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Gower to be charged with assault

El Diablo

Post Whore
ozbash said:
seriously people need to take a deep breath and stop making wild assumptions and accusations.

bullsh*t, it was the panthers making the crap claims when this first came to light "we know better than the police"

the police have done nothing at this stage. apparently they haven't even said what the SMH is claiming.


El Diablo said:
the police have done nothing at this stage. apparently they haven't even said what the SMH is claiming.

who said that? the SMH ? :lol:

PENRITH co-captain Craig Gower will be charged with assault in relation to a nightclub fight in February, as the Panthers face their first home game of the season tonight against the Bulldogs.

To this dummy it looks like the coppers have decided gowies got a case to answer, usually they wont bother prosecuting if there is any doubt, they have better things to do.

Kings Cross police expect to issue Gower with a court attendance notice in the coming days, which means he will become the second Penrith player facing criminal charges. Frank Pritchard has been charged with affray in relation to a street brawl in Liverpool last month, and is due to face court on April 19.

If his name was 'Craig Latu' he would have been booted over 12 mths ago.
I,d put money on the Cross plods serving him with his summons, then we'll see how impartial the NRL is regarding these issues.

The SMH cant just go write some bullsh*t, theres got to be substance behind it otherwise they would be sued out of existence.


lol, no that was the aussie manager, muck watsin.

we now have a new zealander running the show (he blew the whistle on muck as a matter of fact) so credibility is at an all time high,,,, for us anyways.

i cant believe the nrl allowed penrith to do/say what they did and then let them get away with it...


First Grade
herbert henry1908 said:

He made a massive mistake , he shouldnt have had to pay with his career for this.

Why not? Any other person would.

herbert henry1908 said:
He paid a fine that would equal over 10% of his net income , if that isnt a big fine i dont know what is.

also $30k is one if the biggest fines in the history of Australian sport.

I'm sorry, I didn't know you were doing Craig's taxes. So tell me, seeing as you're so sure of his net income, what sort of investments is Craig dabbling in these days?


herbert henry1908 said:
so the panthers cut him and another club would pick him up in a second. this doesnt benefit anyone. We all know if the panthers had sacked gower he would have left for europe and earnt more money than he is now. Im sure that would have taught him a real lesson.

So be it. Any other person would have been sacked from their job and forced to seek other employment.

herbert henry1908 said:
He hasnt been charged yet.
I never said he had.

herbert henry1908 said:
from the sounds of what? are you privy to some info we arent ? have you seen the video? people can be charged with assault for simply pushing someone.

I'm privy to the same information you are. Police statements that he is looking a criminal charges. Did you miss that?

herbert henry1908 said:
Have you ever heard of a little premise of innocent till proven Guilty? FFS he hasnt even been charged yet and your calling for him to be sacked immediatley upon being charged!? thats a joke and you know it.
So just how many chances are you prepared to give him? Of course he should be sacked if charged. That's no joke and I think maybe you and Craig should start to understand the gravity of a criminal charge.

herbert henry1908 said:
arent Rugby League players entitled to a presumption of innoncence? should they not be part of our legal system?
You're clutching at straws here. From that statement it is obvious that you hold Rugby League players in a different regard legally to every other citizen.

herbert henry1908 said:
Not to mention Sacking him would be Prejudicial Towards his case and any appeal

Please see above.

herbert henry1908 said:
seriously people need to take a deep breath and stop making wild assumptions and accusations.

I've dealt with published fact. You're making assumptions and allegations that he would not receive a fair legal process were he to lose his employment for bringing ill-repute to his club and code.


A bloke should be allowed to go out with his woman and have a few drinks and a bit of a dance without being hassled by a a pissed idiot. Gower would not do it if he was on his own but he was pissed and knew he would be backed up by his mates..real tough fellow he is.
I wonder if he would mind me groping his missus when I have had a few..turn about is fair play right.

El Diablo

Post Whore
ozbash said:
who said that? the SMH ? :lol:

PENRITH co-captain Craig Gower will be charged with assault in relation to a nightclub fight in February, as the Panthers face their first home game of the season tonight against the Bulldogs.

To this dummy it looks like the coppers have decided gowies got a case to answer, usually they wont bother prosecuting if there is any doubt, they have better things to do.

Kings Cross police expect to issue Gower with a court attendance notice in the coming days, which means he will become the second Penrith player facing criminal charges. Frank Pritchard has been charged with affray in relation to a street brawl in Liverpool last month, and is due to face court on April 19.

If his name was 'Craig Latu' he would have been booted over 12 mths ago.
I,d put money on the Cross plods serving him with his summons, then we'll see how impartial the NRL is regarding these issues.

The SMH cant just go write some bullsh*t, theres got to be substance behind it otherwise they would be sued out of existence.


how long are the "coming days" ?

sloppy work SMH


Frank_Grimes said:
Why not? Any other person would.

So be it. Any other person would have been sacked from their job and forced to seek other employment.

Are you kidding??

If you get into a fight on the weekend at a pub and get charged over it, your employer has no legal grounds whatsoever to sack you. NONE.

If they tried, you could sue the arse out of them.


Danish said:
Are you kidding??

If you get into a fight on the weekend at a pub and get charged over it, your employer has no legal grounds whatsoever to sack you. NONE.

If they tried, you could sue the arse out of them.

Unless you're at a company with less than 100 employees. Or the employer declares it's for "operational reasons".

Then, they can sack you for whatever they feel like.


First Grade
Danish said:
Are you kidding??

If you get into a fight on the weekend at a pub and get charged over it, your employer has no legal grounds whatsoever to sack you. NONE.

If they tried, you could sue the arse out of them.

If you were employed under a contract that had specific performance clauses with regard to behaviour outside work hours they would have every right. Put it in perspective. These are special contracts asking a lot of these players, but they are well compensated.

El Diablo

Post Whore
ozbash said:
The SMH cant just go write some bullsh*t, theres got to be substance behind it otherwise they would be sued out of existence.

SMH said:
Kings Cross police expect to issue Gower with a court attendance notice in the coming days, which means he will become the second Penrith player facing criminal charges. Frank Pritchard has been charged with affray in relation to a street brawl in Liverpool last month, and is due to face court on April 19.

4 months and still nothing


El Diablo said:
4 months and still nothing

Actually there wass and I'm surprised no one picked up on it, people musn't read the SMH.

In last weeks SMH, Friday July 13, Sports section there was a story titled "Panthers hunt one of their own" by Glenn Jackson and Jamie Pandaram. The story was about Matt Adamson, then it mentioned Gower and then the Broncos.

"There has been some good news for Penrith, with Kings Cross police dropping an investigation into allegations Penrith captain Craig Gower assaulted a man at a nightclub earlier this year.

Bshar Hassen accused Gower of crash-tackling him at the Potts Point club Peppermint Lounge in the early hours of February 11. Police anticipated charging Gower with assault, but it is the Herald's understanding that key witnesses refused to talk and investigators were not confident of getting a conviction in court."


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