No one is saying that we want him back there permanantly and every single bloke on here has bagged the f**k out of him all year, including me.
However if you can all honestly say that putting your prejudice of him aside, you think Fitz had a sh!t game last night, then I really have to question your knowledge of League.
Considering the conditions, he was fantastic. He was awesome under the highball, he made plenty of good metres out of dummy half, he diffused a few tricky kicks (whoever that farkwit who said "he ran it over the sideline", ummm....tell me exactly what he was supposed to do? would you prefer he just let Vuna grab it and score)
Sure he made a few errors, but look at the conditions, tough for any fullback, let alone Fitzhenry. Pleny of other people where a lot worse. The Tele is praising Benji, I thought Benji had a sh!thouse game, aside from the last 5 mins.
In conclusion, I don't want to see Fitz back next week, or any other week. But farkin hell, credit where credit is due. You blokes are just giving to him out of spite.