Bulldogs going wide early.
DWZ tackled in air. Nothing in it but can't touch them in air.
Burton hurt? Josh kicking a lot.
SJ kick traps dogs in goal with great a great chase.
SJ grubber through and Curran only one in the screen shot!
0-6 8mins.
AFB works over Dog trying to play the ball and penalised and start on our 40m.
Set restart as Volkman to long in tackle.
6 again as Warriors inside the 10m.
Dogs lose the ball reaching out for the try under Montoya attention.
Dogs lose ball in tackle on their 25m.
Dogs apparently didn't play at SJ grubber, still last, bomb to corner, taken back off Dogs arm on replay as Pompey challenge then Dogs tackled in goal.
Short dropout volleyballs back.
Harris got called for a forward pass to Bunty 10m out.
CNK takes 2nd Burton bomb special under pressure.
Dogs throw a rocket pass into own forward stomach on halfway.
Lots of attack and possession down their end for only 6 points.
Maloney kicks ball dead and 1 tackle we over halfway.
Shut the front door, to late AFB already through it again under the post.
Dogs rushing SJ.
0-12 26mins
Volkman misses change to have foot out and catch Dogs kickoff.
Mahoney thought he had a 40/20 but was 3m over when kicking.
Dogs penalised for to long in tackle, starting on our 40m (made 20m on kick).
Walker to long in tackle and Dogs start in our 35m.
Pompey with an intercept, run down, then next tackle down the middle by Ale, SJ chips ball pinpoint to DWZ sitting out wide unmarked.
0-18 35mins SJ nails sideline conversion and cant stop smiling.
Burton taken out there by Egan off chip and chase? Sponsor will be happy.
6 again Dogs inside the 10m.
1 pass to many and Montoya going out throws it back into dogs player.
Halftime. Biggest halftime lead in 2 years.
Egan pokes himself in the eye fending and hand bonuces back into his own face!
Montoya loses ball catching a bomb on our 20m that is taken out by dogs but rolls of Harris back.
CNK trapped in goal.
Short dropout, knocked back but Curran knocks it on.
Dogs go through to easy next to post.
Egan turned in for dummy runner.
6-18 47mins
Burton passes to DWZ after SJ shit up put of defense on halfway.
Harris stays down after tackling a player, Dogs take advantage. Knock on by Pompey diving at dogs pass on our 20m.
6 again as to long in ruck by AFB.
Then another next tackle.
AFB shoulder charge?
CNK takes ball dead.
Short dropout regathered!
Egan off with 22mins left.
Montoya break, SJ kicks again to DWZ on 1st and straight to Dogs winger.
SJ done for holding down.
Dogs stuff play the ball on our 25m.
Reynolds running a block play for his winger and hit by DWZ.
Reynolds strips at ball of CNK and Dogs denied a try and penalised.
Volkman scores off a poor dummy half pass to SJ, Volkman pick it up, chips ricochet, regather, steps and scores!
6-24 68mins.
Dogs short kickoff regathered by them.
Burton breaks through and throws ball forward out of back of hand 10m out.
CNK cramping up!
SJ penalised for strip.
Captains challenge.
Pangi let's ball go, no stripping action challenge successful.
Pompey loses ball in tackle on ground off the scrum. Captains challenge.
Thumb slips off ball constitutes knock on.
Cummings calling it a try after DWZ is taken out for bomb, Rocco can't gather bouncing ball. Dogs pass to player in front to score. Rocco knocks it on facing backwards. No try. Dogs scrum 10m out.
Dogs score, slowmo shows a bobble under Montoya tackle on ground but confirmed.
12-24 74 mins
DWZ tackled again after held on halfway.
Lussick pass to Nikora called forward 10m out.
How that ball not forward by Dogs centre?
Poor second half.
But take the win going into the bye.