Yes, it's also known as checking your facts. When attempting a rational debate, I find presenting facts to be quite helpful, and far better than saying "only god knows the truth" as a means to win an argument.
Haha. The fake backdown. No insinuation necessary, you just provided proof.of your duplicity.
And get his nickname right, it's Scotty from Marketing.
The reason why I gave examples from a conservative politician, a right-wing radio jock and members of the clergy was because they would be last people to criticise Folau. Normally, they would back a fellow christian. But it's clear he has even lost the support of these well known conservatives.
If I found quotes from pro-gay marriage sources, you wouldn't accept those either. It shows that regardless of the weight of proof, you will never agree that Folau is out-of-step with majority view.
I've said before that I'm not here to change your mind, I never thought you were able to do that. I post to expose the lack of logic in your argument, even if you can't see it yourself.
And before you bring up the donations thing again, I urge you to research it. Folau's support base largely comes from the Australian Christian Lobby. The ACL claim to have 150,000 members - so not hard to raise a couple of million dollars, and we can only wonder what happened to that money given the matter was settled out-of-court.. Anyway, the ACL have stated their aims, which include bringing a greater christian influence to Australian politics (
Link). And they clearly believe they speak the only truth, which by itself may be cause for concern. Folau is a favourite in the ACL, and possibly part of their greater plan. It'll be interesting to see where he heads after his playing career is done. A push for the senate perhaps?