And there you have it folks - Fitzsimons' template for just about every single f**king article he has penned for the last 10-15 years. Here's what it look like until he fills in the blanks with different names/teams before sending to his editor;
"Rugby Union will enter a new dawn of success by the end of <insert year> and become the pre-eminent rugby code in Australia - As a result Rugby League will rapidly decline in popularity and player numbers due to <insert reason - previously the lack of international competition was cited, this year it's supposed neglect to do with concussion>
A-League <insert overused and unfunny "Whatever that is" line here and rubbish code incessantly>
AFL will continue to lead the way in marketing and broadcasting deals courtsey of <insert gratuitous suck up spiel towards current AFL Chairman and Club CEO's which will hopefully garner some free tickets to Swans games>
Cricket Australia - the governing body need to reign in <insert current gripe eg Aussies play ugly and sledge too much, T20 cricket is not real cricket, need more current day players like Keith Miller etc etc>
In closing - when will we finally become a republic and change the national anthem to "I am, You are, we are Australian"