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For the people on this forum that play/use to play rugby league....


well, I guess a part of the reason for that is that people who went in at lightning speed were like 195-200cm tall and at least 100-105kg. LOL! Playing halfback and being only 170cm/72kg, a little bit more height would've been good.


Misanthrope said:
I don't injure easily. In my theatre days (which are considerably more recent) ran into walls at top speed, got hit upside the head with bronze candle-stick holders, and got three colours of sh*t slapped out of me by an angry feminist. All scripted. I wasn't universally hated or something like that.

Alas, I cannot fight to save my life. I'm like Homer in that episode where he's a boxer. Hard to hurt, but sh*t useless.

What do you mean by that?


1) How long have you been playing league for?
A fair few years. missed this year due to injury last year.
2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?
Concord United
Concord Burwood Wolves
3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in?
Quality was OK, but stack them up against St George and they got smashed. However competed with the rest rep teams.
4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair?
Sure, there are players like that in every comp.

5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful?
Yep, tore my collateral ligament, and the one one the other side. Tore my cartilage and fractured a foot. Foot wasn't so bad.
The most painful was a concussion i received.

7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen?
Not a league match, an AFL match. Bloke dislocated his knee. Definitely the worst seen.


Staff member
What do you mean by that?

I was in a play in which I was a mysognistic asshole and my female lead was a nice girl who needed to be a convincingly angry feminist type. So, I riled her up off stage and then got her to slap the f**k out of me on cue. Looked more real than a fake slap or a lightly delivered one. Method, baby, method.


HAHHAHA! Nice technique Misanthrope. Btw, what is Glen Innes like? Is it worth visiting or not? Is climate good there?


Staff member
soz, this is a bit of topic, but Misanthrope, what is Glen Innes like? Is it worth visiting or not? Is climate good there?

There's not a great deal here, unless you've a fascination with Celtic culture. It's cold in the winter (Blue Mountains cold, I'd guess, but snow is a rarity) and pleasant in spring and summer. Worth a look if you're going someplace else, but I wouldn't build a trip around it unless you're of retiring age. Old people love the place.

Tekken Lord

Originally Posted by Knight87
hahahhaa, Misanthrope. You must be a relatively fit person to not have obtained a single injury from league. I guess the blokes from Wikipedia would beg to differ with that, with this biased statement from below:


" Schools have used touch as part of their curriculum to avoid the inevitable injuries that can stem from the full contact version."

Inevitable, ay? We'll see about that, Wikipedia

Funny i've played league since i was twelve stopped playing now due to injuries none of which occured while playing league.

1) How long have you been playing league for?
I played for four years before dislocating both my knee caps while playing soccer, since then my knees can't handle playing league or any sport.

2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?
Babinda Colts.

3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in?
I don't know about the quality but i know Billy Slater used to play in the comp so it can't be that bad.

4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair?
There are always dirty players a few were on the same team as me.

5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful?
I've hyperextended my right knee, i kicked the ball and someone decided it would be fun to dive at my leg, surprisingly it didn't hurt too bad. But i would say my worst injury is the first time i dislocated my knee cap, worst pain i've ever experienced.

7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen?
Dislocated knee cap, though it didn't happen in a game of footy it's the worst injury i've ever seen. But worst injury in a game of footy would be a broken leg.


broken leg? I would think that knee ligament tear or knee cap damage (patella tendonitis) would be the worst injuries in league.

Tekken Lord, how would you describe the dislocated kneecap pain? (like, what did it feel like)? And how did you do it in Soccer? Because I nearly had the same problem as well playing Soccer.

Some idiot came out of nowhere and (wearing metal caps on his studs) at fast speed, raised his leg and soccer tackled me in the kneecap area (at full speed). I flipped in the air and nearly landed on my neck. Very painful (in knee area) and was on the ground. Couldn't get up for 2 mins and my knee started to swell, but in the end I was lucky to only have knee ligament strain. However, every now and then, I'll sometimes have sharp pain in that area, so I don't know exactly if I have extended damage from it


This clip is near identical to what happened to me, but instead, I was a bit luckier than the bloke on the receiving end of Roy Keane's dastardly act.


yeah, ive seen one, but id think that knee damage (kneecap/ligament) would be a lot worse though (and a lot more crippling on your sporting career as well)


) How long have you been playing league for?
all up, played for 16 years. from U/9 - A-Grade and Rep Trials

2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?
Blacktown City, Penant Hills Stags

3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in?
Penrith Comp (City) was very high , Nth Sydney Comp (Stags) was mid to high

4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair?
nothing bad.. i wasn't exactly the cleanest player

5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful?
Broken Collar Bone in 2 places and dislocated shoulder all from one tackle.

7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen?
Broken Neck straight into a coma.


1) How long have you been playing league for?
Since I was 6, stopped when I was 20

2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?
Campbelltown HS, Lithgow St Bradbury, Offered scholarship to St Gregory's before we moved, Southport tigers up to 18 y/o, the A grade for Nerang group 18 comp.

3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in?

4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair?
Eddie Fallins

5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful?
Broke my thuimb in 4 places hand pin inserted from 5cm behind base to the last joint.

6) If the answer is no for question 3, have you had any injuries during the time you've played, or managed to stay relatively injury-free in your career, like the likes of Cliff Lyons?
that was the only injury I ever suffered.

7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen?
Broken leg and completely destroyed his knee, yes in the same tackle


1) How long have you been playing league for?
Since U7s so 18 years. Unfortunatly couldnt play this year as club folded due to lack of players which is a shame as we were one win from grandfinal in 06. We will be back next year!!!
2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?
Braidwood Bears
3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in? Its a regional comp with all the smaller clubs from around the canberra region who cant support a 1st and reserve grade side so each team has a few players who probably should be playing first grade and the rest are of reserve grade quality. Weve had the odd ex Canberra Raider reserve grader and there are quite a few ex Raiders juniors playing in it as well. Mal Meninga even had a run in it a few years ago.
4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair? There is your fair share of dirty players in our comp with a few blokes in each team who is past their prime and dont mind trying to take young lokes heads off
5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful? Most painful was probably a dislocated shoulder after a shoulder charge went wrong :crazy:
7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen? Dislocated Knee Cap in a game a few years ago

Tekken Lord

Damn that Roy Keane tackle is nasty, i hope he was severly punished that guys knee looked f**ked, why the f**k would anybody do that? If the injury to you was similar but without the severe damage i bet that would have hurt, nice sharp pain to the knee. I really hate knee injuries and can't bare seeing them happen to other people.

The only way i would describe the pain is that it's so bad that all you want is for the pain to end and for it to never happen again, i don't really remember what the pain felt like just that it's pretty intense, nothing else matters but the pain. I don't really know if that expalins it but i don't really know how else to explain it. I cried so badly the first time but nothing but wincing and yelling at people to get help the second time. It still hurt like hell but my tolerance for pain is probably pretty high.

It was my fault really that i injured it the first time, several times in the couple of games we played that day i tried to pull up quickly from a run and my leg collapsed on me, three times. Sharp pain, couldn't walk for a couple of minutes then the leg feeling weak for a bit but after that i went back on and kept playing. Then as i was jogging my knee cap just dislocated of it's own accord but i did play on it injured, so i don't know but it still shouldn't just pop out. The second dislocation to the other knee happened when i stepped a diving tackle and my foot slipped, strange but i knew what had happened before i hit the ground.

The broken leg that i saw was pretty bad but i said it was the worse injury i had seen on a footy field refering to league the knee dislocations were playing soccer. Out of the two my opinion might be biased because it happened to me but i have never seen a worse looking sports injury than a dislocated knee cap.

PS. with the second knee cap dislocation help didn't arrive until after i put it back in place myself a couple of minutes later.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
1) How long have you been playing league for?
Played from U10 to U17
2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?
Wentworthville Magpies, Greystanes Devils and Merrylands Rams, also the regional Met West side in schoolboys and school sides
3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in?
Parramatta district is one of the best comps, I also refereed there and the quality is getting better. I played against Jason Cayless, who is the only notable player in my age group
4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair?
Plenty of dirty players but I would say that maybe a handful were bad enough to remember
5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful?
My worst injury was in U16 when I buckled and bruised my knee. I was playing hooker and went to scoot after a clumsy play the ball but somehow the marker got his boot tangled on mine and when I took off my lower leg stayed behind. Probably what stopped me playing on past U17
6) If the answer is no for question 3, have you had any injuries during the time you've played, or managed to stay relatively injury-free in your career, like the likes of Cliff Lyons?
I had a few but only niggles and it never stopped me
7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen?
A teammate losing some teeth after a king hit in a brawl


Tekken Lord said:
Damn that Roy Keane tackle is nasty, i hope he was severly punished that guys knee looked f**ked, why the f**k would anybody do that? If the

HAHAHAHA! Severely punished Tekken LOrd?????? HAHAHHA! He was severely punished to the extent of 8 matches and $375,000 AUD. $375,000!!!!!!!

Roy Keane was an extremely dirty player. I mean, we talk about John Hopoate and stuff, but Roy Keane was Soccer's version of it. I mean, come on, in his autobiography, when asked to reflect on the incident, this is what Roy Keane wrote (and you tell me whether or not this is cowardly or not):

'Despite widespread condemnation, he later maintained in his autobiography that he had no regrets about the incident: "My attitude was, f$%^ him. What goes around comes around. He got his just rewards. He f**ked me over and my attitude is an eye for an eye." Håland briefly considered taking legal action against Keane, but after both legal and medical advice he later decided otherwise.'

I mean, come on, $375,000 and 8 matches for that tackle. If only rugby league had the guts to serve out heavier penalties to those who do spear tackles and bad high tackles than the ones that are currently given, like a 2 week "slap in the face". The NRL could learn a lesson or two from this. To me, a suspension is not adequate enough. Players should also cop a fine, and that's what will hurt even more: stripping the hip pocket (Remember the Mark Geyer eyegouging incident in Super League 10 yrs ago. 10 matches and $100,000 fine! He was very remorseful after that alright). Until league gets fairdinkum and cracks down bigtime on bad offenses, you'll just see the same incidents time and time again. The laws don't protect and favour the victims.

Surprisingly, that's not the highest fine given for a reckless/intentional tackle in soccer. That honour goes to Kevin Muscat (former Socceroo). He ended Matt Holmes career (due to damaged ligaments, and 20+ operations for the victim) and as a result, was forced to pay 250,000 pounds + costs in favour of Holmes, equating all up to 750,000 pounds!! (ie $1.6 million AUD). Sucked in to Muscat, he may have not been as bad as Keane, but he too also has a notorious record for foul play. Imagine having to pay someone $1.6 million?


1) How long have you been playing league for?

I played 5 years, 1996-2000

2) What club(s) do you/did you play for?

I played for Quakers hill during that time, and also for the school for 2 years.

3) How would you describe the quality of the players in the competition which you participate in?

A decent standard of footy, but there were some different comparisons in the school competitions than the local Penrith competition was pretty good. A lot of the good players came out the Parra, Penrith and Wests area.

The Penrith local comp was great cause when you played against some potential players

When we played against St Dominics, there was some talent there, also St Pats Blacktown (i think Ben Pomeroy played in that side) and St Gregs.

4) Are there any players in your comp that play dirty (ie John Hopoate, Adrian Morely, Michael Crocker, Danny Williams style), or do 99% of the players in your comp play fair?

It was pretty fair sometimes, we didnt have many brawls. We did cop a few high shots from St Marys
one time, and we got a bit firey, so we thought we'd do the same as a square up.

There were a few rough sides, but what mattered was that we won.

5) Have you had any serious injuries? If so, how many have you had and which one would you say was the most painful?

Not really any serious, just got knocked out a few times, one bloke actually kneed me in the head after he scored.

6) If the answer is no for question 3, have you had any injuries during the time you've played, or managed to stay relatively injury-free in your career, like the likes of Cliff Lyons?

I was a winger/fullback, stayed injury free most of the time. What finished my career was actually an injury playing cricket. It wasnt a major one, but towards the end of the season, I slid along boundary and my leg got caught in the hole. I thought I was alright, but it was still painful when I started training, so decided to finish up, I then later had glangiler fever which didnt help.

7) In a game which you have participated in, what is the worst injury you have ever seen?

When we played Blacktown City one time, a guy copped a bad neck injury and the game was stopped for 1/2 hour to wait for the ambulance. I think he fell bad in the tackle.