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Lol, no probs mate. That's why us Raiders fans are here. We are the cream that rises to the top.;)


the reason the mr bean post was put up was to publicise o'niels hypocrosy and double standards.
he is super quick to run down any other site,yet his own is in the worst shape of all.

it wasnt put up on LU, it was put up on LWOS, a public discussion group which even the mighty rleague is answerable to.


Assistant Moderator
#1061: "I'm just sorry I bothered to ask a question that involved a Dragons flavour"

You seem to enjoy the wide world of embellishment.
At no point didanyone suggest that it had anything to do with the Dragons. That was something you came up with... and subsequently have used it as part of your argument. I was happy to let it go through to keeper the first time but the second digrequires correction.

#1056: "With two seconds of thoughtyou'll see that this had nothing to do with your mate, your club or you."
The Phantom Siren is not my mate... I've never met the guy. Nor did I ever think it was about the club or about me. Once again, this is something that you came up with.

I understood that you wanted to know what the thoughts were behind having the Phantom Siren involved with League Unlimited... or as you putit: "thethinking behind promoting the interruption of games".
I didnt have to be a brain surgeon to work this out because that exactly what you asked. I did my best and the answer has been given in a variety of ways, yet you persist with this idea that everyoneis missing the point.

#1056: "You summed up your valid point making by picking up on my question amidst a post I didnt even write."
If my interpretation skills are still working, I think your referring to a reference I made to post #1054. I was out by one and meant #1053...I was of the opinion that you could have worked that one out.
FFS, for someone who saidthey have better things to doyour still carrying on. Well hopefully the deletion of the posts in question will put out the fire under your arse & let you rest. I was never a fan ofdeletion but I now see why some do it.I'm sorry I questioned the thoughts behind an article that you didnt write but felt strongly enough to hunt down everything I wrote thereafter. Rest assured you wont find a question from mehere again.

But because I know you'll have to have the parting shot, have some freefodder.You again show your ineptitude to read whats in front of you. Before you accuse me of embellishment read your own work...
I understood that you wanted to know what the thoughts were behind having the Phantom Siren involved with League Unlimited...
WRONG. I've stressed it a few times now, <u>it was never about him &amp; his association with LU.</u>The author of the originalpost could pick up on it, shame you couldnt.


Assistant Moderator
Well thats great. You contradict yourself twenty times and then delete it in a blaze of dummy spitting.

Youre the one that made the cheap shots and brought it up again with your crap about it being about my mates and my club. Please tell me where I said it was about the Dragons.. you can't because it was all bullshit.

You can't admit that you that you got it wrong, so you burst a blood vessel instead.
Thats fine... shit happens. But it is unfortunate.


What is The Fuzz? I've never heard the expression before?

I have a question on a internet buy I did.
A little backround first:
I ordered some items on the internet yesterday from a reputable online retail mob. I say reputable because a few friends and work buddies have ordered from them before with good things to say about the service and customer help and follow thru. They are also a national wide company.
While I was looking through there page searching for what items I wanted, a screen popped up in the form of an online chat. Similar to a YahooInstant Messenger or ICQ chat. She identified herself as an online customer support personel with the company and said something like she was there in "real time" to answer any product questions or inquiries I may want to ask. The screen quite clearly showed she was a part of the company. It also had that little "padlock" on the bottom like when you order from a secure page. She said I could give her the details over the chat page of my credit card details, shipping address and all that gizmo. She said the chat was completely "secure" and "encrypted" and that it was as good as ordering from a regular secure page. Actually, she said it wassafer andmore secure because the text we exchanged was in"encrypted" format as many online order pages were not, although there's was. She also offered me a 15% discount on my final purchase if I did it this way as she was an onlinesales representative with the company. I guess this is how they make their commisions.
I was sceptical (giving out details like name, credit card number, address andetc) and declined her offer and said thanks, but I feel better going thru the regular ordering method.I lost the 15% discount but it didn't really bother me as I didn't want the head fugs if it was a credit cardscam of some sort. She never pushed me into changing my mind and said it was entirely up to me. I felt comfortable with that.After that I thought maybe doing it her way would have been the way to go, especially after she never pressured me into buying from her direct.
I have two questions. First, has anyone ever purchased an item thru this way in the past and what has your experience been like? Any problems or waseverything sweet?Second, what does the word "encrypted" mean? I never asked her because I was a bit freaked out about her popping up unexpectedly.
I guess I'm just trying to find out if her way would have been safe and the way to go.


Assistant Moderator
Infuzer: "What is The Fuzz? I've never heard the expression before?"

lol.. it is an old term Infuzer but I didnt think it was quite that old.
With most things, its likely that the term is somewhat older than we are led to believe.

The Fuzz = The Police. I'mcertain it originated in the USA and was in common usage in the 60s and 70s, at least it was used a lot on TV.... it conjures up images of the hip 70s TV cop show, 'the Mod Squad'.

According to TV, hippies called police 'the Fuzz' usually just before and after they reeked chaos on the world. It also helped to be black drug addict before you could say, 'The Fuzz'. Like I said, thats according to 'the Mod Squad' and other showsof the same ilk.
Johnsy: I have copied this from a site found on Google:

Dear Word Detective: Please, what is the origin of "fuzz" (in the sense of "police")?

That's a good question, but before we begin I have a question of my own. Where in the world are you hearing people refer to the police as "fuzz"? I know it's supposed to be perennial youth (or as we say in New York, "yout") slang for cops, but I have never heard a real person use it, unless you want to count Jack Webb on the old "Dragnet." When I was growing up in the 1960's, we called police officers many things, but mostly we just called them "cops" and we never, ever, called them "the fuzz." As a matter of fact, anybody calling the cops "the fuzz" would have been instantly suspected of being a cop. It would have been a faux pas right up there with ironing your blue jeans.

Then again, "fuzz" apparently was genuine slang among drug users and other underworld types in the 1930's, since it is listed in several glossaries of criminal slang compiled at that time. Unfortunately, no one, even back then, has ever been able to pin down exactly where "fuzz" came from. One hypothesis in American Tramp and Underworld Slang, published in 1931, was that "fuzz" was derived from "fuss," meaning that the cops were "fussy" or "hard to please." This theory seems a bit overly genteel.

Other theories aren't much better. Etymologist Eric Partridge ventured that "fuzz" might have been rooted in the beards of early police officers, or perhaps in the idea of "mold" as a derogatory metaphor for the police. Yet another theory was that "fuzz" arose as a slurred pronunciation of the warning "Feds!" (Federal narcotics agents). None of these theories seems very likely.

My own hunch is that "fuzz" arose as a term of contempt for police based on the use of "fuzz" or "fuzzy" in other items of derogatory criminal slang of the period. To be "fuzzy" was to be unmanly, incompetent and soft. How better to insult the police, after all, than to mock them as ineffectual?

- from: http://www.word-detective.com/052598.html <hr>


Assistant Moderator
"...explain chemotherapy to me please?"
Hi mate. Its a big question. I had it explained to once bya friend who is a survivor. She went through chemotherapy and believes that this was significant in her recovery. But she also changed her lifestyle - in particular, her diet. She was was also very determined. She defeated cancer and hated chemotherapybut she looks stunning now.

Chemotherapy as it was described to me is a therapy which relies on drugs to combat disease... most commonly it is used in reference to cancers.
The cancer chemotherapy attacks cancer cells with the intention of destroyng them.

But there are many different types of drugs and most people are concerned about side effects. The most visible being loss of hair but chemotherapy also means that the patient feels sick all the time and throws up a lot. Chemotherapy also attacks healthy cells as well... so my friend cant be wrong about keeping up a healthy lifestyle in addition to any treatment.

Unfortunately, people have different reactions to chemotherapy.. some good , some not so good. So, it really is a personal choice that has to be made made between the individual and family and friends and doctors.
sorry, i know it's off the subject, but i was wondering if anyone know's anything about the <u>speeding laws in nsw?????????</u>

I got done on tuesday for 35kms (i know i shouldn't have, but i was trying to get to a roosters function on time) over the speed limit,
and i am fully aware of the previous ONE MONTH SUSPENTION for this, i then rang the RTA to check my demirit points (cause i thought i had used them all up in a three year period..................and i have) :eek:
The rude bitch told me that the punishment is now THREE MONTHS LOSS OF LICENCE FOR THAT SPEED,
and also

I asked her if she was sure because I have never heard that one before, and she insisted that the laws were changed December 2002,
Well if thats true, i guess were all in for a rude shock,:eek: THREE MONTHS CANCELLED LICENCE FOR 96KMS IN A 60KM ZONE,:eek: what do you all think about that??????

I know that we all shouldn't really be speeding at all, but sometimes in life shit just happens, and we have too, I personally think that if what this looney from the rta said is correct, then they are in for alot of shit,:mad: cause no one I have ever known in my life has heard of such a thing, and believe me these are people were born with a led foot, way worse than me or my record!!!!!!!!!!!

help please



Speaking as someone who knows what its like when morons who decide to speed hit someone (even though the idiot who hit me was 'only' going 20k over the limit) I think 3 months is letting you off easy.
sorry i know it's a touchy subject and did not mean to offend anyone, and believe me i'm not proud of it, but hate to say it alot of people do speed and whats worse is alot of people drink and drive, and i promise you i will never have any part of that.

sorry if i offended you i wasn't desputing what happened or making excuses for myself just wanted to know if anyone had heard about that new law.........


35km/h is way too much but i don't see a problem with speeding 10km/h above the speed limit. Didn't the <span>Victorian </span>opposition leader propose this at their last election? You don't get fined for doing 10km/h over the limit?

When i'm in a hurry, i get pretty pissed off at those people who travel exactly on the limit and not 5-10 above it like everyone else. Sad but true.


look, when you see the big sign on the road that says 60,, thats what it means,60.
not 61 or 67. it means the limit (no faster than) is 60 kph.

as a responsible driver (never been snapped for speeding in 32 yrs) i think i am qualified to say

35 k over the limit,,, you should be in jail.
thats attempted manslaughter.....(oh i,m sooooo sorry,, i didnt see the little boy,your honour !) yea right.