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For the North Sydney Bears fans.....


Ok, before I get to the crux of the matter, I just want to inform everyone that I am in no way being sarcastic nor joking about what I am about to say. I do realise that this is still a very sensitive topic to a lot of Bears fans, or to anyone who has passionately supported a rugby league side for a very long time. As a Knights supporter myself, I would be very devastated if it was announced that the Knights were no longer in the NRL anymore?

The other night, I was thinking about events over the past 20 years of my life, especially the last year of primary school/first year of high school (for me, that is 1999/2000) phase, which was a very big change in my life. One thing I do remember from that, was when the NRL decided to only have 14 teams in 2000. We all know what happened in the end to the Northern Eagles joint venture.

My questions are this: To the North Sydney Bears fans (and I would appreciate if you were honest with your answers):

1) If there is any, what effect has the North Sydney Bears not being in the NRL anymore had on your life (emotionally)? Obviously, if you were more of a diehard fan, it would hurt even more.

2) What do you think of today, when you see the Bears running out in Premier League/Jim Beam Cup at North Sydney Oval?

3) What did you initially think when it was proposed (whenever it was) that the Bears were moving to the Central Coast? How did you feel about that at the time and how did you also feel when you found out that they had merged with the Sea Eagles to form the Northern Eagles? What were your thoughts on the Northern Eagles over the period 2000-2002 (which they existed), especially in the first few home games in 2000?

4) If the Central Coast Bears got admitted into the NRL, how would you feel? Would it take away or alleviate the pain felt over incidents occuring over the years, or not? Would it feel the same as what you knew the Bears as, before the whole debarkle in 1999/2000?

And finally,

5) Do you think the Bears will be admitted into the NRL anytime soon, and if so, when abouts and under what circumstances or conditions would have to take place, before the Bears can come back into the NRL?

Blind Freddy

1) If there is any, what effect has the North Sydney Bears not being in the NRL anymore had on your life (emotionally)? Obviously, if you were more of a diehard fan, it would hurt even more.

Well obviously there is a bitter taste in all of the fans mouths out there, mostly due to the series of events and the way in which it happened. For me personally i still love rugby league, Just not a fan of desisions made by admin. I'm now a neutral fan of the NRL comp and still follow Bear activity keenly. Bear fans are accustomed to heartache on and off the field. I still love Rugby League just not as much as i could.

2) What do you think of today, when you see the Bears running out in Premier League/Jim Beam Cup at North Sydney Oval?

Still have immense pride for them, and a feeling of "what could have been"... the CC idea would undoubtedly be a success.

3) What did you initially think when it was proposed (whenever it was) that the Bears were moving to the Central Coast? How did you feel about that at the time and how did you also feel when you found out that they had merged with the Sea Eagles to form the Northern Eagles? What were your thoughts on the Northern Eagles over the period 2000-2002 (which they existed), especially in the first few home games in 2000?

You have to remember that this was in the time of the great dreaded "criteria". North Sydney Oval was deemed unfit for NRL fixtures. The club still had decent funds at this point. When the CC idea happened, the guys at NRL HQ promised "regional status" and thus the club be exempt from the purge. To me this was a case of well if thats what it takes to survive then so be it. I also thought this may of benefit to the club given time because the CC area is growing therfore more people to join in the party. The vision had alot going for it....The CC had warmed greatly to the idea too, i remember with great clarity seeing CC Bears merchandise everywhere during some vists to the area at the time of stadium construction.

I'm sure both sides of the merge feel that the Northern Eagles fiasco was disatarous from the get go. Stupid, stupid idea. This was rugby league's biggest and finest rivalry down the toilet...Our pesky little brothers.

4) If the Central Coast Bears got admitted into the NRL, how would you feel? Would it take away or alleviate the pain felt over incidents occuring over the years, or not? Would it feel the same as what you knew the Bears as, before the whole debarkle in 1999/2000?

Given the preservation of history and tradition are maintained ie Red and Black colours are used, the Bears logo is used. NS leagues club have involvement i'd be utterly over the moon. The most recent bid attempt when Singo and CC leagues was also involved was stunning. Those of us who witnessed the bid's detaisl will attest to this....another big opportunity lost by the NRL

5) Do you think the Bears will be admitted into the NRL anytime soon, and if so, when abouts and under what circumstances or conditions would have to take place, before the Bears can come back into the NRL?

If the game grows then i certainly think there is very good chance. The only thing holding the Bears back is the incompetence in the management of other NRL clubs srrounding like Newcastle and some Sydney teams that lack the foresight and constructiveness to gain revenue by means other than poker machines and crappy car ads.

There are 800,000 people from the CC to the Northern side of the bridge that are unreprestented. The CC Bears would work and their feisty return would be one of the greatest events in Rugby League history. There are too many good points for a return...but maybe i'm biased.



and every 8th thread on Dave's mightybears site!

1. Still pissed off
2. its great we are still running round, its only this century that i joined the football club and got more involved.
3. Not happy initially, but demographic creep meant that was it going to happen [there used to be a junior team call the Ridge St tigers!] it was a fresh start in an area that had lots of norths fans and families of those that couldn't afford sydney prices. Even the guy who ran the servo on the cnr of high and victoria, willoughby north who had the big sign as to who norths were next playing, moved to within minutes of the CC Stadium!
4. yes it would
5. hopefully in 2010 as the cc bears [hopefully!], see about 20 odd threads like:

http://www.mightybears.com/viewtopic.php?t=2764&start=30, and one of my many rants:

But Perth could have been given time, and would again. The numbers are there, easterners, poms, kiwis, junior league, corporate and a ground with glory support/influence to get a 25k stadium built on top of the current ME ground.

Adelaide wasn't then and isn't now big enough to support an NRL team, as there aren't enough nsw/qld people or kiwis, money-corporates or a local comp that could serve as a feed UNLESS the are partially/wholly owned and funded by News/NRL and they pick up say the Jets as a feed-and to be honest a Adelaide Jets, with Jets jersey would mean small but vocal support when they played in sydney.

Our problem is that 20 like nearly 15 years back is the magic number, and 5 doesn't go into 4.

Eventually a second Brisbane team is a guarantee [based at Easts Coorparoo OR Redcliffe. They both have the money and the will. With corporate support and QRL backing a team playing a Lang will happen.

The crushers were sh*t, but had crowds because they weren't the red hill scabs, the crowds will be back no worries, maybe the profitable Crushers Leagues club at the Grange that currently supports " Junior RL" read not the broncos, will get in with one of the above two as well.

A second kiwi team out of Wellington will happen, the binary nature of "Us v Auckland/jafa", local derby blah blah will sell well in NZ, they have the juniors and the groung-cake tin. Its also important for a strong Kiwi test team and therefore international credibility. The money is there

2 down, 2 left to 20.

Perth as above could work, should work. More risky than Brisbane, on par with Wellington arguably.

Adelaide would complete the mainland capitals, a true N in NRL, that matches the the A in AFL. It wouldn't rate in SA, but ping pong in Brisbane still struggled ratings wise up here 2001 to 2003 and it didn't matter re broadcaster money. The code could still sell a national package, and arguably the more fragmented nature of TV ownership now vs 1995 will help that auction. News/NRL would have to fund the hell out of it, get their mates at telstra to sponsor etc [if that doesn't blow up in the next few years with the 2 idiots sons circling] but it MAY work.

Us, gosford therefore are in some ways team 21, its the way the some of the bastards that run the code think. The best thing we have going for us besides the obvious we all know-heritage-history, CC juniors, ground etc is that no sydney team looks likely to take the 40 pieces of silver and move lock stock up the coast permanently AT THE MOMENT.

Whether $8 or $12 million or more, who is going to leave?

*The Sharks would have to be in a big big hole, they are the "shire".
*Easts are Sydney City, they may have 37 supporters, but their marketing is all about Sydney, leaving to play somewhere that's not Sydney is not going to happen, unless they too are financially screwed [Very unlikely, as its not Cronulla and their 'It must be a leap year, time for administration"].

The Rest:
*Saints may end up on the south coast, not CC.
*Penrith, Parra never.
*Souths, not since the Rusty/Hac thing
*Manly, we need to hope they continue to have great financial sucess and that they pour money into the brookie sh*tpile, and their fundies draw the line at going to "eadieland"
*The Dogs are SW Sydney.
*The Wests Tigers are the Wests Tigers, a stand alone Balmain may have had to eventually, but the 'franchise direction' would be fatally damaged it the WT's went north to the CC. That and the AFL push into western Sydney means the NRL wants them there and strong- with Parra, Penrith and the Dog's draining AFL coin for decades.

The sucess of the Mariners is actually helping us, that Adelaide is shaky is also helping. Money is going to get tighter and News may refocus on AFL next time it matters. That dangerous dave gallop has had a change of language is great, but this guy is the original hollow man, and i don't mean he can out drink the pub, he was a News corp lawyer!. Where we should be morally doesn't mean anything in this centenary year to the NRL yet, as Gosford is the sydney team carrot and the carrot will grow.

Gosford needs to financially better [TV rights, crowds, Corp sponsor marketwise] than Adelaide for us to be the 20th."


Staff member
1. It has had a big impact. I think it has made me more passionate than i would have been before.

2. When i watch the Bears play i don't really think about the fact it is not NRL. I get just as absorbed in the matches as i did when the Bears were in the NRL and i just want to see them win.

3. Same as Blind Freddy and mightybears.

4. It would make all the hard work that many people are doing to keep the club running worth it.

5. I think that the Bears will be back in the nrl. There are strong plans that were in place ready for 1999 and again in our bid's for re-admission.


MightyBears or any other Bears supporter, you may have to explain this post that I found on the weblink you gave me, cause I don't understand what is meant by what I have highlighted in bold and italic. Like, the whole part about the stripping of stadium rights and how all the events caused receivership etc. etc. I'd appreciate your help

"Like most major sports except for AFL, which will eventually go down that path, the NRL is simply a cash cow for the big end of town, raking in money from TV rights, usually whihc they control as well.

The Bears are just one of the unfortunate casualties on the way to the complete corporatisation of Rugby League at the expense of its history and traditions.

What really happened to the Bears was that because they were successful in getting a fantastic deal in relation to the CC Stadium (a 21 Year lease for nothing with complete control of corporatre boxes, advertising and concessions), they immediately became a target. No other team had this benefit given to them by the Fed and State Governments.

Accordingly, as soon as the corporates realised the money that could be made from this largesse, the move was on by the NRL and its backers, to strip the CC stadium rights from the Bears Footy Club, with the conivance of the the Leagues Club.

The Footy Club was placed into administration on a pretext and the Administrator, then proceeded to strip the asset away from the Footy Club to Singo and for the benefit of Murdoch's NRL strategy.

Donnelly gets appointed to Singo's Board and Murdoch will get rid of the huge losses he is making in Melbourne by moving this one of his NRL franchises to Rugby League heartland.

The Bears stay dead."

Red Bear

Knight87 said:
Ok, before I get to the crux of the matter, I just want to inform everyone that I am in no way being sarcastic nor joking about what I am about to say. I do realise that this is still a very sensitive topic to a lot of Bears fans, or to anyone who has passionately supported a rugby league side for a very long time. As a Knights supporter myself, I would be very devastated if it was announced that the Knights were no longer in the NRL anymore?

The other night, I was thinking about events over the past 20 years of my life, especially the last year of primary school/first year of high school (for me, that is 1999/2000) phase, which was a very big change in my life. One thing I do remember from that, was when the NRL decided to only have 14 teams in 2000. We all know what happened in the end to the Northern Eagles joint venture.

My questions are this: To the North Sydney Bears fans (and I would appreciate if you were honest with your answers):

1) If there is any, what effect has the North Sydney Bears not being in the NRL anymore had on your life (emotionally)? Obviously, if you were more of a diehard fan, it would hurt even more.

2) What do you think of today, when you see the Bears running out in Premier League/Jim Beam Cup at North Sydney Oval?

3) What did you initially think when it was proposed (whenever it was) that the Bears were moving to the Central Coast? How did you feel about that at the time and how did you also feel when you found out that they had merged with the Sea Eagles to form the Northern Eagles? What were your thoughts on the Northern Eagles over the period 2000-2002 (which they existed), especially in the first few home games in 2000?

4) If the Central Coast Bears got admitted into the NRL, how would you feel? Would it take away or alleviate the pain felt over incidents occuring over the years, or not? Would it feel the same as what you knew the Bears as, before the whole debarkle in 1999/2000?

And finally,

5) Do you think the Bears will be admitted into the NRL anytime soon, and if so, when abouts and under what circumstances or conditions would have to take place, before the Bears can come back into the NRL?
1 - its made me the bitter and twisted person i am today:) Seriously tho, its just frustrating, cop sh*t from people for still following them etc kinda annoying.
2 - bit sad but proud to see the club still fighting strong
3 - Well i wasnt for it being all of...9 years old or so i didnt follow it properly (alot of stuff i know/rant about is stuff ive learnt through my continued you know, following of the club). I would obviously prefer if we could stay at NSO for ever but i think CC was always going to happen as unfortunate as that is. Northern eagles - meh. I dont blame manly, as much as a scummy f**kwit club they are they tried to help us out a bit there. Was never going to work tho you cant put aside 52 years of hatred and hop into bed with each other.
4 - It'd be nice and i would support them, not quite the same as north sydney bears (for starters getting to a home game is an extra 2+ hours of travel time) but it would be nice to see. Would love if they could still play a game at NSO each year for old times sake.
5 - To be honest, no i dont. Lets face it, i dont think the NRL likes us at all. They rarely see it fit to mention or acknowledge us. I dont think it will happen as much as i would like, i suspect we are more likely to end up in the Newtown route of being a really good community based team in the north sydney area and hopefully getting similar crowds to them, a nostalgia team if you will. Not ideal but this is just my thoughts on how we'll end up.


and also this blurb:

"The Club was put into administration for one reson only - Beattie and his lackeys knew that David Hill and the members would roll the Board about merging with Manly. There was to be a vote a couple of days later about the merger. Beattie had no chance of winning this vote.

The big advantage of Administration for the Directors was that the members no longer control the club and had no voting rights. Donnelly gained total power to make decisions for the Club.

And according to the script, Donnelly, two minutes after he was appointed, without any research or investigation, stated that the only option for the Football Club was to merge with Manly. He knew what the deal was and he complied.

Indeed, before Norths were emasculated, Manly didn't want to merge because they knew Norths would dominate any merger given their financial assets and strength with the CC licence.

However, after Norths were in Administration, Manly was able to call the shots and thus we ended up with the Manly Jersety with the red and black armpits, the merger team being exclusively referred to as the Eagles and the flicking of Norths' coach in favour of the Manly loser.

When it became obvious the merger was a complete dud, Donnelly brought in SIngo and gave him the CC Stadium and gave Manly the NRL Licence.Norths were left to die.

Norths lost everything and Donnelly got his place on Singo's board.

Beattie was flicked by everyone - ending up the sucker of the whole fiasco. He thought he was going to be CEO of the most powerful NRL team and he ended up walking round the Olympic Staduium with some bemuised Africans.

Bellew was the big winner. After being appointed a Director of Norths (never elected), the first thing he did was vote for the Administration and then he gets on the JV board, does everything he can for Manly and as a reward ends up on the NRL Board.

As the whole sorry history of the NRL shows, why worry about history, tradition, family and integrity when sucking up to Rupert pays such big silken dividends."

I don't understand. Who is this Donnelly person, and why did he want Manly to merge with Norths? Did he hate Norths, did he intentionally try to kill them off? He sounds like Iago (the devil in disguise) in Othello (if you studied Othello at school). Why did the club go into administration, when they had the resources to pay off the small debt? How could it go into administration? Why would the other Norths board members let this person do what he did? Its like, if you know youre going to get 90% of your mum's will, and then all of a sudden, you let someone take 80% of it.


And also:

It is important that Bears supporters know what happened to their club.

"The Leagues Club had $10 million+ to put into the Football Club. We were never broke or likely to be.

But - the Leagues Club only put the $10 million into the Footy Club AFTER the Bears were forced into the JV with Manly.

The reult: Manly (broke with no ground and bleak prospects) end up with the NRL licence, Gosford, $10 million+ from our Leagues Club, cash injection from the NRL.

This story will come out one day."

Why didn't the Leagues Club put in the $10 million when the footy team needed it the most, rather than after the JV had occured?


Post Whore
Knight87 said:
Why didn't the Leagues Club put in the $10 million when the footy team needed it the most, rather than after the JV had occured?

Politics. The Leagues Clubs didn't think for a minute that the NRL would simply boot the club out of the NRL, but rather, let them pretty much take the club over. They complictly hoodwinked the Football Club only to be Shanghai'd by the NRL.

The whole situation beggared belief and still makes me sick to the stomach. And I'm not even a Bears.

Rockin Ronny

t-ba said:
Politics. The Leagues Clubs didn't think for a minute that the NRL would simply boot the club out of the NRL, but rather, let them pretty much take the club over. They complictly hoodwinked the Football Club only to be Shanghai'd by the NRL.

The whole situation beggared belief and still makes me sick to the stomach. And I'm not even a Bears.

What was done to the Bears was one of the greatest corporate frauds you'll ever see.

And, to top it off, the NRL goes into bat for the Gold Coast, shafts the CC Bears THEN says "any team (but not the Bears) can have Gosford and we'll give you $8 million!"

Worse, the CEOs of the NRL Clubs, who should be looking to grow the game, have instead blocked entry for a CC Bears game because they fear its likely success.

That is why, for many Bears fans, the NRL is a sad joke with no integrity, run by News Limited lackeys.

Even sadder is their attempts to create "traditional rivalries" when the greatest rivalry in the last 30years has been Bears v Manly.

How stupid are these people?


1) If there is any, what effect has the North Sydney Bears not being in the NRL anymore had on your life (emotionally)? Obviously, if you were more of a diehard fan, it would hurt even more.

Hit family hard as it dominted our spare time & discussion at meals etc, still leaves very bitter taste in mouth at what happened to them.

2) What do you think of today, when you see the Bears running out in Premier League/Jim Beam Cup at North Sydney Oval?

Happy they are still around, but it is sad to remember the crowds that we used to get.

3) What did you initially think when it was proposed (whenever it was) that the Bears were moving to the Central Coast? How did you feel about that at the time and how did you also feel when you found out that they had merged with the Sea Eagles to form the Northern Eagles? What were your thoughts on the Northern Eagles over the period 2000-2002 (which they existed), especially in the first few home games in 2000?

I was a little bit funny about that until I understood re the colours and logo and the fact that we were always connected to the Central Coast anyway, plus I love that part of the world. When it was explained to me it made total sense.

Northern Eagles - Well frankly I was disgusted. Even if it was a team called the Northern Bears playing in red & black at Brooky etc it wouldnt work - Oil and water dont mix.

4) If the Central Coast Bears got admitted into the NRL, how would you feel? Would it take away or alleviate the pain felt over incidents occuring over the years, or not? Would it feel the same as what you knew the Bears as, before the whole debarkle in 1999/2000?

I would be over the moon

And finally,

5) Do you think the Bears will be admitted into the NRL anytime soon, and if so, when abouts and under what circumstances or conditions would have to take place, before the Bears can come back into the NRL?

David Gallop has said that:
We were close last time.
It would reconnect the code with the North Shore.
It would heal the last wound from the Super League War.

Others realise the vast territory unrepresented by a league side at the top level being the whole North Shore and Central Coast, and the potential there.

There is a great stadium sitting there with 2 supporting regions and disenfranchised fans.

However self interest from Politis and co are the enemies against the common sense of this. They need to be converted, or Gallop stands up.



I strongly believe they will re-enter the comp in 2012, especially if the Mariners keep truckin along like they are. They'll be my 2nd team and will go to every home game (provided they don't clash with the Tigers games)

The Tank

Just a question...

If the CC Bears were to join the NRL (or rejoin) would CC people be against them playing a game or 2 at NSO every year?


brooksy19 said:
I strongly believe they will re-enter the comp in 2012, especially if the Mariners keep truckin along like they are. They'll be my 2nd team and will go to every home game (provided they don't clash with the Tigers games)

While sad that a foundation club such as the Bears was mismanaged to bankruptcy, I don't see how they can re-enter.

1. Gallop has stated that the NRL sees Perth, Wellington, the Central Coast and SE-QLD (again) as likely bases for future NRL clubs.

2. He has stated that 18 teams is the highest the NRL can accommodate.

3. He has stated (numerous times) that the NRL believe there are too many Sydney based clubs.

4. There is an $8 million dollar offer for an existing team to relocate to the Central Coast.

5. The available sponsorship and corporate support in the greater Sydney area is strongly contested, the 10 clubs within driving distance won't want yet another competitor, especially given the financial concerns of NSW clubs over the coming years.

6. It is becoming more and more apparent that most Suburban Parks/Stadiums are not fit to host NRL clubs (Leichhardt , Campbelltown, Brookvale, Toyota Park, OKI) making Blue Tounge stadium more attractive proposition.

7. An additional Central Coast team won't provide the increase in TV revenue that Perth or Wellington can.

8. A relocation to the CC is a far easier sell then to Perth or NZ or QLD. Fans can still get to the stadium relatively easy.

Read between the lines, a Central Coast team is likely, but it will be a relocation. An NRL license is far too valuable a commodity to be wasted on yet another NSW club within driving distance of 10 existing teams.

When (and it is when, not if) a Sydney club relocates to the CC the NRL will be able to easily cover 3 of their desired expansion locations by raising the number of clubs to 18.


The Tank said:
Just a question...

If the CC Bears were to join the NRL (or rejoin) would CC people be against them playing a game or 2 at NSO every year?

Would be all for it.


Staff member
BrisVegas said:
Read between the lines, a Central Coast team is likely, but it will be a relocation. An NRL license is far too valuable a commodity to be wasted on yet another NSW club within driving distance of 10 existing teams.

When (and it is when, not if) a Sydney club relocates to the CC the NRL will be able to easily cover 3 of their desired expansion locations by raising the number of clubs to 18.
Relocation is bullsh*t imo,and I don't think it will ever work.

And it wouldn't be wasted,the Bears were huge,considering they still have a strong following after being dudded by the NRL over and over.
Reinstating the team would do wonders for NRL.

I hope they are back around the same time as Perth,they were a great time and had great supporters.