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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks

Genius Freak

Read the article closely, Gambler. He hasn't been sacked.

Kent is trying to fire up the blood. Bloody close to libel if you ask me.

Genius Freak

no, you misunderstood my point

if she declines to press charges or make a statement, then everything they have is circumstantial

how would they convict without her statement

imo, he is guilty, but thats not the point im debating here

i am attempting to look at this from a legal perspective - and the law sometimes works in mysterious ways, which it has to when protecting the innocent in other cases

imo, i think she will refrain from providing a statement which will cease any further action being taken against him

Agree totally Spide. If I was Crown prosecutor I'd be thinking my case looked pretty shaky atm. If nothing happens, let the boy play. Yes the sledges will be bad, but the Bulldogs got over it.


So please,please,please explain to me HOW does someone get hit in the face with a glass on accident?
And with enough force to fracture an eye socket?
Im curious as to how this can happen...

The Gambler

Read the article closely, Gambler. He hasn't been sacked.

Kent is trying to fire up the blood. Bloody close to libel if you ask me.
I realise that. But it seems like it is only a matter of time.

But your right, they probably wont sack him as such until after it is all sorted.

Genius Freak

She may not have been hit with the glass, she may have tripped and fallen on it.

The glass may have been on the bed, she may have been drunk and not seen it, dove on the bed and landed on it face first.

The glass may have been accidentally dropped onto the victim by Bird/anyone who was drunk at the time, and perhaps too drunk to hold his glass properly. (This would be a tragic accident, but not worthy of charges.)

She may have been drunk/high and accidentally done it to herself.

That's four possible explanations right there. You can believe any or none of them. I'm just saying anything is possible and no one knows.


So please,please,please explain to me HOW does someone get hit in the face with a glass on accident?
And with enough force to fracture an eye socket?
Im curious as to how this can happen...
i have witnessed a person smash themself in the head with a bottle while intoxicated

i have seen another person bite a schooner glass and chew on the borken piece

so why couldn't someone smash themself and it go wrong, or maybe a struggle starts when one person attempts to go another with a glass, etc

there are many possibilities, but none i believe to be the case in this scenario - to which again i state is "not my point here"

there are many weird and colourful people in the world

...but thats irrelevant as you still cant comprehend, or choose not to comprehend the point i was making

its ok, your avoidance is noted


i have witnessed a person smash themself in the head with a bottle while intoxicated

i have seen another person bite a schooner glass and chew on the borken piece

so why couldn't someone smash themself and it go wrong, or maybe a struggle starts when one person attempts to go another with a glass, etc

there are many possibilities, but none i believe to be the case in this scenario - to which again i state is "not my point here"

there are many weird and colourful people in the world

...but thats irrelevant as you still cant comprehend, or choose not to comprehend the point i was making

its ok, your avoidance is noted
Who gives a flying f**k what you note..youve avoided my valid question until now..and your attitude as a moderator is noted.


I would say that there is enough evidence of assault and attempting to pervert the course of justice, along with the substantial public outcry, that this will be prosecuted regardless of what the GF says. Then again, now that her parents are here to support her she may decide to just fess up.
Just a legal question: would a succesful criminal prosecution assist any civil action for damages?


Who gives a flying f**k what you note..youve avoided my valid question until now..and your attitude as a moderator is noted.
lol - grab a tissue sweety, all will be ok - dont get upset now

i said numerous times, imo i think he is guilty - but MY POINT was, how will they prove it (him attacking her with a glass) if she does not testify or make a statement

surely your not that silly...


Kent's article is just an opinion piece, nowhere near libel. He's just giving the opinion in the headline that Bird won't play for the sharks again, due to public anger following the charges.

The Sharks have done the right thing, standing him down from playing/participating with the club until his day in court, 8 October. They can't do any more, because being changed itself is not breaching any clause of the contract, I'd presume.

The comparison people are making to action on Carney is irrelvant, as Carney had form and the club had insisted on specific conditions. Carney would not abide by those conditions so was sacked by the club, and the NRL took steps to ensure he couldn't just bob up with another club the week after and not take responsibility for his actions, and hence backing the club's stance in that situation.

Bird cannot walk to another club at present. Sharks are holding his future in the balance, as rightly they should. The comparison to how the Sharks handled Latu is also not quite a similar situation. As I understand it, Latu had admitted to the club he was in the wrong over the incident when he was charged, and had previous form so the club and NRL took action immediately.

Bird seems to be "trying to sort this sh*t out" so one can presume he has not admitted to the club he was in the wrong regarding the incident he has been charged with, and so the club and league have to wait until the court case before taking further action other than standing him down for 2008, and the further action then determines his future from 2009.

But he won't be picked for Australia in the World Cup this year regardless, I reckon you can bank on that!


But if something comes out earlier, denials from Katie, a refusal to press charges, and a lack of evidence it may not get that far. He may be able to play sooner.
He's been charged, on the face of the evidence before the police at present. The court date is October 8. And the Sharks have stood him down indefinitely. He won't be playing before then. Simple.


They will have enough evidence for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and as such he should be gone. Fingers crossed Gavin Orr gets removed from the game to


i have witnessed a person smash themself in the head with a bottle while intoxicated

i have seen another person bite a schooner glass and chew on the borken piece

so why couldn't someone smash themself and it go wrong, or maybe a struggle starts when one person attempts to go another with a glass, etc

there are many possibilities, but none i believe to be the case in this scenario - to which again i state is "not my point here"

there are many weird and colourful people in the world

...but thats irrelevant as you still cant comprehend, or choose not to comprehend the point i was making

its ok, your avoidance is noted

It's a very valid point you make. I've seen crazy people on the booze do similar things...including women, so it's not impossible that her injury arised out of something that was partially self-inflicted.

I think it unlikely, but it is possible.

However, the attempt to convince the mate to take the rap is likely to be perverting the course of justice, regardless.

If it really was an accident following a tussle, or self-inflicted, why not say that from the start rather than getting someone else to take the heat?

Perhaps they were too p*ssed to think straight. Or perhaps Bird really is woman bashing scum...

Ultimately it's probably best to keep something of an open mind at the moment.


He's been charged, on the face of the evidence before the police at present. The court date is October 8. And the Sharks have stood him down indefinitely. He won't be playing before then. Simple.

If the charges are dropped before then however, he may be free to play.


Even if it was an accident - which clearly it was not - Bird and Orr have done nothing to help the situation. She hasn't said it was an accident - the only comment she has made has said it was Bird's mates fault. So if the story changes she has lied to the police and will only look even worse for Bird.

My main issue at the moment is even now why does Bird (and Orr) think they can still talk their way out of this? How does Orr think that visiting the victim while he is a paid representative of Bird is not breaching his AVO? Are they seriously that clueless? Or do they think that his position in life allows them to get away with what ever they want?

They both should be rubbed out of the game - if not for the crime for bringing the game in to disrepute.

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