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Thanks for that Willow. I better not call anyone at this present time than? :)



Assistant Moderator
well you could call me but I'd probably wonder what you were doing up this late...or early ...lol


That'll come in real handy for me, Warlock. Thank you.



Raging Bulldog. We must have the same excellent source mate

I wouldn't mind seeing the clip though. Just so that I can put my mind at ease that it was her, and she was released for appropriate reasons
Me2 mate...me 2


El Duque

What do you call someone who does some things left handed and other things right handed?

It's not ambidextrous as that means:able to use both hands equally well.

I'm 50/50 or maybe 60/40(in right handeds favour) and there's about 3 or 4 things I can do either way but not equally but better than what the average man/woman.

I know a lot of people who are the same but have yet to find anyone who has a term for a 50/50 person.



Well people, I'm hoping that you can help me to extract myself from a moral dilemma...

Those poor unfortunate souls who wear unflattering sandwich boards and vainly attempt to thrust capitalist paraphernalia in your face on Melbourne streets... Are they paid by the hour or on a commission basis for every pamphlet they offload?

To take a flyer would fly in the face of my subversive socialist nature, but its hard to sleep at night thinking of these poor blighters living off of cream of stale air soup because I declined to take a pamphlet!

How should I approach this situation?

  1. Never go to Melbourne again (ever) thus avoiding the problem entirely?
  2. Cross to the other side of the street when I see these guys looming, thus avoiding their embarrassed and dejected glances?
  3. Get with the bloody program, realise the futility of my stance, renounce my socialist leanings, and charge headlong into the first store I see with flyer in one hand and credit cards clenched triumphantly in the other... Bugger the limit lets go nuts?! Viva the well-oiled hyper-capitalist machine!!!
Yours perplexedly, CyberKev


Assistant Moderator
Believe it or not, some these poor buggers are working for nothing. They do this for a variety of reasons...usually its becausethey are on some 'work for the dole' scheme.

They work for some firm and are told to do crap work like this or they will be sacked and ultimately kicked off the dole.

The lucky ones are paid by the hour. Usually about $5 but some are paid as much $10 per hour. Excuse me while I break out the champagne.

From the capitalist's point of view, paying people per pamphlet doesnt work because they are soon horrified to learn that theungrateful sods just throw the leaflets in the bin.

One thing's for sure, the enthuiasm is short lived and such jobs have a high turnover of personnel as many justtell the bosses to 'shove it'.

What I do is take the pamphlet and when covenient, put it to responsible use in the outhouse.



do you lot have "work for the dole" over there??
we had it and they wiped it as a bad joke,,the trade unions herereckoned the dole workers were pinching a "bruvers" job.
how long has it been in oz?

kev, i would take the pamphlets (creates employment from the person who plants the seedling to the printer),,,stick it into the nearest rubbish bin,(someone is paid to empty those things) and the pamphlet handerouter feels better too......
I always take the pamphlets Kev. You just never know in this day and age when a spare peice of scrap paper will come in handy to scribble things down on ;)
Staying well away from down-town Melbourne seems like a good idea also...at the time anyhow :)



I'm with Raidpatch on this issue too Kev. Take the pamflets and make the people handing them outfeel worthy, but make good use of it yourself when nobodies around



Thanks Gents...

You've succeeded in clearing my head, but only temporarily, as it is nothing a few after work 'fruit tingles' couldn't suitably cast asunder.

So these poor sods are on anything from a squattance to a tenner/per hour... That's not pretty, but if you're "fortunate" enough to get the latter deal you'd be rolling what I used to make on the weekend cabs at times :-(

They really need to get some half-arsed academic (not me... I'm half-arsed alright, but I'm definitely unavailable) to do a major study on the over effectiveness of this advertising medium. Quite often the blighters are standing directly outside of the store being advertised??!! Hello, I can read the flamin' huge neon sign Mr Bleeding Capitalist Sir! In the Melbourne CBD I have also happened across an inordinate number of hapless souls hawking jewellery and precious gems paraphernalia. I realise that I inhabit a different planet to most humans, but I can't possibly accept that expensive jewellery and precious stones are considered "impulse" buys!!!

"I wasn't going to buy any jewellery today, I was just out for some Maccas really, but seeing as though you've given me this glossy flyer I might as well duck-in and pick-up a $10k necklace for the Missus and something tasteful in ruby for the daughter..."

Surreal I feel, but then again I always have been caught a step behind the play with these types of things...

Anyhow, I do appreciate being privy to your respective wisdoms...



Assistant Moderator
CyberKev: "...to a tenner/per hour... That's not pretty, but if you're "fortunate" enough to get the latter deal you'd be rolling what I used to make on the weekend cabs at times :-("

Kev, when were you driving cabs? In the early 80s, if I took home $100 after a 12 hour shift (3pm - 3am), I could livelive a king for a week....I think the doles was about $60 - 80 per week back then. And yes, we had no tax file number,no GST and cash was the all the go.
...ahh, those were the days.

But back to the now: I reckon $10 per hour is pretty much the bottom end of the dregs.

So brings me to my question...regarding unemployment benefits and acceptable income.
Whats is the dole in...
New Zealand,
and Bolivia?

Plus, what do we consider as an acceptable income, be it hourly or weekly? How much would we like to take home every week?



Assistant Moderator
Moffo: This is good..
How does one manage to rort $500 pw from the system?????
Secrets, Secrets, Secrets...

Lets just say its directly related to the number of children that you 'allegedly' have hehehehehe



Assistant Moderator
I KNEW you were going to say that!
Greeks sending back money to Greece and single mothershaving more kids just to scam the system. Clever buggers!
Seriously though Moffo, you're talking about out-right fraud. I want to know what is available legally. Facts please.

lol lol Willow...

Facts?? Damn, ill have to go researching, but as you know, most of my posts dont involve facts

Yeh, its fraud, but im sure people get away with it. The most ridiculous thing you will find is a lot of government houses in Bonnyrigg, with BMW cars parked out the front!!!
