A better outcome, yes, and no doubt there are many others. But my initial post was that regardless of this, the fact that they are cramming the 2 major climaxes of the entire series into a single 6-episode season is not going to be successful or particularly satisfying no matter how good the writing is. Hence why GRRM desired 5 extra.The issue isn't one of time.
The writers deliberately sacrifice common sense and plausibility purely to shock the audience. It's cheap and lazy and usually not even quicker.
Rhaegal example.
Dany's navy, after being ambushed 2 times previously, is aware of a potential attack, because they aren't complete morons.
Euron's fleet is hiding behind an island or headland or whatever.
It allows them to get the jump, but Dany spots them from the air before they get a cheap shot away, because air visibility is obviously f**king superior to sea level visibility.
A short naval battle ensues. Much the same result, the upgraded weaponry tears them to pieces.
All our favourite characters abandon ship. They don't show a 400kg mast falling on a swimming Tyrion with a fade to black, because baiting the audience with death scenarios that have zero consequences is cheap and dumb.
Dany is forced to attack the well armed ships to allow her friends and remaining troops to escape.
Rhaegal gets shot down in the attack. Dany flees on Drogon while Missande is picked up by Euron.
For mine, both the NK and the battle for the throne deserved the equivalent of a full season in build up and execution. The rush to finish it all, while not the only problem, is a huge part of what’s wrong with this season.