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El Duque

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Yeah I see what you mean by I'm pretty sure you have to pass the 100 point test and<u> do it in person

Pretty tuff to supply these ID's over the net I guess. :p
Thanks again mate :)


Assistant Moderator
The Phantom Siren has been included as one of LU's 'Celebrity Tipsters'. He joins a list which includes players Steven Price, Tyran Smith and Darren Senter as well as Player Manager Sam Ayoub and the enigmatic 'Double A.'
Its a good bunch and the list will be added to as time goes on.

Regardless of our view, there is no doubt that the Phantom Siren is already well known. He has been given many mentions by TV commentators and has been recorded doing his siren on various sporting shows. I've seen him on the news (wearing a Dragon mask but it was him). You'd be surprised to know that he has even been invited to the odd sporting function to break the ice.

So therefore he qualifies as a 'celebrity tipster'. Take my word for it, LU have never labelled him as being famous...he was 'famous' before the site existed.

As far as I know, he has never altered the outcome of a match. Most people are on to him and I've even seen referees having a chuckle when he lets out the siren. In short, he is a comic and in a lot of ways, no different from any other barracker. He goes to just about every match and supports the game every week.... not every supporter has that sort of committment.

In my opinion, if the Siren was the biggest controversy in RL, then we'd all be doing allright. But reality,he is just a side show and as far as I can tell, there's nothing wrong with that.


Assistant Moderator
Well I dont know what the problem is. I always thought the Phantom Sirenwas just part of making the site more interesting and I think in that regard, we've succeeded.

I get a number of emails, MSN Messages, phone calls and forum queries every day... and I answer them all. But this is one out of the box.
If you don't mind me saying, I never imagined that anyone would have a problem with the Phantom Siren being a celebrity tipster.

But I certainly don't mean to disregard your query so I'll ask you straight up:
Would you feel more comfortable if the Phantom Siren was not associated with LU?

"This was just a shite-stirring post..."
LOL... you mean as opposed to the Phantom Siren being a shite stirrer...? Well in that case, care to make a few tips?

(btw, apologies to other forummers. This really belongs in the League Unlimited section on the LWOS side bar, on the left.)



Assistant Moderator
I just think youre making a mountain out of a mole hill. The inference that someone was going to give you 'both barrells' confused me as well... I have no idea where that came from.

"Reverse the roles &amp; imagine rleague promoting that a person would attempt to disrupt a game next weekend "

Ahhh... I understand what you're referring to now.
There was an article written by Legend which said the Phantom Siren had informed LU of his next siren impersonation. I think was due for 10 seconds before half time in the Saints Manly match at WIN Stadium (from memory). Thats the reason for your concern, eh?
OK... So you say that this promoting a disruption to the game???
How is it promoting a disruption if we are letting everyone know about it? Sort of takes away the element of surprise, doesnt it?

I guess it could be argued that LU is actually giving everyone fair warning and therefore eliminating the remote chance of disruption... our service to the RL community. ;)

But no... we're not that pretentious. Its really just a bit of editorial and likemost articles, they quickly become yesterday's news.

As for bringing rleague into it... once again I have no idea what thats about. The issue is a petty one and hardly worthy of escalating it to that extreme.


The thread The Crawford Report / Restructuring Soccer Australiais a high qualitydiscussionwhich I've enjoyed every reply from the opening post.
While I'm not in touch with most of the goings on in the topic, I've tried to follow news, re: the Crawford Report, through the SBS World Game URL. However, their URL loads at snails pace for me and has been doing so for several days now. Far more times then not, the page never comes up at all displaying the Internet Explorer's "cannot display page"message.
I'm using Broadband connection with a recently updated desktop. Is this happening to others as well?
Is there another quality soccer URL that anyone can recommend?
In advance.



One other question before I shutdown.
On the League UnlimitedURL (great new look BTW guys), I saw this article on the front page: Player Profile- Mark Tookey12/4/03by:League Correspondent . Actually, there are other articleswhich credit League Correspondentfor the articles source.
My question is who or what exactly is the/aLeague Correspondent ?
No particluar reason. I'm just curious as to whetherit's what I think.



Assistant Moderator
Its just one of things that people do. Writer's pseudonyms have been around for hundreds of years. Perhaps they're doing a George Elliot but it is a legimate contributor who for their own reason wish to go under the name 'League Correspondant'.
Hows that for a diplomatic answer? ;)


vertigo, league correspondent is a freelance kiwi journo who writes for an organsation called leaguepress.
he also is a feature writer for one ofnz,s biggest media outlets, hence the pen name.
he is a good mate of mine and he submits his work to Leagueunlimited for the love of the game,, cant ask for much more really :)


Assistant Moderator
"both barrels line was supposed to have ended with a ;), "
OK... my mind reading isnt what it used to be.

"As for mountains &amp; mole hills, I asked a question is all..."
No you didnt just 'ask a question'. You went on some shit stirring silliness about LU promoting people who disrupt games. It was a beat up on your behalf. That part was never misinterpreted.

"You've missed the point... "
I dont think so. I explained in depth what the thinking was behind having the Phantom Siren on board but you still wanted to go on with it. Quite frankly, I just think you were just bored and looking for something to do.

What was misunderstood was that you were referring to an article written about thePhantom and his intentions to impersonate a siren today... it took a number of posts before you let us all in on the secret of what you were supposedly trying to say. I picked up on this in post #1054.

Prior to that I thought you werequestioning the wisdom ofhaving the Phantom Siren as one of our celebrity tipsters... at the very least, you werent clear, at worse, you were making it up as you went along.

"The use of rleague was not a shotat you, LWoS or them"
You said: "imagine rleague promoting that a person would attempt to disrupt a game next weekend &amp; I can say without a doubt the wolves herewould be feasting upon that..."
How would you like to me to interpret it?
On second thoughts... dont tell me... the answers I'm getting from you are already putting on a step that Changa would be proud of.

"The most of what you are asking now is answered in post 1048. "
Well thats an exaggeration but I've got better things to do than engage in debates about nothing... so forget it.



I'm having no problems loading the WorldGame site. And I'm currently using an outofdate computer with aslow arse dial up connection.
Give it another go mate. It may have been an intermitent problem.


Sorry to jump back to Eels Fans query regarding the Phantom Siren. He is actually a little more credible. He does a lot of work for the Big Sports Breakfast on 2KY and as Willow and myself can both attest, his rumours do usually come to fruition, although, with the info we have from him, if ever published, would close the website down in a flash. And he gives the website a plug in the process.;) I actually took the step of enlisting his help and I think he adds interest to the site and this is qualified by your post. There are a few more guest tipsters to come BTW.


Eels Fan, I'll have a stab at what I think you were trying to say. I think you were saying we are being somewhat hypocritical by slamming rleague for the Mr Bean article and we put up an article about the Phantom Siren. Fair call I guess but seeing as though he has some involvement with the site and is more of a cult figure than Sean Hampstead, I didn't think it was that big a deal. I thought it would be a good way to connect with people that don't take league that seriously.

For the most part, we take ourselves quite seriously when we write articles and editorials, but we also have to mix it up a little and I think what we did was a little more interesting than a cheap shot at a referee. I think it added a little unique flavour to Leagueunlimited.