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People are different lol, it’s called diversity for a reason. It isnt a negative unless you use the differences to subjugate. It’s about positive targeting to support feelings of inclusion from groups who may otherwise feel excluded.
I know that you don't realise this and that you probably won't understand this (no offence) but what you are describing isn't "diversity" it's tribalism, and tribalism is very much a double edged sword...
50 white Australian men in a room can be just as diverse in their backgrounds, history and outlook on life as a group made up of 50 different men from 50 different racial and ethnic groups in a room.
What you are arguing that we should do is recognise people as separate groups based on their race and ethnicity, instead of just treating everyone as individuals and as what we are/should be- one big group, one tribe- Australians, and doing so has always,
always ended badly given time, even when it starts from a place of good intentions.
The sport of RL and the business that is the NRL should stay as apolitical as possible and shouldn't be attempting to plan out or change the cultural or racial makeup of the sport either (which is another bad idea that's never worked), just be open to everyone who wants to pick up the sport.
Again there's nothing you can do to make somebody that isn't interested in the product interested, especially from outside of a defined group, so the NRL could print as many pictures of Indian fans, and have as many multicultural rounds, Bollywood appreciation rounds, or whatever that they want, if the individuals themselves ain't interested, they ain't interested...
Did you read the articles I posted earlier about the WWE? You should, then look up what is happening to Marvel comics (not Marvel Studios) and how they are tanking, there're other examples, but those alone should be sufficient to change your mind on this stuff pretty quickly.
We do it well in PI communities because they are naturally suited to play the game and have a history with it, but what about others who don’t have that history and link up? such as Indian and Asian communities where they may not players but enjoy watching the game?
Simply give it time, eventually Indian and Asian kids will filter through the system as they decide to pick the sport up simply cause at a young age their friends at school are playing the game and they want to play too.
There's no way that you can speed up that process or force it...
As I said earlier-
I mean do you really think that their was a concerted effort to appeal to say the Lebanese community, Italian community, the Aboriginal communities, etc, etc, by the game? Cause I can assure you that there wasn't, certain people from those groups picked it up over time and the sports popularity in those groups grew over time until it's where it's at now.
Having a $5 pack of veggie snags in the freezer isnt going to break the bank but more importantly Sanjeev not being ridiculed for asking for a veggie snag is even more Important.
Firstly I don't know which juniors clubs you are working with, but maintaining and storing a supply and variety of vegetarian and/or vegan food that is only appealing to a minuscule minority most of which will inevitably go to waste overtime is simply outside the reach of most juniors clubs.
And once you beak it down it's not just vegetarian food, if you are going to ague that you must cater to vegetarians to be inclusive then surely you must cater to
everyone otherwise you are excluding them also, that means that you'd have to have gluten free options, lactose free options, diabetic meal options, Halal, Kosher, etc, etc, etc, etc, anybody who comes along with a quirk in their diet would need to be catered for otherwise they'd be being excluded, and most juniors clubs simply can't afford that...
Now if we're talking about NRL clubs then that is a different matter, maybe they should be trying to cater to as many different dietary needs as possible (though to be fair most NRL clubs don't provide catering at their events, it's done by caterers that are contracted by the owners of the stadium), from a commercial point of view it probably makes a lot of sense for them to cater to some of the larger dietary groups, but that is a different argument all together.
BTW, earlier you said-
You don’t do it at the expense of anyone else but do need to have specific ideas about how you will reach a potential customer base that isn’t a traditional one.
By it's very nature to appeal directly to one group you must do it at the expense of another, for example if I start a marketing campaign directed at getting more Serbs through the door that is going to turn Croats away just by it's very nature... However if I just have a campaign that is open to all that are interested then that won't be a problem, I might not get as many Serbs through the door as I would have, but I'll definitely get more Croats through the door then I would have if I targeted Serbs lol, and if we unite under another banner as RL fans and not as Croats, Serbs, Australians, Indians, black, white, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist (though something tells me that your average Buddhist will never be interested in RL no matter what we do lol), whatever, then we can put aside our differences based on those divides and come together and learn to get along with each other based on our shared interests (which in this case is RL).
I use the example of Serbs and Croats cause this actually happened at one of the juniors clubs I was helping out years and years ago during the Yugoslav Wars in the 90s, two families joined the club, unbeknown too us one was a Serbian family and one a Croatian family, nor would we have recognised the problem or really cared if we did know before hand to be honest, their kids joined the club cause they each had friends at school who played on the team, and it was the mid 90s in Canberra lol, both kids joined the same team and all was fine for give or take a month, then the farther of one of the kids heard the other kids farther talking to his mother or whoever in Serbian/Croatian and as you can imagine things turned sour pretty quickly... I won't go into details but their was a relatively serious fight.
Anyway long story short, the club had to talk to them (I wasn't at any of the meetings but my brother was at some of them, there were at least 4-5), they wanted one of the kids to leave the team and but we couldn't do that cause their was only two teams in that age group and if we moved one of their kids to another team that year then their wouldn't be enough numbers to field the other team, so we would have had to swap one of them for a kid in the other team which as you can imagine that wasn't ideal, and they both wanted to other to move to the other team anyway cause both kids had friends on the team, so we convinced them to calm down and just trial coexisting on the same team for a while and we'd split them up next year, or if things didn't work out we'd find another solution, but that wasn't necessary, things were (extremely) tense for a while but after some time all calmed down and eventually the kids became friends, then the families became friends, and when we brought up the opportunity to split them up the next year they didn't want to, at that point I wouldn't say that they were friends (especially the fathers) just peacefully coexisting, but they did eventually become friends overtime as the kids were on the same team for a number of years before one of them left cause they went to a private school that didn't allow their students to play sport for anyone but them.
RL literally united Serbs and Croats during the Yugoslav Wars, we don't need to target anybody to have "diversity" we already have it and we're already getting more and more of it, and if we had been targeting Croats or Serbs it would never, ever, have happened.
So where is the problem? You're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.