The tv show has completely butchered the Iron Islands and Dorne.
In the books the iron islanders are bad asses, they are the fire and ice version of vikings and are a real threat. In the tv show they come across as weak sea people.
The Dorne chapters was a refreshing new sub plot. Arianne Martell is such an interesting character , she comes acoss as sexy, cunning and intelligent, her struggling with her father, rallying the sand snakes, and then the eventually reveal of her father's plans was wonderfully done. But in the tv shows we lose arianne ( what a stupid decision), ellaria sand is made out to be something she's not, an important character (why cut out an interesting character and try replace her plot points with such a dull character, the made the sand snakes into a joke, and then ruined it all by turning Dorne into jamie and bronns wacky adventure.
And don't even get me started on the loras tyrell treatment.