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Fitzgibbon warns Knights must get investors on board


Staff member
We did. It was at Adamstown, and the venture cost us $750K before we shut the doors on it in 2000.

What was the story there? I hadn't ever even made it to a live Knights game at that point, so I wasn't closely aware of our situation. Did we go into a partnership? Or did we actually try to start up our own leagues club?
What was the story there? I hadn't ever even made it to a live Knights game at that point, so I wasn't closely aware of our situation. Did we go into a partnership? Or did we actually try to start up our own leagues club?

We bought an old club - it was Adamstown Rosebuds Soccer Club. The place was a dump, hence no-one went there, hence we lost money. I think we sold it to Con Constantine back in the old NSL days... I seem to remember it became Newcastle United Sports Club after we sold it. Not sure about now... it may be closed altogether.


We bought an old club - it was Adamstown Rosebuds Soccer Club. The place was a dump, hence no-one went there, hence we lost money. I think we sold it to Con Constantine back in the old NSL days... I seem to remember it became Newcastle United Sports Club after we sold it. Not sure about now... it may be closed altogether.
it was still operating as of 2 or so years ago... and i don't think much has changed. it's a tiny club, and a sh*tty place to have a leagues club for an NRL team. my old man managed it for con for a fair few years.


If having a club to support us is a possible answer...is the level of resentment from the SL days still there if Wests took a partial or even complete ownership of the Knights?

I know how many people hate the maggots, and I know they were behind the Mariners...but they run a smart operation, it would still be in public hands to an extent, they certainly have the ability to put cash in to the club, they have top facilities...

If Wests wanted to do it, it kinda makes sense...big if I know...


Burraston would not comment on Fitzgibbon's column, as it would "only give the story credibility".
I take it this is the last year we have NIB as a sleeve sponsor then...


im sorry mac but how you can support burraston to the extent you do when he makes such comments is beyond me

here we have the CEO of a hugely successful company making comments on a business he knows a lot about and we have the CEO of a business up sh*t creek completely ignoring what is a sensible and well written opinion piece and flat out refusing to comment

to me that is disgraceful and severely damages his credibility as CEO. i understand he cannot simply be forced to question his decisions everytime someone makes their own comments however in this instance i think fitzgibbons comments deserve a response especially given the way in which privatisation was taken off the table so quickly after they specifically said they were lookng at ideas

burraston must take full responsibility for the way the club is run and it seem like we are flip flopping about with absolutely no direction. i cannot agree he is the right man for the job based on his current performance


The comment that Burraston made about giving Fitzgibbon's comments "credibility" kinda shocked me. It isn't the way you treat one of your key sponsors. Personalities aside - you just don't dismiss someone key to the funding of your business that way and in such a public fashion.


im sorry mac but how you can support burraston to the extent you do when he makes such comments is beyond me

burraston must take full responsibility for the way the club is run and it seem like we are flip flopping about with absolutely no direction. i cannot agree he is the right man for the job based on his current performance

We don't know anything of the context/background to this comment.

I look forward to you asking the tough questions at the AGM, as is your right as a member.


First Grade
This may have been said or hinted at already, but this 'no privatisation' response must surely be driven by a very favourable outcome in the stadium dispute with the NSW govt.


This may have been said or hinted at already, but this 'no privatisation' response must surely be driven by a very favourable outcome in the stadium dispute with the NSW govt.
Or by the privatisation models they were looking at being sh!thouse.


We don't know anything of the context/background to this comment

we know very well that several weeks ago we were told the knights were looking seriously at options to present to the AGM. we also know that last week this entire idea was shelved and burraston was quoted saying something like "until we really need to we're probably not going to do anything anyway"

this to me sounds a lot like the words of management of an organisation with no direction. one minute provatisation is a serious option, the next it seems it was never going to happen anyway

the fact that year after year burro feels the need to plead with fans to turn up to games because we rely desperately on gate takings (whic is essentially the entire focus of our "business model" says it all). the fact that the CEO openly admits a few rainy games can mean the difference between making money and incurring more debt is quite unbelievable

I look forward to you asking the tough questions at the AGM, as is your right as a member.

you may recall im no longer a member since the club f**ked over my company who had been loyal supporters and members, box holders since 1988


Or by the privatisation models they were looking at being sh!thouse.

one would expect that if this were the case they would have said as much and would continue investigations to find an approproate model

i think we all know the real reason is because as it stands the club is still in operation and until its "privatise or fold" the CEO and board would rather leave things as they are despite the club being about the worst run in the league


one would expect that if this were the case they would have said as much and would continue investigations to find an approproate model
If they were looking at models that didn't measure up I would expect them NOT to embaress people who are obviously good supporters of the club by publicly declaring them not good enough to run the franchise.
It's the last thing they should do - turn a good friend into an enemy.
you may recall im no longer a member since the club f**ked over my company who had been loyal supporters and members, box holders since 1988

Ah. I've often wondered what your beef with the club is... now I understand.

I can sympathise with Burro on this. Ever since the club began, it has been a proudly community owned asset. Many of our current members are fiercely proud of this fact. I have the feeling that Burro just doesn't to go down in history as the boss who proverbially sold the family farm.

I'm not saying I entirely agree with this stance. I am just, as so many on this forum are keen on saying, playing devil's advocate.


If they were looking at models that didn't measure up I would expect them NOT to embaress people who are obviously good supporters of the club by publicly declaring them not good enough to run the franchise.

gez roops. clearly they could choose their words carefully and explain the situation without hurting anyones feelings

It's the last thing they should do - turn a good friend into an enemy.

lol. is that supposed to be ironic given burrastons comments re fitzgibbon?


Ah. I've often wondered what your beef with the club is... now I understand.

please dont misinterpret the reason for me not being a current member as the motivator behind my comments re the extremely poor way the club is run

they have nothing to do with each other.

I can sympathise with Burro on this. Ever since the club began, it has been a proudly community owned asset. Many of our current members are fiercely proud of this fact. I have the feeling that Burro just doesn't to go down in history as the boss who proverbially sold the family farm.

so his personal quest to be buddy buddy with the members who's attitudes are essentially holding the club back and contributing greatly to its current state is and excuse for failing as a CEO to make the decisions necessary to ensure its success?

i must say i feel anything but pity for him if thats the case.


Fitzgibbon went public - not Burraston - whose only comment was that he wasn't going public.

yes and thank goodness someone did because its a major issue facing the club and the recent performance of the CEO and board can only leave people shaking their heads in bewilderment

and lets at least be honest roops, burraston pretty much insulted fitzgibbon through his response today. not only should he have explained the recent flip-flop but to write off the comments of someone like fitzgibbon in the manner he did is downright stuipid