Steve Burraston said privatisation was no longer a pressing issue and that "until the need is really there, we're probably never going to push ahead with it".

Fitzgibbon, who resigned in December after four years on the board, said management could not expect to erase the club's accumulated losses, more than $2.5 million, according to the last published financial statement, without a new business model and significant injection of private funds.

And he queried whether club officials had made enough effort to attract investors.

"Attracting private investment isn't . . . just a matter of sounding out local high-wealth people or businesses and then passing the hat around with half a hope they'll treat it as a charity," he writes. "It needs sophisticated financial models with a formal prospectus about the investment and expected returns for investors.

"Just as any other business would in raising capital, this requires engagement of external experts."

The NIB chief executive said it was "not realistic" to believe the Knights could trade their way out of debt.

"There's nothing to inspire confidence that sustainable profits are possible under the current business model, and in any case the hurdle is too high."

Speculation the Knights would receive a favourable outcome from their stadium dispute with the State Government "won't change the fact that the club is hopelessly undercapitalised and running on the smell of an oily rag. At best, a favourable outcome will still leave the club's balance sheet deeply in the red".

The Herald left messages with Tew and Burraston last night but received no reply.

It is excellent that someone has gone out on the public record with this.

Has anybody got the full column that I can read? It isn't online and we don't get the Herald here until the next day...


he's right on the money, so to speak. to even attract investors in the first place we need a major overhaul, including the assistance of outside analysts and experts. do we even have the money or expertise to put together a compelling proposal for potential investors? who knows...


sounds scarily like much of what was said in the other thread

until the club makes the (tough?) decisions needed and investigates and pursues alternative business models we will never succeed.

perverse: we clearly lack the expertise however you dont need to do this in-house - fitzgibbon himself states the appropriate course of action would be to get experts in to put in place the required measures


perverse: we clearly lack the expertise however you dont need to do this in-house - fitzgibbon himself states the appropriate course of action would be to get experts in to put in place the required measures
yes, but they expect to be paid... and handsomely. i suppose we could throw a few chook raffles or car washes to raise the money.

you would think we could find the money to sort this out SOMEWHERE... because it is imperitive... but can we really? do we have an administration willing to put the interests of the club before the interests of themselves and the old boys network?

fitzgibbon is spot on, and i'm glad someone has said it publicly, but talk is cheap... and is it possible this bloke was on the outer for his opinions? why have our privitisation plans just come to an abrupt halt? so many unanswered questions...

Joker's Wild

It seems the club will never be privatised. There is too much "old boys" influence around the place and it doesn't look like changing anytime soon.


Staff member
yes, but they expect to be paid... and handsomely. i suppose we could throw a few chook raffles or car washes to raise the money.

Don't joke about it. I wouldn't put it past us given our history.


yes, but they expect to be paid... and handsomely. i suppose we could throw a few chook raffles or car washes to raise the money.

id hope we could find the cash if we really wanted to.
you would think we could find the money to sort this out SOMEWHERE... because it is imperitive... but can we really? do we have an administration willing to put the interests of the club before the interests of themselves and the old boys network?

given the recent decision to shelve privatisation plans it seems obvious that the current board are scared sh*tless of the backlash from rusted on knights members and have instead chosen the easy option of 'more of the same'. im guessing they know full well the club cannot survive like this however lack the gumption to make the call

fitzgibbon is spot on, and i'm glad someone has said it publicly, but talk is cheap... and is it possible this bloke was on the outer for his opinions? why have our privitisation plans just come to an abrupt halt? so many unanswered questions...

fitzgibbon is no longer on the board so he can say what he likes

id expect the dopes in charge are none to pleased that he has said what he has said

we can only cross our fingers that rather than flat out ignore the wise words of a man that knows what he is on about, they give privatisation a second thought. pigs may also be departing williamtown airbase onroute to fantasy land before that happens...


First Grade
I think what perverse was getting at was that perhaps Fitzgibbon's exit from the board was at least partly related to him being pushed to the outer because of these opinions.

Would love to see the full column too if anyone in Newcastle has access to it :)


He still has some involvement in the club - he is the CEO of a very substantial sponsor of the club, so when he speaks, the club should be listening.

I haven't really heard anything about him being pushed, however it wouldn't surprise me if his frustrations on how the club is being run lead to his resignation.


First Grade
Yeah I'm not assuming anything in my post above, and what you've said there Alex is pretty spot on.


Since they say Tinkler is not the 'party' we were talking to about privitisation, my next guess would have been the second richest bloke in Newcastle - Fitzgibbon.
Is any of this really surprising to anyone? We know this already. Fitzgibbon is a smart guy. He is 100% correct when he says this club will not survive without privatisation in some shape or form whether complete or partial. He doesn't say it directly but you can clearly see it is what he means. The last sentence in the article proves to me that Tew and Burraston are clearly either agenda driven or incompetent. What have they to hide? Why just shelve the proposal. My tip is they are scared that the members will say yes and more to the point insist upon it.
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Since they say Tinkler is not the 'party' we were talking to about privitisation, my next guess would have been the second richest bloke in Newcastle - Fitzgibbon.
Who knows to what level we were discussing private ownership. If the "buy a share but you have no power" plan was what we were talking to Tinkler about, I have no doubt he wouldn't be interested in that. If that was the only option, I'd be saying publicly that the club should remain owned by the public too.

We need to get real. Getting some private funding will mean giving up some control as well.


He left because of a conflict of interest. Yet sees no conflict in putting an article out over the privatisation backflip. I wonder if NIB was the Company that was looking at buying us...one was mentioned but never named. Certainly if that was on the cards he would have left the board because of it.

Anyway, I agree with him. Even if we can trade our way out of the accumulated losses, which we probably can. There still remains a disfunctional organisation that doesnt really understand what it is supposed to be. Its under capitalised in terms of money to invest in facilities, and operationally we dont have the kind of income that sustains top quality players and management over long periods of time. Unless we get a huge windfall from the new TV deal, our options are few - we either carry on as is and keep going backwards, or we look at privatisation, not as a saviour but as the right thing to do for the football club. I really Honestly hope that the board and executive look at it in those terms. I think at times, sentiment and the perception that the club is in someway in the hands of the people of newcastle at the moment overrides things.

Its a simple call to make, is it the best thing to do for the club, Yes or No. Its hard to argue that remaining a club is in our best interests.


Would be happy for NIB to own us - it would be a good fit, and they are rich as sin.

Another article by buttsy today.

The AGM should be interesting.


First Grade
Butts calls for transparency over Knights future
16 Apr, 2010 04:00 AM

KNIGHTS legend Tony Butterfield issued a plea to Newcastle's board of directors yesterday on behalf of the club's members: "Tell us where we're going."
Butterfield became the second former board member in as many days to query the decision by Knights management to shelve plans for privatisation.
Fellow former director Mark Fitzgibbon, the NIB chief executive, wrote yesterday in The Herald that the financially ailing NRL club needed a new business model and significant private investment to fix "fundamental fiscal problems".
Knights chairman Rob Tew said last month that the club had spoken to to "four or five" potential investors and hoped to be in a position to unveil a privatisation blueprint for members to consider at the annual general meeting on May 26.
Last week, however, Tew said those plans had been deferred, because "we don't have the time frame to have it as a formal document in terms of changing the constitution".
Knights chief executive Steve Burraston indicated privatisation, which the club had researched for at least two years, might be dropped, because "until the need is really there, we're probably never going to push ahead with it".
Butterfield, a former Knights captain, deputy chairman and life member, said constituents were confused by the surprising reversal and deserved some "transparency" from the men who administer the club.
"Under the current structure, this club is run on behalf of the members," he said.
"The members are totally confused. This appears nothing more than a backflip.
"Members were supposed to be given a heads-up [about privatisation] prior to the AGM so they could attend and be informed.
"What's going to happen now?
"Where are we going? What's our plan? What's our direction? Are we just going to continue as we are?
"As a concerned member and one that helped build the club, let us know what's going on."
Butterfield said most members would support whatever decisions the board took but deserved to be kept informed, rather than having to rely on "what we read in the papers".
"This was raised months ago and at the very least they should have prepared a couple of discussion papers and sent them out to members to say, 'Here are the options, here are the pros and cons.'
"This is not only a courtesy to the members, in many ways it's an obligation, to keep us advised of the strategic direction of the club. That's why we become members."
Burraston said yesterday that the Knights had at no point made a commitment to privatisation.
"We've never said we'll privatise," he said. "We've said we'll consider it and we may or may not take it to the AGM.
"It's our decision not to take it to this AGM. If that changes somewhere in the future, we'll do it."
Burraston said members would receive an annual report soon and would have "every opportunity to ask any question" at the AGM.
"We're very happy with what we're taking to members," he said.
Butterfield endorsed "wholeheartedly" Fitzgibbon's opinion yesterday that the Knights could not continue the subsistence existence they have led since 1988.
"Having been intimately involved with the current model, I know it doesn't work in this environment and will continue to become less effective and efficient down the track," he said. Burraston would not comment on Fitzgibbon's column, as it would "only give the story credibility".


Joker's Wild

Burraston would not comment on Fitzgibbon's column, as it would "only give the story credibility".
