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Assistant Moderator
cheeky: "...but i was trying to get to a roosters function on time"
kaon: "When i'm in a hurry, i get pretty pissed off at those people who travel exactly on the limit and not 5-10 above it like everyone else. "

If there is question here... I'd like to know exactly what constitutes being 'in a hurry'.

I ask because even at 30 Kms per hour, you're still breaking all running records by a mile. Doing 60Kms per hour shits all over any other form of conventional land transport.

Also, treating the public road asrace track doesnt get you there any quicker... this has been proven time and time again... I'd doubt it if you'd save 1 minute over a 10 Km trip when speeding.

So I'm now thinking that all this 'I'm in a hurry' stuff is just code for 'I'm a drongo who'll never learn a thing in my whole stupid life'. Is that the true meaning of 'in a hurry'?

I normally plod along at a speed limit...often I go 5-10 KMs over the limit but generally stay close to the 60 on the speedo. I slow down in the wet. To make matters worse, I actually do 50Kms sometimes... thats because suburban streets are now set at a 50 speed limit.

And to really get up people's nose, I do a woefully slow 30-40Km when in school area and near playgrounds etc. This really riles up the tail-gating drivers who are 'in a hurry'. The fact that there are kids running around who at top speed can only manage 4 Kms per hour doesnt seem to mean a thing to the 'in a hurry' people who probably think I'm deliberately slow-poking just to cause problems for them.

I live opposite a public school and see the way the maniacs drive... they say they are 'in a hurry' but tell that to the the parents of the little boy who was hit by a speeding car last year. The car was doing65 in a 40 zone. The kid was dead on arrival.

cheeky: "all shouldn't really be speeding ...but sometimes in life shit just happens"
Whenyou a collect a 9 year old on a pushbike, there's no changing anything. Its means you've killed a child who had his whole life ahead of him as well as stuffing up the lives of a dozen other people. Kind of understates off the whole 'shit does happen' excuse.

And don't give me this crap that you're a good driver or that your reflexes are spot on. The worse drivers are the ones who think they are good drivers. In fact, I'd go as far to say that there is no such thing as a good driver.. we are all in charge of a lethal weapon. The best we can do is too slow down and think ahead.

No apologies for sounding like a cranky old fart so early in the day. Its a good day ifmy ranting makes one person think the next time they're 'in a hurry'.


Willow, you hit it on the head; you're a cranky old fart. :)

I also have to add that adding 10km/h to your speed can significantly make a difference to your travel time or make no <span>difference </span>at all because of one thing, traffic lights. If that extra few seconds you make in just a few meters can get you trough the lights when it's orange it will save you at least 2-3 minutes. Add to the fact that after the lights and very slow truck might have turned onto the road and you have a few more minutes. When you're in a "hurry" 5-10 minutes is crucial. Anyone that says that speeding has no effect obviously has no idea about the laws of probability.

I'm not advocating reckless driving but just stating what effect an extra few k's can have on travel times.


I beg to differ. If people were in more of a hurry, I wouldn't have missed my flight.;)

I usually travel at about 5-10 km above the speed limit and I can tell you, when I'm on my way to work, it does make a difference.

It's also against the law to drive at 30 km/h in a 60 km/h zone. It frustrates the living hell out of me to see people drive at 50 km/h in a 60 or 70 km/h zone. There is a speed limit for a reasonand people should stick to it. It's people like that who cause accidents and traffic jams.

Also, on the freeway, I travel at 120 km/h in a 110 zone and judging by the frequent trips I do to Canberra, It does make a big difference on the open road.


Assistant Moderator
Kaon: Yeah, the traffic light thingy... they do tend to bring speeding motorists back to the pack. I still dont agree that speeding just so a driver can crash an amber light instead of hit a red light is smart motoring.The object isnt to get from pointA to pointB in the fastest time. Having such an attitude distracts the driver from his/her primary objective, that is, to drive safely.

Anyway, if we are to talk of the law of probability in regards to cutting down travel time through speeding, then we have to assume that accelerating and braking at a faster rate also puts more wear-and-tear on the vehicle.
Over the years, you will use more fuel and go through more brake pads. Your tyres will be replaced more often and the car will require service more frequently.... all this takes time. It may take a while but eventually, the responsible drivers catch up... they always do. :)

Leggo, that was your fault... you need to get more organised.;)

"It's also against the law to drive at 30 km/h in a 60 km/h zone. "
That is too slow, I agree. I made reference to driving at 30-40Km in 40 zones during school hours. Some idiots still think they'e in a 60 zone.

Open road driving is completely different to town driving. Out on the highways, the main danger is to Kangaroos and we have too many of them anyway.
Mind you, have you ever blown a tyre at 120km per hour? Its not much fun.


beg to differ. If people were in more of a hurry, I wouldn't have missed my flight.;)
Leggo, that was your fault... you need to get more organised.;)

Yes we all know who's fault that really was, but those of us who couldn't get near a computer took the blame bravely :p.

People who speed deserve what is handed to them, and most know the risks involved. To me, it's when innocent people suffer because of speeding motorists.

G'day gang....
How do you save a Windows Media Player clip onto a file/favourites for later viewing, like you would say a picture or URL?


if its an e-mail or a dowmload, save them before you open them.
if you are sourcing thru media player,then i dont know



Good reply bronco :)
Hey fellas, what's the very best anti-virus programe around? Or what have you had the best succes with?
My "freebie" or "sampler"that came with the computer runs out in under a week and I need to decide to purchase it or a different one.
Norton, McAfee, PC-Cillin, Sophos, or what?
Any help and I'd be gratefull.



have a look at this one outlaw
its a freebie and good secure anti virus software
you can automatically update it.

our isp is very good at blocking virus,s so with AVG and a firewall , we are pretty safe.

touch wood.


Should one bother with an antivirus if they have a firewall or do the two do basically the same thingymejig?
I've got ZoneAlarm. Should I bother with the antivirus thing?
I don't have alot of $$$ to spend.


I found this. I hope it helps..albeit brief.

DO I NEED BOTH A FIREWALL AND ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM? The short answer is yes, but I will explain why and what I highly recommend. First of all both programs, though they are security type applications, do different things. Firewalls will detect and stop hackers from breaking into your computer. This is a must, particularly if you have a cable modem connection. When you're connected at all times, people can easily hack into your computer and cause many things to happen, such as steal personal data from you or perhaps delete data that is crucial to you. An antivirus program will detect and remove most computer viruses provided that you have the data file up to date. There are some antivirus programs that detect viruses only in email. Though this is where most viruses do enter your computer, you should have one to detect a virus from any other source, such as a floppy disk or CD. A friend could have given you the CD, not knowing it had a virus. And, when you have both a firewall and AV program, the best thing to do is buy a security suite, though I won’t name any as I won’t endorse one vendor over another. Sometimes when you buy standalones, there are conflicts between them and you are no further ahead. You may actually be further behind the eight ball as neither functions well. Most antivirus vendors do make suites. Also if you buy stand alones, if there is a conflict, neither vendor will give you technical support as they will claim the problem was created by the other vendor's application.. Also, in most cases buying a suite is cheaper then buying two standalone products.


how common is it for the isp to block virus,s ?
i actually wonder if anti virus protection is needed if the isp is doing it anyway.
our isp, www.xtra.co.nz has blocked quite a few e-mails sent to us with dodgy attachments, we get the mail minus attachment with a message from xtra.

zone alarm is brilliant.


Just to further...
I know of two people, one here and one back home, who have suffered due to not investing in a antivirus protection.
Both were hit through their email services.
One was the 'I love you' bug, and the other was a 'Anna Kournikova' virus. My mate back home scrapped his PC altogether and purchased a new CPU (though I think he was looking for an excuse to), and the friend here in the US had to get his CPU repaired, which cost him over $250.00 US.
I'm no expert, but I read one time back in USA Todaythat there are between 100-400 different viruses surfing the information highwayin any one givenday world wide, just waiting for PC's to 'grasp' them. And just as many being created on a daily basis. All thing considered, I think the investment on an antivirus protectionis certainly worth not having to deal with the inconvenience and heartache should one's computer be hit by a virus. Knock on wood.
I currently use, and have been for over three years,Norton myself.


One was the 'I love you' bug, and the other was a 'Anna Kournikova' virus.

Is it true that these type of email bugs can't hurt you unless you open them? Inother words if you delete them from your inbox without opening them, you're safe?

Do firewalls and/or anti-virus programs like Norton slow down your computer, or cause any other performance problems?

you should have one to detect a virus from any other source, such as a floppy disk or CD. A friend could have given you the CD, not knowing it had a virus. I thought I heard long ago that you can't get them from a CD (CD-rom?), only from a floppy disk? Or does this refer to burned CD's only?


Vertigo are you sure it was your friends CPU that was repaired and not his hardrive?
If the CPU is that big box that resides itself on the floor, then yes. He updated that from a HP to a Dell. He kept the monitor, speakers and so forth.

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