I don't get the hate for Brown.
He did his best to assert some authoritah on this punky lil 19 yr old kid.
You know, to teach him a bit of a lesson and give him a friendly but all-knowing clip to "welcome" him to first grade. From the big brave tough experienced player.
He tried his best 3 times, and the kid schooled his whiny arse every time.
Nek minnit, on the ground crying to mummy like a 9 yr old. 9 yr old girl, that is . . . . .
What's wrong with that ?
EDIT: . . . Oh hang on, I think I get it now.
Brown tried to bash this 19 yr old debutant to show him who's boss. He got handed his arse back to him 3 times by the teenager.
So he then resorted to being a cat and clutching at his neck just to get a penalty.
Then as soon as he does, he goes back into full tough-guy again to chase the kid.
Yes, Brown is a diving girl cat. Not even a boy cat. At least that would come with a little honour. And he has other diving girl cats just like him in his team.