Millers, you dont listen very well do you. Obviously dont read very well either. Because if you want to go back over the pages you would see the following. Yes, I was WRONG about the outcome of the assault. BUT there is no way I or anyone else could have known what sort of defence his team was going to make. I expected Birds team to be cross examining the witnesses about what they saw/heard etc.
Bird was convicted on a circumstancial case, which doesnt happen very often. Not having a victim testimony or any direct witnesses are pretty big holes in a case. I did think Bird would beat the assault wrap. BUT I did not want him to. Big difference! Ive never said he was innocent. I knew he was guilty from day one and he got what he deserved. Are we clear now Millers!!
As for his defence IMO Birds team fugged up. They had two choices. Firstly, fully cooperate, make full admissions, plead guilty, get a discount, possibly try and use alcohol/psychological state as mitigating factors. Or secondly, fight it all the way, argue and cross examine everything in the prosecution case. But they rolled the dice and did neither of these things and now Bird is looking at a good stint in the slammer. Why do you think Bird and his team have all been so shocked at the outcome and sentence? Good lawyers know whats going to happen, hence the reason why they offer plea deals to try and get something better for their clients. I guarantee you had they taken the first option Bird wouldnt be in the position he is in now. Might even still have a contract with the sharks.
As for any other comment/insight/criticisms I made on the processes, police, court etc. Again as Ive said I made this based on occupational experience. Something Millers, you have nothing of. Your go, is to just criticise others without actually offering anything yourself.
As for Dave Q, he may seem a little eratic at times (no offence Dave) but he is actually quite accurate with his general comments about the legal processes.