That's the kind of single-club short sighted thinking that can end up with us holding 5 jokers at the end of the day. We could be the Manly of the west, continually begging for $400m for a stadium to service 10 games a year at 55% capacity. Or we could be part of a combined push for a modern facility shared with the Tigers and an A-League club that is Central for all parties and all of the West. Which option would appear more palatable to a state government when facing a FitzSimons style pitchfork backlash?
They expect half a million people to live in Campbelltown-Camden. From there it's either 25 minutes to Badgery's creek or closer to an hour to Penrith.
I think you misunderstood my point...
If this stadium was built it would be great, but that is a hypothetical whereas the trainline is vertually guarentees.
If the stadium isnt built, Panthers can still benefit from the new transport link.
My point is that, regardless of whether the new stadium is built or they stay at Penrith, Panthers will only benefit from this airport infrustructure if the start fan engagement in the SW Sydney now.
The new stadium and new trainline wont matter if the fans in the SW dont care about them