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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks


Paul Bibby and Andrew Webster | August 25, 2008

Australian representative rugby league player Greg Bird is expected to appear in Sutherland Local Court today over an incident in which a woman was allegedly hit in the face with a glass, suffering a fractured eye socket and severe lascerations.
Police said last night the woman, 24, was allegedly hit during an argument at about 7.30am yesterday at a unit block on Boorima Place, where Bird's waterfront unit is located.
Bird has been charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm.
He was refused bail and will face Sutherland Local Court today.
Yesterday Bird and his rugby league club, Cronulla admitted an incident had occurred at his unit, but denied he had been there at the time.
"Following initial enquires, the club understands that an argument between two guests at Greg Bird's Cronulla unit has resulted in an injury to a friend," the club said in a statement.
Bird denied any involvement when contacted yesterday afternoon. "Nah mate, nothing going on at all," he told the Herald. "I haven't been at home all day. Enjoy your Sunday..."
The 24-year-old woman remains in Prince of Wales hospital where she will undergo surgery today.
Bird has also been issued a court attendance notice for common assault relating to an alleged incident involving a woman at a nightclub on Cronulla Street in Cronulla on January 19 this year.
The charges follows two unsavoury incidents involving Bird during the course of this season. Last weekend, he was involved in an altercation with a former cagefighter who had just assaulted his former team mate Nick Youngquest.
The playmaker was also briefly placed under arrest outside a nightclub in Brisbane's West End following the NSW State of Origin team's loss to Queensland on June 11.


Staff member
Well thats just great...If true he's got be deregistered, the media is gonna have a field day with this #-o

Hari Kari

Greg Bird's WAG Katie Milligan may lose eye after assault

POLICE last night were seeking to interview NRL star Greg Bird concerning an assault that left his young American girlfriend in hospital with severe lacerations to her left eye.
Katie Milligan, 24, underwent surgery in Sutherland Hospital late yesterday after she was attacked with a sharp object, possibly a glass, inside Bird's Cronulla apartment.
Bird has not been formally interviewed by police but it is believed he is protesting his innocence.
The alleged assault occurred some time about 7am (AEST) yesterday and Bird, also 24, drove Ms Milligan to Sutherland Hospital about 8.30am.
A bloody trail stretched from the front door of Bird's apartment, across a hallway, into an elevator, across the building's foyer and into the car park.
Doctors feared the lacerations to Ms Milligan's eye were so bad that she may lose the eye.
A Sutherland Hospital spokeswoman said last night that a 24-year-old woman was in a stable condition.
Due to her injuries police have yet to get a statement from Ms Milligan.
She had only been in Australia for two months and had been dating Bird for about that time, sources said.
The Cronulla Sharks hope to interview Bird this morning.
He was drinking in Surry Hills the night before, then met up with Ms Milligan and some of her visiting American female friends at the Golden Sheaf hotel at Double Bay.
Early the next morning, the group headed back to Bird's apartment, which he bought six months ago.
Officially, police would not confirm involvement by the Cronulla Sharks star and Australian Test and State of Origin player.
"Police are investigating an alleged altercation at a premises in Cronulla this morning which resulted in a woman sustaining an eye injury," a police statement said.
"Inquiries are continuing."
The Cronulla player had gone to ground yesterday. Neighbours at the beachfront Trade Winds apartments said they had not seen him, but it is understood police are keen to interview Bird as soon as possible.
Bird's white Bentley remained parked in the street outside.
A NSW Ambulance Service spokeswoman said the service had not been called out to the assault.
The Sharks claimed Bird had said he was not responsible.
"I understand he wasn't involved," Cronulla Sharks CEO Tony Zappia said.


miguel de cervantes

First Grade
I concur.

I totally agree also, but G Bird doesn't have the best behvioural record and these girls have gotta understand the emotional and physical risks of chasing young, famous, rich blokes who may be great on the footy field but perhaps aren't the greatest thinkers off it.

** ducks for cover **


Staff member


From mall rat to Kangaroo: the evolution of Greg Bird

May 7, 2008

The Sharks hard head has done plenty of growing up but will never lose his mongrel, writes Andrew Stevenson.

Greg Bird is emphatic when he says he didn't wake up one day and think, 'I'm making a goose of myself'. No, it didn't happen like that. Everyone else might have thought he was a mug lair and most people might think he's pulled his head in from where it was a couple of years ago. But there was no dramatic moment when a boy began to be a man.

"I had to learn to change my ways and I sort of did that all on my own," argues the man ready to fill Darren Lockyer's shoes for Friday night's Test against New Zealand at the SCG. "It's not that I actually sat down one day and thought to myself, 'I'm an idiot and I need to pull my head in'. I still do some pretty stupid things but I think it's just a maturing thing. It's more of a process than one single moment."

The process appears to have worked. He's captained his club side and made the step up to representative football look easy in the last year. First game at five-eighth for NSW? Man of the match. First game at five-eighth for Australia? Another gong. Lockyer goes down, cue Bird.

And no small bird, either. Bird carries nearly 20 kilograms more into the game than Lockyer, all packed on a stocky frame beneath a head that looks as it if has been hewn from a block of granite. Of his Test debut in the 58-0 drubbing of the Kiwis last October, Bird says: "I sort of had a pretty good game last year but it was one game and I didn't want to be known as a one-hit wonder. I can't wait to get out there and tear in."

It's a long way from being just another kid with potential, albeit with a heap of mongrel, who hung around shopping centres in his (ample) spare time. He made first grade and headlines with equal ease, with a lengthy suspension for kneeing an opponent helping earn him an unwanted rap as a cheap-shot merchant.

But first grade seemed to be about the best he could expect, unless he found another gear on the field and a way of controlling the fire within.

"I played the game pretty hard and I crossed the line a few times, but as you play more and more first grade you learn to play hard but stay on the right side of the law," he explains.

They key was not dousing the flame but building a sturdy frame to control it.

"I'd never have made it to this stage if I didn't have that fire in my belly. That's the type of player I am, that's the style of football I play. It was just learning how to control it, learning how to play with it - by the rules," he says.

"But, to be honest, I wouldn't change too much - that's the living and learning process. If I didn't go through that, I don't know whether I'd be here now."

In those days, Bird shared a house with another Cronulla firebrand, forward Paul Gallen - not that the maverick forward tried to knock any sense into the youngster. "He wouldn't listen to me," Gallen says. "If I'd tried to tell him, he would have done the opposite, I think. He's just grown up. [When] he moved in with me a couple of years ago and he was just a kid, he was going out, hanging out at the mall. He's just matured as a person and being more mature off the field has helped him on the field as well."

The other key event in his footballing life was the arrival of Australia coach Ricky Stuart at the Sharks. "I think you've got to be not just comfortable with playing first-grade football," Bird says. "I maybe fell into that trap a couple of years back. When Ricky came on board with the Sharks … he's taken my game to the next level and really changed my attitude.

"His intensity is probably a big part of it - that and his knowledge of the game; he's done just about everything in it. Someone who's done so much is always going to be able to tell you things to improve your game, things that can improve you as a person, on your attitude to life and to football."

Gallen has seen the same process at work from the outside. "I think Ricky Stuart has had a big hand in it," he says. "Ricky shows a lot of confidence and faith in him, and a lot of players need that. Birdy has certainly repaid him with his form on the field.".

The confidence was on show again this week. Bird made the Test side at lock but with the captain out he went to No.6 and no one questioned his elevation. "He'll be fine," Gallen says. "He's played two rep games at five-eighth and got man of the match both times. He doesn't let pressure get to him."
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Staff member


Katie Milligan flies into arms of Cronulla Sharks' Greg Bird

August 12, 2008 12:00am

WHILE it's au revoir to Sonny Bill Williams and his silent partner Genna Shaw, Confidential would like to send out an Aussie g'day to the latest WAG to play her cards right on the NRL scene.

Meet Katie Milligan, the Vegas babe who has captured the heart of Cronulla Sharks star Greg Bird.

Making her social debut with the NRL ace at the Wild Turkey Celebrity Challenge on Sunday, Milligan revealed she had just moved to Australia to be with the Origin hero - nine months after they met while he was on holiday in the US casino capital.

And Bird, who took his mum to last year's Dally M Awards, has bagged himself a babe with brains, with Milligan about to start studying law.


Staff member
then expect many jailbird headlines to follow.

surely this means the sharks will stand him down for the rest of the year at least.

Big Poppa Pump

We've all said it before - he is an "A" class grub.

If it is proven true let's hope he's rubbed out of the game for good.

I wonder how the Sharks fans will defend this?

Big Poppa Pump


NRL star Greg Bird was last night charged for allegedly glassing his American girlfriend in the face.

Katie Milligan, 24, will undergo surgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital today for "glass wounds" to the eye and is also suffering a fractured eye socket.

Police allege the incident took place at Bird's Cronulla unit about 7.30am (AEST) yesterday.

The Cronulla Sharks and State of Origin player walked into Miranda police station just after 8.30pm last night to be interviewed by police.

After more than two hours talking to detectives, the 24-year-old was charged and refused police bail.

He will appear in Sutherland Local Court this morning to face a charge of maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm. Police also gave Bird a summons to attend court in respect of an alleged attack on a 20-year-old woman at a Cronulla nightclub on January 19.

Ms Milligan was transferred from Sutherland Hospital to Prince of Wales Hospital yesterday after she was allegedly attacked with a sharp object, possibly a drinking glass, while at Bird's apartment in Boorima Place, Cronulla.

Bird drove Ms Milligan to hospital about 8.30am.

A trail of blood stretched from the front door of Bird's apartment, across a hallway, into an lift, across the building's foyer and out into the car park.

Doctors feared the lacerations to Ms Milligan's eye were so bad she may lose it.

A hospital spokeswoman said last night that a 24-year-old woman was in a stable condition.

Due to her injuries police have yet to get a statement from Ms Milligan.
She had only been in Australia for two months and had been dating Bird for that time, sources told The Daily Telegraph.

The Cronulla Sharks club had hoped to interview Bird this morning and claimed Bird told them yesterday, before his arrest, he was not responsible.

"I understand he wasn't involved," Cronulla Sharks CEO Tony Zappia said.

"We have only made initial inquiries and Greg has been too concerned about the girl and said he will come and see me first thing in the morning to tell me more."

allegedly Glassing a woman. What a low dog act by a pathetic scumbag pisshead.
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We've all said it before - he is an "A" class grub.

If it is true let's hope he's rubbed out of the game for good.

I wonder how the Sharks fans will defend this?

The sharks fans will say that he should go, and hope the girl keeps the eye. Furthermore wonder why the media is just basing the attention around Bird, without really detailing the American girls health condition.

So, "Big Poppa Pump" as a Cronulla supporter we would be just as spewing as anyone else, if not more so,anyway though how did u like the "pumping" we gave you on Friday! :crazy: , cheers for the low blow you tossa


This scum should be kicked out of the NRL for good if these allegations are proven - I have a feeling that's exactly what will occur (being kicked out for good).

Nice for Sharkies fans with a finals campaign looming.


Post Whore
I hope this isn't an issue that becomes league fan fighting with other league fans about. The media is going to have a field day with this one, no one should take cheap shots at scummer fans for this one, there will be plenty of others lining up to have a go.