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God shall not be mocked

Who believes in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 64.1%
  • No

    Votes: 33 35.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

The P Eel

I am such an idiot for coming back into this thread.:oops: Who will let me know how to get that time back....:BDH:


So true. Most Christians actually have almost ZERO understanding of their religion. It is why I stopped attending Church and chose to follow my own spiritual path.

Christ was a Jew.

Anyways, here's the deal NHF:

If Christ had the choice between having a beer with myself or yourself, he'd be sitting down with me, and he'd be doing it because you're a f**ktard and I'm a tops bloke.

Actually, if Christ did return he'd probably be spending his time raining hellfire down upon the earth. Trust me, you wouldn't be spared.

You are a clueless idiot who has absolutely zero understanding of the reality of Jesus Christ. In that respect you are a perfect Christian.

Your opinion means JACK SQUAT. Funnily enough, when this whole thing first started a decade ago I made sure to contact a few people who have a real understanding of Christianity and they assured me it was all sweet.

Take your blinkers and run off to Church, little boy.

Here he is, the man of the hour!

How are you my friend, you managed to judge me, swear at me, hate me and rubbish my belief in God all in one post! Great to meet you to mate.

Also, i am by no means little, i'll give you a tap on the shoulder at one of our home games next season and buy you a beer (if you want to accept) you will find that i am not an f tard, but a decent bloke who has his opinion on things, just as you do. :D

Peace bro.


Amen to that bro

Here he is, the man of the hour!

How are you my friend, you managed to judge me, swear at me, hate me and rubbish my belief in God all in one post! Great to meet you to mate.

Also, i am by no means little, i'll give you a tap on the shoulder at one of our home games next season and buy you a beer (if you want to accept) you will find that i am not an f tard, but a decent bloke who has his opinion on things, just as you do. :D

Peace bro.


Oh, let's not forget that "Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain" is no longer a Commandment and is therefore no longer blasphemous.

Remember how Christ said that there is now only one Commandment? And how basically his coming was the New Covenant which automatically made the Old Covenant no longer valid?

The sacrificial system was abolished, the final sacrifice was when Christ was nailed to the cross.

Jesus never said that the commandments were abolished, he reaffirmed them and actually took a microscope on most of them for eg - Thou shall not commit adultery, Jesus said " who ever lusts after a woman has commited adultery with her in his heart"

You can blaspheme all you like bro, as i have stated many times over, i stated an opinion and i have the choice to state my opinions as do you.


Brother, I have been here since 2004. So the only one on the Hayne train is you.

In terms of me trying to convince myself there is no god. If there is a god, May he strike me down right now. Wait, as I type this I am still here. I will wait a further 30 minutes in case god is still sleeping.

btw, be sure to tell me which god exists and which one doesn't or is it about fearing an imaginary friend no matter what his name is and what he/she looks like.

Angry...if you remember my first post I was joining just to try and stop the thread and talk footy instead - for example why not criticize the troll knocking the Eels (i.e "still waiting for the Hayne train") instead of turning on other fans. I would not have even have joined if not for the GrapeApe's Jesus "up the arse" post. So don't worry I will never reach your 5900 posts. Nice to see you are praying though. I hope my God doesn't take you seriously....

Take it easy man.


New covenant does not mean that it is a new covenant as such. You need to look at the original Greek language. Now new means new in quality not new as in completely new. What it means is that the old covenant is new in quality. The blood of jesus is better than the blood of the animals they used to sacrifice in the old testament times. Every time you sinned in the old testament, you had to sacrifice animals which cleansed your sin every time it was committed. However the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse your sins no matter how many times you commit it. Man is fallen because of Adam & Eve. But the new Adam & Eve is Jesus and his mum. Jesus is the lamb sacrificed by his father

So in conclusion, you need to read the original meaning of the Greek words which you cannot translate fully into the English language as you lose the true meaning of the bible as written in Greek in the new testament.

Oh, let's not forget that "Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain" is no longer a Commandment and is therefore no longer blasphemous.

Remember how Christ said that there is now only one Commandment? And how basically his coming was the New Covenant which automatically made the Old Covenant no longer valid?
You are illiterate.

How is this commercial if I didn't write this book?

You are quite obviously associated with a church of some sort: and quite passionately at that - if your posts are anything to go by.

For this reason, to reference a book by stating its name and authour would suffice.

We all know how to "Google" if we need to.

By giving cost, ordering details, and a phone number of where to purchase from distributors, is of course commercial, and I challenge you to justify otherwise.

And given my above statement about the (what I believe to be fair and benign) assumptions made about your belief structure and affiliation with some type of church, who is to say that your post is nothing but an "advertisement" promoting their product, for ultimately, their financial interest?

Again, name and authour would have been sufficient enough.

It is distasteful enough that you use a Rugby League forum to try and push your fringe beliefs on others.

The commercial aspect to it, was disgraceful.

I find it amusing you have labelled me "illiterate."

I am not quite there yet.

However, I reckon if I followed your recommended reading list, I might just get there yet!


Sorry dude, I meant no offence. I did not mean to refer to you as illiterate. Again, sorry if I offended you

I have deleted my post

You are quite obviously associated with a church of some sort: and quite passionately at that - if your posts are anything to go by.

For this reason, to reference a book by stating its name and authour would suffice.

We all know how to "Google" if we need to.

By giving cost, ordering details, and a phone number of where to purchase from distributors, is of course commercial, and I challenge you to justify otherwise.

And given my above statement about the what I believe to be fair and benign assumptions made about your belief structure and affiliation with some type of church, who is to say that your post is nothing but an "advertisement" promoting their product, for ultimately, their financial interest.

Again, name and authour would have been sufficient enough.

It is distasteful enough that you use a Rugby League forum to try and push your fringe beliefs on others.

The commercial aspect to it, was disgraceful.

I find it amusing you have labelled me "illiterate."

I am not quite there yet.

However, I reckon if I followed your recommended reading list, I might just get there yet!


To everyone I may have offended

I meant no offence. I'm by no means perfect. I have always been aggressive and it takes a while to change from being aggressive to being a better all round person.

Like most of us, I'm trying tofind the truth which I believe I have found.

Each person will find it in their time

Best Regards

The stiff
The sacrificial system was abolished, the final sacrifice was when Christ was nailed to the cross.

Jesus never said that the commandments were abolished, he reaffirmed them and actually took a microscope on most of them for eg - Thou shall not commit adultery, Jesus said " who ever lusts after a woman has commited adultery with her in his heart"

You can blaspheme all you like bro, as i have stated many times over, i stated an opinion and i have the choice to state my opinions as do you.

The whole point of Christ coming was to bring a New Covenant.

Remember when he was asked which Commandment was the most important and he said that there was now only one Commandment - Love thy neighbour as thy love thyself?

The whole point of Christ was to change the way people related to God and attained salvation. He was therefore the new Covenant and therefore did away with the old Covenant.

Which is wierd because he observed Passover. Then again, those contradictions are the very essence of Christianity, aren't they?

Here he is, the man of the hour!

How are you my friend, you managed to judge me, swear at me, hate me and rubbish my belief in God all in one post! Great to meet you to mate.

Also, i am by no means little, i'll give you a tap on the shoulder at one of our home games next season and buy you a beer (if you want to accept) you will find that i am not an f tard, but a decent bloke who has his opinion on things, just as you do. :D

Peace bro.

No problemo.

However, based on your comments in this thread you are absolutely ignorant of the true nature and intent of Christ. You can take that as offensive if you want but it wasn't meant to be. Don't worry, a helluva lot of people take my straight talking offensively because most people don't like the truth shattering their facade of security.

I will stand by my comments simply because of your earlier comments.

However, if you wanna have a beer and a theological discussion then, mate, that's right up my bloody alley. Would absolutely love to do it.
To everyone I may have offended

I meant no offence. I'm by no means perfect. I have always been aggressive and it takes a while to change from being aggressive to being a better all round person.

Like most of us, I'm trying tofind the truth which I believe I have found.

Each person will find it in their time

Best Regards

The stiff

Great post, stiffy.

84 Baby

Jesus, evil, where doe sit say that? You are quoting Jewish law.
What are the otyher reasons Polygamy is illegal.
So where did Leviticus claim authority from?
Other reasons polygamy are based around human safety (slavery) and medical (inbreeding)

84 Baby

that is the most ridiculously stupid thing i've ever heard

Christianity is a belief in god. Not a belief in a book that has been translated and translated over thousands of years like a school yard game of chinese whispers.

Its imbeciles like you who believe everything you read to the enth degree that make this world so non-accepting of minorities.

Im a hetrosexual male who is in a loving relationship with a hetrosexual female, does that make me LESS evil than a homosexual male/female??

I hope and pray that one of your children turns out to be gay. Then we will see if you open your petty little mind and realise you have lived sheltered, pathetic existence, or you disown your own child. That, if anything, is a sin and non-christian action

Give yourself an uppercut

(Never thought i'd be getting in religious debate on this forum!!)
You're the imbecile, how about you go back and read my previous posts that clearly state that these aren't my views but the views of the Bible and that I am not Christian and don't agree with these views. How about you give yourself an uppercut?

Ron Jeremy

I'm with you brother

There is a god and I believe it 100%

Einstein once said that god is a subtle god.

Nothing came by accident as the world is too perfect.

The sun is at the right distance from the earth.

We look good ie we don't have 5 heads and 12 legs

People who believe in the big bang theory cannot answer who or what created the molecules that created the big bang.

There is a god as the world is too perfect for it to be created by accident

Who created the gases that was part of the big bang.

We are too perfect to be an accident. We breath, we think, we love. What proof do you want you aethiests? I can go on and on but I don't feel like it

Best post on this thread. I share the exact same thoughts.

84 Baby

Glad I wasn't the only one to spot the irony there SC... maybe if 84 re-reads my post again, they might see they are illustrating the very point I was trying to make.

I'll say it again slowly... "Christianity is a broad church", meaning that there is no one "right" way of being a Christian. That's why there are upteen versions of Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Mormon, Lutheran, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons....) - anyone thinking their own versionof Christianity with it's own take on issues (such as whether homosexuality is a sin etc) is the "only correct way" is kind of missing the main points of it all imo.
Well there is only one Bible, if it is the universal law then yeah there is only one correct way. I was wrong to say maybe yours isn't the correct way, that's where the homosexuality argument comes in

84 Baby

Einstein once said that god is a subtle god.

Nothing came by accident as the world is too perfect.

The sun is at the right distance from the earth.

We look good ie we don't have 5 heads and 12 legs

People who believe in the big bang theory cannot answer who or what created the molecules that created the big bang.

There is a god as the world is too perfect for it to be created by accident

Who created the gases that was part of the big bang.

We are too perfect to be an accident. We breath, we think, we love. What proof do you want you aethiests? I can go on and on but I don't feel like it
Einstein's comment is taken out of context. Subtle is tongue in cheek for non existant. The rest is argument that because something seems impossible then it must be divine. Doesn't flow with me. Where did god come from?
The stupidity about us looking good because we don't have 5 heads or what not - what if we were created with 5 heads? Would you find everyone so hideous you would look yourself away?

84 Baby

One more thing as I won't make further comments as I'm a busy man is some people worship the sun and not the creator of the sun.

Also another thing. God did not make us as robots. He gave us free will. Accordingly he will not go against your free will. You can be negligent and cross the road without looking left or right and get hit by a car and die. You cant blame god for this, instead blame your negligence.

Wars are not caused by god but by humans. Again if you want war you got it. Don't blame god as he won't interfere with mans free will.

Otherwise, we as may be robots.

Whatever road you choose is up to you, not god as he won't force it.

Anyway one day you will grow old and sickly and on your deathbed crying like a baby 'oh I'm going to die" I want god. Where's my god?

I rest my case.
Wars/terrorism are waged in the name of gods? And clearly if he gave us free will, he wouldn't care if we didn't believe in him or used blasphemy. But only those who repent and have faith in the Lord go to heaven, everyone else goes to hell. Clearly that means he does want to control your free will

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