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Georgia v Serbia


From the Georgia website...
Welcome Serbia!
29/06Georgia host Serbia on Sun, 24 July in final match of European Nations Cup Triangular Qualifying Tournament. The Serbs lost by 10-26 to Holland earlier this month whilst Georgia had previously beaten the Dutch. The match, first ever exhibition of League in Georgia, will be held at National Stadium under floodlights. Around 15 thousand spectators are expected to attend and taste The Very Different, Faster and Simpler Version of Rugby


I know what they're trying to achieve when they say it, but I cringe when RL is described as 'the simpler' version of rugby....

Less rules/laws, true, so in that respect it's simpler, but the word itself has pejorative connotations that paint RL in a bad light, even though that's not their intention.

Gotta hand it to the RLEF - by end of July a bonafide qualifying tournament will have been conducted, and I ask the question: is it the first ever example of such a senior qualification tournament in RL history?

The 1999 USA v lebanese affair and the Med Challenge in France aren't really bonafide qualifying tournaments as such, just one offs.

I take my hat off to the three sides involved and the RLEF for this innovation.

How crap is int'l RL?! We've been around for a century and more and we've only just got into organising a qualifying tournamnet.

Jvujosevic, I presume you were involved/are involved, in your opinion, how's it gone and has it been a positive for Serbian RL in general?


All this is down to Kevin Rudd.
He stuck his head on the block and gave a path for small nations to progress.
Its been a pleasure playing Georgia and serbia and the improvement in the game has been superb.
So far Holland v Georgia and Serbia v Holland have been great occasions for the expansion of RL in Europe and we hope this format (in a form ) will continue and be exoanded .


I predict a Georgia victory... With 15000 fans and plenty of hardened Union convert I can see Georgia being a threat to Russia in the near future. Love to see a Georgia vs Russia battle of the USSR...


First Grade
who knows who would win between georgia v russia, but one thing i do know is that they need to start playing each other reguarly, this game would be huuuuggge. the two countries have a massive rivallry. if only these games got some decent coverage, even just a score in the results section of the paper, i wuold be happy.

looking forward to see the crowd at georgia v serbia.

Big Bunny

I expect that Russia will win convincingly when they play Georgia. The majority of the leagues best players are still at Locomotive and Arrows, they didn't just vanish when Dynamo left. Georgia didn't exactly thrash the Netherlands and no disrespect to Ian and the NNRLB but it is unlikely that any of the newer minnows will catch 15 years of Russian development so quickly. I won't guess at the scoreline until I see the line-ups though.


I think so many people think Russia are a competitive team, when the fact is they are not.

Georgia would beat them, maybe a close game though.

I always knew the game would never die in Russia, i know of people who went to the victory cup last year and they could not believe how popular the game was in Russia.

Big Bunny

carlnz said:
I think so many people think Russia are a competitive team, when the fact is they are not.

Georgia would beat them, maybe a close game though.

I always knew the game would never die in Russia, i know of people who went to the victory cup last year and they could not believe how popular the game was in Russia.

Based on what? Georgia didn't exactly thrash the Netherlands, whilst Russia has proven to be competitive against BARLA, France and other developed sides. I know the NNRLB have done a great deal of work but it would be pushing it to an extreme to suggest that they would be ready to take on BARLA rather than a good BARLA club like Clockface.

Compare the results of Holland, Serbia, Russia, France, Morocco, Lebanon and BARLA, taking into account which teams were fielding 1st, second or even 3rd string squads and you will find that Russia are indeed a lot better than you credit them. I don't know how you can say that Russia aren't competitive on this scale.


Would be great to hear more out of Russia and can not wait until the Euro Nations when they are playing a few games on the trot.


People forget that in the Euro Nations Russia were up against professional players from Superleague,NL1 and NL2 plus the French.
At this stage Ireland,Wales,Scotland England or France would but a big score on Georgia.

Given that Georgia have played one game and have yet to play any league in the country the idea that are going to be the next best thing is a bit premature.

When Holland played them it was a lot closer than the final result suggests.
Nodar Andgaluze even said if the Dutch had of scored in the first 15 minutes when they did everything but get over the line Holland would have won the game as they (Georgia)were dead on their feet.
Credit to them ,they then went on and played well but remember Holland are a very low ranked side.

The Georgia team were very very fit,fast and had a few of their Union sevens players in the side and this showed as they had some very good ball skills but overall they are a long way of being able to compete with the home nations.

When they play Serbia I am expecting a big score but please do not get carried away over the result...Georgia have a very very long way to go.

European Rankings (my own )

6.BARLA (Uk Amatuers)
7.Lebanon (based on Med Cup results)
11.Serbia & Morroco

Lebanon are hard to judge as they have only played European opposition in the Med Cup which consists of the French 2nd team,Morroco (all French based ) and Serbia.
Serbia drew with Morroco and Holland have beaten Serbia home and away in the last eight months.
Georgia have only played Holland and have yet to be tested.
Russia, though on the end of some big scores last year,are playing against proffesionals which is a big step for any Nation and BARLA have a very strong set up and would proberbly beat any of the teams ranked 7-11


I would say that Lebanon are under England and equal to the other HNs. They have played with the same kind of squad for three years now, have an ever increasing player base, and by all accounts play some damn fine RL.

A force to be reckoned with. Serbia's draw with Morocco is still, for me, one of the greatest results in int'l RL history.

Ari Gold

YANTO said:
People forget that in the Euro Nations Russia were up against professional players from Superleague,NL1 and NL2 plus the French.
At this stage Ireland,Wales,Scotland England or France would but a big score on Georgia.

Given that Georgia have played one game and have yet to play any league in the country the idea that are going to be the next best thing is a bit premature.

When Holland played them it was a lot closer than the final result suggests.
Nodar Andgaluze even said if the Dutch had of scored in the first 15 minutes when they did everything but get over the line Holland would have won the game as they (Georgia)were dead on their feet.
Credit to them ,they then went on and played well but remember Holland are a very low ranked side.

The Georgia team were very very fit,fast and had a few of their Union sevens players in the side and this showed as they had some very good ball skills but overall they are a long way of being able to compete with the home nations.

When they play Serbia I am expecting a big score but please do not get carried away over the result...Georgia have a very very long way to go.

European Rankings (my own )

6.BARLA (Uk Amatuers)
7.Lebanon (based on Med Cup results)
11.Serbia & Morroco

Lebanon are hard to judge as they have only played European opposition in the Med Cup which consists of the French 2nd team,Morroco (all French based ) and Serbia.
Serbia drew with Morroco and Holland have beaten Serbia home and away in the last eight months.
Georgia have only played Holland and have yet to be tested.
Russia, though on the end of some big scores last year,are playing against proffesionals which is a big step for any Nation and BARLA have a very strong set up and would proberbly beat any of the teams ranked 7-11

Ireland before France...you have to be kidding me


robyalvaro said:
Ireland before France...you have to be kidding me

Ireland got to the Euro Nations final last year.
England beat France 42-4 (+38 pts) in France and beat the Irish 36-12 (+24 pts) in England !!
Cant count the French teams good performance against Aussie ( friendly) and no matter how well they played they still LOST.
So they on their form they are no better than Holland.
Both played three won one lost two!!!!!!!!!!!

In the last eight months Holland have won two and lost one does that make them better than Russia who have lost their last three games?

Are ratings not done on results in competition and opposition.

Lebanon MAY be good but as yet ( as I stated ) they have to be tested against better sides.
Until they do then they must be rated against their opposition.(Serbia France second team and Morroco)

Facts not fiction........................well thats my opinion, if you want to rate France higher than Irelnd please explain how you arrive at this conclusion


Why France should be ranked higher then Ireland:

France 26 Ireland 18 2003
France 56 Ireland 16 2001
France 24 Ireland 22 1998
France 30 Ireland 30 1997

Just in every part of Rugby League France is way ahead of Ireland! Club teams, Local players in their International Team, Juniors and on and on it goes...

France only had one bad game last year against England and that was it..they played well against Russia, NZ and Australia. Simple really, Ireland played ok and i do believe they will be there at the 2008 world cup but there is now way they should be ranked higher than France.

Hopefuly France get serious this year and but a good side in the European Cup - which i think will see France v Ireland in the final or pool play....

Ari Gold

YANTO said:
Ireland got to the Euro Nations final last year.
England beat France 42-4 (+38 pts) in France and beat the Irish 36-12 (+24 pts) in England !!
Cant count the French teams good performance against Aussie ( friendly) and no matter how well they played they still LOST.
So they on their form they are no better than Holland.
Both played three won one lost two!!!!!!!!!!!

In the last eight months Holland have won two and lost one does that make them better than Russia who have lost their last three games?

Are ratings not done on results in competition and opposition.

Lebanon MAY be good but as yet ( as I stated ) they have to be tested against better sides.
Until they do then they must be rated against their opposition.(Serbia France second team and Morroco)

Facts not fiction........................well thats my opinion, if you want to rate France higher than Irelnd please explain how you arrive at this conclusion

Now Yanto, i would've thought that you'd have known better than me that France did not have their best team for The Euro Nations...

Ireland would not be able to even compete with Australia or New Zealand....

Do Ireland have players that have the class of Rinaldi, Fakir, Greseque, bezeltoun etc.???

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